If you work for another state agency and currently participate in SERS Tier I, Tier II, Tier IIA, or Tier III, Tier IV, SERS Hybrid Plan, ARP or TRS, you are not entitled to change retirement plan participation as a result of accepting supplemental employment and must remain in the retirement plan to which you were assigned at the time of commencing any dual employment.
Employees with full-time positions during which they are members of the TRS who are dually employed in a part-time position not includable in TRS are ineligible for retirement plan membership during such part-time service.
Employees with full-time positions during which they are members of the ARP or SERS Hybrid Plan who are dually employed in a part-time position not eligible for ARP or SERS Hybrid Plan membership are ineligible for retirement plan membership during such part-time service.
State Judges who accept part-time positions with a state college or university are not eligible to participate in a retirement plan during this secondary, part-time employment.
Please see your agency’s Human Resources Officer to complete a Form CO-931h, “Designation of Retirement System-Tier-Plan-Beneficiary for Higher Education Employment Only”.