FAQ: Retirement > Probate > Retiree

Retirement > Probate > Retiree > Contact Information

35. Why can’t you give specific information to me over the phone when I ask questions about my benefit?

The Retirement Payroll Unit has an obligation to protect the confidential records of its retirees. Benefit information cannot be released over the phone since there is no way to confirm an individual’s identity over the phone. The Retirement Payroll Unit will forward information, including dollar amounts, in writing to the member or their designated representative. The written information is mailed to the address the Retirement Payroll Unit has on file for the member unless the member has instructed the Retirement Payroll Unit to forward the information in writing to a third party. The Retirement Payroll Unit cannot fax the information or mail it to another address unless the Retirement Payroll Unit receives written authorization with the member’s signature.