Comptroller Sean Scanlon Announces Appointment Of Dr. Gary Rhule To Lead Hartford Flood Compensation Program
Dr. Rhule will work with the Office of the State Comptroller to oversee the $5-million assistance program for Hartford residents impacted by flooding
(HARTFORD, CT) – Comptroller Sean Scanlon today announced that Governor Lamont has formally appointed Dr. Gary Rhule to serve as administrator for the Hartford Flood Compensation Program. Dr. Rhule has a long career serving the residents of Hartford in numerous capacities.
The creation of the Hartford Flood Compensation Program was established through the adoption of the Governor’s 2024-2025 biennium budget. The $5-million pilot program will be overseen by the Office of the State Comptroller, administered by Dr. Rhule and charged with providing compensation to eligible owners of real property in the city of Hartford who experienced damage caused by flooding on or after January 1, 2021.
“This state fund we are creating is going to provide financial assistance directly to property owners in Hartford who have experienced frequent flooding that has caused significant damage to their homes and businesses. These flooding issues have been impacting residents in Hartford for far too long, and action addressing this problem is long overdue,” said Governor Ned Lamont. “Dr. Rhule was raised in the North End, where many of these flooding problems have occurred, and he is intimately familiar with the needs of the neighborhood’s residents. I appreciate him for agreeing to oversee the launch of this grant program on behalf of the state.”
“Dr. Rhule has spent his whole life working to improve the lives of others, and his dedication to Hartford is clear. I look forward to collaborating with him on this initiative,” said Comptroller Sean Scanlon. “Work is already underway to get this program up-and-running to provide much-needed relief to Hartford residents adversely impacted by floods.”
“This project is a testament to the commitment of Governor Lamont, the administration, and the Hartford Delegation to address environmental justice and health equity concerns for the residents of Hartford impacted by property damage as a result of the storms of 2021,” said Dr. Gary Rhule. “I am honored to serve the residents of Hartford in this capacity and to represent their interests as they seek compensation for damages incurred. I look forward to working with the residents of Hartford and the Lamont administration to ensure successful execution of the program.”
Dr. Rhule is a healthcare management consultant, public health practitioner, and published author. A graduate of the University of Rochester Medical School, Dr. Rhule grew up in Hartford’s North End after moving to the United States from Jamaica at 14. He has previously served as the medical director at the Charter Oak Health Center in Hartford as well as the director of health and human services for the City of Hartford. Early on in his medical career, he was an emergency room doctor at St. Francis Hospital. Dr. Rhule also has a master’s degree in public health from Johns Hopkins University, and an MBA in finance and healthcare management from the Wharton School of Business, University of Pennsylvania.
Hartford Mayor Luke Bronin said, “Dr. Gary Rhule is deeply committed to the Hartford community and has extensive experience, including as our city’s Health Director, and I commend the Governor on his appointment. I appreciate both the Governor and the Comptroller for moving quickly to fill this important position so that these funds can get out the door as soon as possible to those affected by the recent floods.”
State Senator Doug McCrory (D-Hartford) said, “A huge congratulations is in order for Dr. Rhule as he accepts a new role as Hartford’s Flood Program Administrator. His impressive background in education and successful career proves he is the right person for the job. I have faith he will make our community proud with the work he will produce. Growing up in Hartford’s North End, he has seen the lack of funding and inequities that take place. As he steps into this new career in Hartford, I know he can be another advocate with helping our beautiful city of Hartford.”
House Speaker Matt Ritter (D-Hartford) said, “I am glad that Dr. Rhule has agreed to take on this critical role. He knows Hartford and he knows how important this fund is to hundreds of homeowners, businesses and renters who have experienced damage to their homes.”
State Representative Joshua Hall (D-Hartford) said, “Dr. Rhule has a history of commitment to the Hartford Community. His strong ties will allow him the opportunity to best serve north-end residents. As state representative for the 7th District which includes the North End of Hartford, I have complete faith that Dr. Rhule will lead this effort with integrity, transparency, and accountability.”
The fund is part of a series of funding initiatives to address the complex challenges related to climate change and flooding that has impacted Hartford residents.
A subsequent announcement will be made when the application is publicly available. Hartford residents interested in receiving updates can sign up and find the latest information at osc.ct.gov/HartfordFlood.
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