Session YearTestimonyTitle / Bill Number2025Written TestimonySB 740: An Act Establishing A Refundable Child Tax CreditandHB 5968: An Act Establishing A Refundable Child Tax Credit Against The Personal Income Tax2025Written TestimonyHB 6913: An Act Concerning LGBTQ+ Discrimination In Long-Term Care Facilities2025Written TestimonyHB 7022: An Act Promoting Equity In Medicaid Coverage For Fertility Health Care2025Written TestimonyHB 6937: An Act Concerning Medicaid Coverage For Medically Necessary Children’s Diapers2025Written TestimonyS.B. No. 1239: An Act Concerning A Fallen Officer And Firefighter Fund And Providing Health Insurance Coverage To Survivors Of A Firefighter Killed In The Line Of Duty2025Written TestimonySB 1487: An Act Concerning Transportation Network Companies and Third-Party Delivery CompaniesandSB 1488: An Act Authorizing the Comptroller to Withhold Payment for Violations of the Prevailing Wage Statutes2025Written TestimonySB 1450: An Act Concerning Recruitment and Retention of the Health Care Workforce2025Written TestimonySB 10: An Act Concerning Health Insurance and Patient Protection2025Written TestimonyState Comptroller and Miscellaneous Accounts Budget Presentation to the Appropriations Committee2025Written TestimonyHB 7214: An Act Concerning Maternal Health2025Written TestimonyHB 7010: An Act Concerning Paraeducators2025Written TestimonyHB 6930: An Act Concerning the Social Equity Council’s Recommendations Regarding Social Equity Plans, Strategic Planning, Ethics, License Renewal Fees and Financial Assistance Applications2025Written TestimonyHB 6870: An Act Addressing Patients’ Prescription Drug Costs2025Written TestimonyHB 5003: An Act Concerning the Early Childhood Care and Education Fund2025Written TestimonySB 1250: An Act Implementing The Governor’s Budget Recommendations For Higher Education2025Written TestimonyHB 6951: An Act Concerning Children’s Behavioral Health Services2025Written TestimonyHB 6975: An Act Requiring A Biennial Study Of Payment Parity For Services Under Certain Individual And Group Health Insurance Policies In The State And The Husky Health Program Session YearTestimonyTitle / Bill Number2024Written TestimonyHB 5378: An Act Concerning Health Insurance Coverage for the Diagnosis and Treatment of Infertility 2024Written TestimonySB 36: An Act Establishing A Refundable Child Tax CreditandHB 5113: An Act Increasing The Highest Marginal Rate Of The Personal Income Tax And Establishing A Capital Gains Surcharge To Provide Funding For Certain Child-Related, Municipal And Higher Education Initiatives2024Written TestimonySB341: An Act Establishing A Fallen Officer Fund2024Written TestimonyHB5054: An Act Addressing Health Care Affordability2024Written TestimonyHB5198: An Act Concerning Telehealth2024Written TestimonyHB5322: An Act Concerning The Distribution Of Educational Materials Regarding Intimate Partner Violence Toward Pregnant And Postpartum Patients2024Written TestimonyHB5368: An Act Concerning Medicaid Coverage For Diapers2024Written TestimonyHB5375: An Act Requiring The Comptroller To Conduct A Study Of Health Insurance Coverage For Retired Police Officers2024Written TestimonyHB5459: An Act Increasing Rates Of Medicaid Reimbursement Rates For Certain Providers2024Written TestimonyHB5001: An Act Supporting Connecticut Seniors And The Improvement Of Nursing And Home- Based Care2024Written TestimonyState Comptroller and Miscellaneous Accounts Budget Presentation to the Appropriations Committee2024Written TestimonySB402: An Act Concerning Mental Health Parity2024Written TestimonySB7: An Act Concerning Connecticut Paid Sick Days2024Written TestimonySB2: An Act Concerning Artificial Intelligence2024Written TestimonySB414: An Act Concerning Equity In State Employment Session YearTestimonyTitle / Bill Number2023Written TestimonySB1017: An Act Establishing A Task Force On The Shortage Of Firefighters And Emergency Medical Services Personnel In The State2023Written TestimonyVideoSB 771: An Act Establishing a Refundable Child Tax Credit Testimony Archives