Vendors are required to provide information as described in this RFP Attachment in the following format.
One signed original and seven (7) copies of the proposal must be provided.
Instructions regarding proposal format and preparation are provided below.
The Technical Approach must contain all specific technical details of the proposed software package and describe how it will be implemented. In addition, the Technical Approach must clearly describe how the proposed software package responds to all Requirements.
6.1 Worksheets
In responding to the questionnaires contained in this RFP, vendors are requested to first state the question and then present the response.
Please be as definitive as possible. In the case of yes/no questions, add any appropriate comments which will assist the State in determining the capabilities of the proposed System. Respond "none" or "Not applicable/Not available (N/A)" as appropriate, in accordance with Section 2.1.12 of this RFP.
If applicable, provide a separate, clearly identified response sheet addendum for each unique System configuration being proposed.
6.2 Requirements
Main topic mandatory requirements are explicitly stated in Section 1.4 Mandatory Requirements and Section 1.5 Technical Infrastructure. Vendors must respond affirmatively to these mandatory requirements, indicating whether their system or service meets or exceeds the stated requirements. Vendors who can not respond affirmatively to all items in the Section 1.4 Mandatory Requirements and to the Section 1.5 Technical Requirements should not submit a proposal to the State in response to this RFP. Vendors are requested to state the requirement and then present the response.
The vendor should take special care to ascertain that the proposal fully complies with all of the terms and conditions of the RFP. The vendor must describe all components of each item proposed, and must take special care to identify all hardware, software, firmware and services necessary for the complete integration to the fully functional proposed System.
Each section must start with a statement clearly describing the proposed item (Brand, model, service. etc.) and why the vendor has chosen it is as a solution.
The vendor will follow the subsection outline in describing all components of the item. List any additional components not specified herein which are necessary for the item to be fully functional in the vendor proposed System environment. All the cost to the State for each component, as appropriate, must be listed with its description. Responses to other requirements should be included in Section 5, Technical Approach.
Qualifications must contain a detailed description of the proposing firm and subcontractors (if applicable).
7.1 Firm Description
Proposers must provide historical, financial, sales, and organizational information and, if applicable, similar information for proposed subcontractors:
Size and Organization. A brief summary and organization chart of the company should be included. If the company is a subsidiary of another company, the corporate organizational chart must be provided along with addresses for each entity.
7.1.1 Financial Status.
Sales in dollars for the three most recent years must be given, along with a financial statement for the last fiscal year.
Include the latest financial audit, profit and loss statement, cash in hand, outstanding billables and pending legal actions,
Vendors must also provide financial statements attributable to the sale of systems of similar size and scope, either produced or integrated over the three most recent years.
7.2 Experience
Proposers must list the major systems, of similar size and scope as is proposed, installed to date and briefly describe the most relevant project(s). Details of other relevant System experience which would be valuable in the completion of this project may be provided. If applicable, provide relevant experience and qualifications for all proposed subcontractors.
7.3 References
7.3.1 Qualified proposers may be required to provide a demonstration of installed systems. Such systems must be fully operational and similar in scope, function, and complexity to the applications described in this RFP. At a minimum the demonstration must show the vendor's ability to meet System requirements, as well as the performance characteristics for the individual components described in this RFP.
7.3.2 Proposers must provide at least three (3) references from three unrelated projects. The systems installed at the reference sites must be comparable to that being proposed for the State.
Proposers must provide the following information for each reference:
7.3.3 Proposers must also provide two or more maintenance service references. The maintenance service provided at the reference sites must be comparable to that being proposed for the State.
7.3.4 Proposers must provide the following information for each maintenance service reference:
The same references may be provided for users of proposed System equipment and for services. However, the system/equipment users reference must be oriented towards equipment functionality and reliability, whereas the service users reference will address responsiveness to service calls.
Vendors must provide the following unit and extended costs for proposed software and firmware:
Vendors must provide the costs for all proposed implementation and conversion services.
A Five Year Summary Pricing Sheet (Attachment 3) must be provided.
For purposes of evaluation, a five-year life cycle cost must be computed, i.e., costs to acquire and maintain equipment for five years. The following elements comprise the five-year life cycle cost:
8.2 Other System Cost Considerations
8.2.1 Price Protection Period
Describe any price protection applicable to product service/maintenance payments during
the periods cited in the above System cost worksheets.
8.2.2 Applicable Discounts
Specify the basis and extent of any applicable product discounts (e.g., government, educational, multiple System installations) that may be available to the State but are not already reflected in your System cost worksheets. If your cost offerings already reflects any discounts, specify the type and percent of the discount(s) reflected.
The State reserves the right to make additions or reductions in awards as a result of this RFP. Indicate your agreement to maintain the same discount rate as proposed.
8.2.3 Required Supply Costs
State the source, reusability, and unit cost of any supplies needed for use of any proposed product.
8.2.4 Summary of one-time Costs
Vendors must provide a summary of all applicable one-time costs, exclusive of site preparation, in the format as shown in Attachment 3 labeled "Other itemized costs".
Vendors should state their unequivocal acceptance to the Information Processing Systems Master Software License Agreement (Attachment 5) and/or respond in accordance with Section 3.5 Implement Necessary Agreements.
Additionally, vendors should prepare a Product Schedule (reference the sample provided at the end of attachment 5). Such prepared Product Schedule must be in agreement with the products and services offered within your proposal and consistent with all cost tables.