State of Connecticut - The Comptroller's Report: Connecticut's Economic Health - January 2002 - General Fund Revenues from fiscal year 1996 through 2001 in millions of dollars

State of Connecticut

The Comptroller's Report Nancy Wyman - State Comptroller

Trends in Long-Term Debt
Millions of Dollars
Category FY 97 FY 98 FY 99 FY 00 FY 01
Bonds $9,229 $9,299 $9,355 $9,752 $10,255
Pension Liabilities $6,597 $6,761 $7,242 $7,623 $6,566
Workers' Compensation $283 $279 $280 $284 $326
Compensated Absences $260 $264 $275 $294 $309
Capital Leases $49 $48 $52 $49 $64
TOTAL  $16,418 $16,651 $17,204 $18,002 $17,520

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