State of Connecticut Health Care Cost Containment Committee Meeting Minutes August 6, 2012
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Healthcare Cost Containment Committee Meeting Minutes
Monday, August 6, 2012

I. Call to Order

The meeting was called to order by Dr. Thomas Woodruff.

II. New Business

1.Dashboard: Dave Williams of Milliman presented a high-level review of costs, claims, expenses, trend analyses, key service category metrics (both pre-and post-Health Enhancement Program), and emergency room utilization.  Carriers will be asked to review ER utilization and to conduct outreach to members who may be accessing emergency care inappropriately.  Overall, financials are similar to last month?s report and in line with budgetary expectations for FY 2013. 
2. Financial Analysis: Rae-Ellen Roy presented the budget review as of July 15, 2012, and echoed Dave?s message that the zero rate increase for premiums appears successful and we are on track to end the year positively. 
3. Partnership Plan: Dr. Woodruff reviewed current and potential for enrolling municipal groups with coverage start dates this fall.  Josh Wojcik described ongoing and future planned community outreach efforts to promote the Partnership Plan with municipalities, boards of education, associations and brokers.
4. Compliance Update: Olivia Roman provided an update on the recent Health Enhancement Program mail effort and results thus far.      
5. Dependent Audit: Peggy Haering shared preliminary results of efforts to verify dependent eligibility and advised that staff will be undertaking an analysis of publicly available information to ensure that members are only enrolling eligible individuals in the plan.  Those results will be shared at a future meeting.
6. Reimbursement and Vision Co-pay Update: Linda Yelmini announced that an agreement between management and labor has been reached.  Once the agreement is fully executed, updates and applicable instructions will be communicated to members and the health carriers.

III. Old Business

1. HEP Chronic Bonus Payment: Discussion surrounded how best to analyze bonus payment eligibility, specifically HEP participants with Hyperlipidemia and Hypertension.  Payments are targeted for distribution with the September 20, 2012 paycheck. 
2. Hartford Hospital: Tom shared that he has reached out to hospital stakeholders in an effort to mitigate potential impacts to State of CT employees and retirees while negotiations are underway with United Healthcare.  Both have agreed to continue payment at in-network rates in the interim. 

IV. Vox Populi

V. Adjournment

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