Request For Proposals - Core-CT, Connecticut's Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Initiative

State of Connecticut

Request for Proposals
Core-CT - Connecticut's ERP Initiative

A. Overview

The Governor and Comptroller of Connecticut have launched a project to replace the State's core financial and administrative systems with a public sector version of an off-the-shelf enterprise resource planning (ERP) software package. Today, there are a number of separate systems that perform these core functions, which include accounting, accounts payable, purchasing, payroll, time and attendance, and personnel administration. The computer systems supporting these core business functions are technologically out-of-date, have limitations in their capabilities, and are not integrated. Additionally, there are many redundant agency-level systems that are not compatible with the core systems. The State intends to move aggressively to replace the current aggregation of systems with an integrated, enterprise-wide solution utilizing a robust ERP package that will be used by both the central and operating agencies to perform basic financial and administrative functions.

The State of Connecticut, through the Department of Administrative Services (DAS) and the Office of the State Comptroller (OSC), is seeking proposals to obtain ERP software and hardware. Through this Request for Proposals (RFP) process, the State will enter into a strategic partnership with an organization whose expertise is in the ERP software area. The State will only entertain proposals in response to this RFP from vendors of ERP software packages.

The purpose of this RFP is to solicit proposals that provide a reasonable basis for the awarding authority to determine the most advantageous proposal to the State of Connecticut. The proposals should contain comprehensive and effective solutions designed to achieve Connecticut's objectives as stated in this RFP. The proposal should encompass the following products and services:

The precise scope that the proposal should address for each of the above points is defined in the RFP Scope section below.

The scope of this RFP does not include the responsibility and associated services for the implementation of the ERP package. In order to define requirements for the ERP system and to develop this RFP, the State contracted with an implementation services vendor in October 2000. The State has reserved the right to extend the contract with that consulting firm to become prime contractor for the implementation, as allowed under the structure of the initial procurement. In any case, the State plans to make an implementation services provider responsible for implementation. ERP vendors should not include in their response proposals to provide primary implementation services to the State.

The organizational scope of the ERP system will include all executive branch agencies and the constitutional officers (Comptroller, Treasurer, Attorney General, and Secretary of the State). At this time, the State's Judicial Branch is also considered to be in scope. The Connecticut State Universities, the Community/Technical Colleges and the State's Legislative Branch will not be within the full scope of the ERP implementation, and the participation of the University of Connecticut and the University of Connecticut Health Center is at this time uncertain. However, the payroll checks/direct deposits for the employees of these entities are and will be produced by the statewide system. These entities will also be required to provide human resource and financial data to the ERP system. Information on how to size and cost the proposed ERP solution is in the "Proposal Format" Section.

B. Objectives

Connecticut plans to address both the business and technology needs of state government through the implementation of an ERP solution. The following are the major business goals of the ERP project:

  1. Streamline the State's core administrative and financial processes through business process re-engineering in conjunction with the implementation of the ERP package.
  2. Standardize business processes and practices to conform to state statute, statewide policies, regulations or procedures, and collective bargaining agreements.
  3. Eliminate administrative activities that add no value, such as redundant keying and reconciliation of data.
  4. Address the business requirements of the operating agencies, both large and small, as well as those of the central administrative agencies/offices.
  5. Capture and make available to agency heads, fiscal officers, personnel administrators, and program managers the information needed to effectively manage programs and measure their success - information that has often been hard to access, out-of-date, inaccurate or unavailable.
  6. Provide agencies, and specifically system users and functional managers, with the necessary technology, tools, and training to enable them to extract the data they require to meet their business needs.
  7. Greatly enhance the ability to report statewide expenditures by service area or program through implementation of statewide account coding standards for classifying agency programs and projects.
  8. Make information more readily available, as appropriate, to all state agencies, local governments, the general public, and the business community.
  9. Provide employees, retirees, and fiduciaries direct access, as appropriate, to personnel, payroll, time and attendance, benefit, and retirement information.
  10. Enable the State to more efficiently conduct business with its vendors and service providers through expansion of electronic commerce.
  11. Improve the State's ability to budget and measure program success based on performance metrics.
  12. Improve the State's ability to conduct business, human resources and technology planning based on reliable, timely financial and HR data.
  13. Facilitate State compliance with the Governmental Accounting Standards Board's new financial reporting requirements for state and local governments (Statement 34).

The following are the major technology goals of this project:

  1. Replace the current core HR and financial systems based largely on out-of-date technology with a proven, public-sector ERP package that utilizes current, mainstream technology.
  2. Simplify and integrate the State's core system infrastructure. Reduce the number of separate information systems, and the interfaces that connect them, running on different computers, written in different programming languages, and utilizing separate databases.
  3. Eliminate agency-level systems that perform administrative and financial functions that can and should be performed by the core systems.
  4. Use the ERP system as a business backbone, or foundation upon which to automate additional business functions in the future in an integrated fashion.
  5. Limit customizations to the software to hold down implementation costs, to support standardization of business practices, and to preserve the ability to upgrade to new versions as they are released.
  6. Take advantage of the strengths of the Internet to the extent appropriate based on the State's technical infrastructure plan and the capabilities of the ERP software package selected.
  7. Where necessary, provide standard interfaces between the ERP system and agency program-specific information systems that are consistent with the State's Enterprise-Wide Technical Architecture.

C. RFP Scope

  1. ERP System Functionality
The State is looking to acquire the functionality that can be provided by an integrated suite of software. The functions that comprise the scope for the integrated ERP system are the following:
General Accounting
Financial Reporting
Accounts Payable
Accounts Receivable
Asset Management
Inventory Control
Projects and Grants Management
Human Resources
Personnel Administration
Time and Attendance
Applicant Tracking
Benefits Administration
Workers Compensation
  1. Additional Software

The State is interested in supporting business functionality beyond the standard ERP modules defined above. The State reserves the right to purchase from the successful proposer additional software modules that are built to integrate smoothly with ERP software. Current business functions contemplated by the State include real property management and fleet management; however, proposers may suggest additional modules from its product portfolio. Proposers should respond with a brief description of these modules, including pricing.

  1. E-Procurement
Proposers should be aware that Connecticut has implemented an Internet based e-procurement system used for ordering certain contracted items. Functionality includes, but is not limited to: item search, item templates and configurations, requisition creation, routing for approval, purchase order creation, interface to Connecticut's agency accounting system (SAAAS) and electronic purchase order transmission to suppliers. At this time the system contains an electronic catalog of 300,000 items available from over 100 different suppliers. There are approximately 1,500 registered users from Connecticut state agencies and political subdivisions (Connecticut municipalities, school districts and qualified not-for-profits). Digital Commerce Corporation (DCC) of Herndon, Virginia provides application support and operation. In responding to the e-procurement business scenario (FNPO-7) in Appendix G, proposers should describe plans for supporting this functionality by integrating with DCC or providing the functionality and services as a part of the proposed ERP solution.
  1. Software

The State will acquire software that is pre-existing within the marketplace and requires no special customization of code other than built-in configuration options and user exit routines in performing the State's business functions. This software is generically referred to as "packaged". The proposer should specify the version number of the proposed package and the date of release.

The State recognizes that an integral part of this initiative is a willingness to alter current business practices in order to maximize the benefits of an ERP product. As a result the State may change its business practices to conform to the software where practical.

All proprietary software in the proposer's solution must be identified as to software product, function performed, nature of said proprietary software and ramifications of said proprietary nature. The State seeks to acquire, as much as possible, non-proprietary software with open architecture characteristics.

  1. Software Licensing

The proposer must provide detailed descriptions of all software and software support services to be delivered as part of this contract. The proposer should provide all of the related software licensing costs including initial acquisition of licenses and annual maintenance costs. The State will be developing various implementation strategies for a phased-in approach to software implementation. The successful proposer will work with the State to phase in software licensing cost to match the State's selected implementation strategy

  1. Hardware

The State of Connecticut desires the proposer to propose an optimal hardware platform/n-tier configuration for the ERP. Each application tier should be the best fit for the specific function and should fit within the State of Connecticut's Enterprise-Wide Technical Architecture (EWTA) standards ( When defining an optimal solution, please consider the following criteria:

Please describe your proposed optimal hardware platform/configuration (servers, workstations, printers, etc.). Be sure to include all environments required for a system of this size and complexity, including, but not limited to, Development, Testing, Production and Reporting environments.

This description must include a detailed layout of individual servers (Application, Database, Web, etc.) and be in compliance, to the extent possible, with the State of Connecticut EWTA standards. Enterprise servers should be any of the choices below (listed in alphabetical order)

Application, file or print servers must be Windows 2000, provided by top tier hardware vendors.

The State of Connecticut envisions three types of user roles. They are transaction processing, decision support, and casual self-service. Please indicate your proposed platform for each user type.

In proposing the full production hardware configuration, reference Appendix J, "Key State of Connecticut Statistics" for information about the size and utilization of the State's current administrative systems. These statistics represent the best information available upon which to base the proposed configuration. The state reserves the right to implement the full production configuration in stages and to negotiate adjustments to the proposed configuration with the selected proposer based on an ERP technical infrastructure plan to be completed by the project team early in the implementation phase.

  1. Demonstration Environment

For initial product set-up, the successful proposer will be required to install a version of its core software and any partnered products as part of the State's demonstration environment. This environment will be used for the initial stage of the ERP implementation project. The successful proposer is required to provide all hardware, software and installation services necessary to create this environment. This demonstration version of the product will be used by State staff to gain familiarity with the basic functions and operations of the software, as well as the basic business processes provided by the software.

The successful proposer must identify all technical details and requirements that will allow for access to this demonstration environment for the Project Team staff from the central project office location or from remote state facilities.

  1. Baseline Environment
The successful proposer will be required to install a baseline version of its core software and any partnered products as part of the State's baseline environment. This environment will encompass all elements of the solution that is to be eventually delivered to production. This environment will be used by the State to build out and test the ERP solution. Therefore, the environment needs to be sized to support all the development and testing activities required for a system of this size and complexity.
  1. Implementation Support Services
The State will be contracting with an implementation services vendor to be responsible for all aspects of the planning, configuration, implementation and integration of the software solution. However, the State may want to procure implementation services from the ERP vendor for specific implementation tasks. Proposers should provide a rate schedule for consulting services utilizing the applicable cost sheet found in Appendix K.
  1. Project Team Training
The proposers should propose a training program for the Core-CT project team in the use of the ERP solution. The training proposed should also include technical training for project personnel in the design, construction, operation and support of the ERP solution. All training must be done in Connecticut, preferably in the Hartford area.
  1. End-User Training Tools and Software
The State is also interested in the ERP vendor proposing any software/tools that would leverage the development of end user training for the implementation of the ERP solution. The proposer should describe the proposed software/tools (e.g. training aids, appropriate manuals, quick reference guides or templates, computer based training, on line help) and how these tools could be used to develop the end user training for the Core-CT implementation.

D. Evaluation of the Proposed Solution

In addition to defining a software and hardware solution in response to the Scope section above, the proposer will be asked to provide the content described below in order to allow the State to effectively evaluate how well the solution meets the state's requirements.

  1. Strategic and Tactical Criteria
In addition to the functional and technical requirements, the State has defined five factors that the State feels are particularly important for Connecticut's ERP software selection and implementation. Each is either a key objective of the project or a factor that the State believes is an essential ingredient for a successful ERP implementation. The proposer should provide a written response to each of the criteria defined below:
  1. Information Analysis - How comprehensive and robust is the proposed ERP solution from an overall information access and delivery perspective? A proposer's response should take into account such things as the product's reporting tools, the types of reporting supported, the coverage of the standard reports, the capabilities of online data access, the capabilities for distribution or publishing of reports, the utilization of the web to facilitate data access, the design of the technical reporting architecture, and how data consistency is maintained across agencies, products, and functions.
  2. Implementation Adaptability - Does the software allow for implementation on a modular basis to lower implementation risk and to facilitate achievement of business case value sooner by reducing implementation timeframes?
  3. Flexibility and Consistency - Describe how the proposed system effectively strikes a balance between flexibility in configuring processes and data while maintaining consistency of processes and data across software modules.
  4. Customer Service - How has the proposer demonstrated that it is committed to Connecticut's effort to successfully implement an ERP system? What is the proposer's track record in partnering with other public sector clients? What has been the experience of other clients with the customer service provided by the proposer during and after implementation?
  5. Product Vision - What vision does the proposer have for the future of the product? What is the vision for the product regarding e-commerce capabilities? What specific enhancements are planned for future releases? What input would the State have in determining enhancements to the product? What is the proposer's commitment to the public sector product?
  1. Functional Requirements
    The CORE-CT project has created general system, reporting, and functional requirements for each of the State's business processes. The Evaluation Committee will use each proposer's response to the requirement checklists to judge how well the proposer's software solution will address each of the requirements described in the checklists. The general systems requirements and reporting requirements are attached in Appendix A. Please provide a written description for each general system and reporting requirement.

    Functional requirements checklists were developed for general system requirements, human resource and payroll requirements, and financial requirements. The general system requirements checklist is attached in Appendix A. The human resources and payroll requirements checklist is attached in Appendix B. The financial requirements checklist is attached in Appendix C.

    Please respond to each requirement in the checklist by entering a "1" (the numeral one) in one and only one of the appropriate columns found under the heading Proposer's Response. You should select the appropriate column to respond under using the following guidelines:
Delivered The requirement is satisfied by the software proposed with no configuration.
Configured The requirement is not satisfied by the software off the shelf, but is satisfied by standard configuration of the software.
Modified A modification to the software is required to satisfy this requirement.

Please respond using the Microsoft Excel-based spreadsheets, named as follows:

Appendix A.xls (General System requirements)
Appendix B.xls (Human Resources and Payroll requirements)
Appendix C.xls (Financial requirements)
  1. Technical Requirements

    The CORE-CT project has created technical requirements grouped by system component. Proposers should provide a written response to each technical requirement documented in Appendix D. In responding to the requirements, proposers should clearly state if the functionality is delivered by the system off the shelf or the system would need to be modified to satisfy the functionality described in the requirement. Where the requirement is satisfied by third party software please indicate the third party product proposed.
  2. Business Scenarios

    The CORE-CT project has created business scenarios for the proposer to respond to in writing. The business scenarios define important processes or sub-processes that the new ERP solution must address. The evaluation committee will use the responses to the business scenarios to judge the ability of the proposer's proposed solution to meet the State's functional and technical requirements. The proposer must prepare a written response for each business scenario and must address each key point listed. The proposer's written responses must reference the scenario ID of the business scenario.

    Each business scenario has three sections:

    Background - To provide a context for the business scenario by providing information about a process or task done by the State.

    Scenario Description - To provide the scope of response for the specific business scenario.
    Key Points - To indicate specific topic areas within the business scenario that should be mentioned within the response

    The proposer should respond by providing a written description of how the ERP software supports the entire process or functionality described in the business scenario. Ensure that the key points are included in the response, but do not limit your response to solely addressing them. In responding to the key points, proposers should clearly state if the functionality is delivered by the software off the shelf or the software would need to be modified to satisfy the functionality described in the key point. A comprehensive response that includes a full description of all the features, functionality and benefits of your software in regards to each business scenario topic is requested.

E. Instructions to Proposers

  1. Proposal Schedule
Release of RFP: January 22, 2001
Proposer's Conference: January 31, 2001 10:00 AM
Proposal Due Date February 20, 2001 2:00 PM

During the period from your organization's receipt of this Request for Proposals, and until a contract is awarded, your organization shall not contact any employee of the State of Connecticut for additional information, except in writing, directed to Jim Passier, DAS Procurement, 165 Capitol Avenue, Room G8A, Hartford, CT, 06115

  1. Proposer's Conference

A MANDATORY proposer's conference will be held on January 31, 2001 at 10:00 AM at 101 East River Drive, East Hartford, Connecticut. Attendance is mandatory for proposers that plan to submit a proposal. Proposals received from proposers who do not attend the Proposer's Conference will be returned unopened.

  1. Questions

Proposers are encouraged to submit their questions in advance of the MANDATORY Proposer's Conference (see #2 above) via e-mail to, or in writing via fax to:

Jim Passier
DAS Procurement
165 Capitol Ave, Room G8A
Hartford, Ct 06115
FAX Number: 860-713-7484

Answers to all questions, whether submitted in advance or raised at the conference, will be provided via e-mail to all proposers represented at the conference. No questions will be answered prior to the Proposer's conference.


  1. Sealed Proposals

Proposals must be submitted in a SEALED envelope or carton, clearly marked with RFP-001-A-08-0369-C, the date, and the name and address of the proposer. Any material that is not so received may be opened as general mail, and result in invalidating the proposer's submission. Facsimile or unsealed proposals will not be accepted under any circumstances.

  1. Number and Submission of Proposals

Proposers should submit one original and eight copies of the proposal. One electronic copy in Word/Excel 97 on a CD-Rom or 3? inch diskette must also be submitted. Any proposal, which is incomplete or does not follow the prescribed format, may not be considered.

Proposals may be mailed or delivered in person to the address below to arrive by February 20, 2001, at 2:00 PM. Proposals received after that time, due to whatever reason, will not be accepted and will be sent back unopened. Postmark dates will not be considered as the basis for meeting any submission deadline. Proposals will not be publicly read on the due date.

State of Connecticut
DAS Procurement
165 Capitol Ave, Room G8A
Hartford, CT 06115

Attn: Jim Passier

  1. Authorized Signatures

The proposal must be signed by an authorized official. Please refer to "Proposal Submission Form". The proposal must also provide the name, title address and telephone number of individuals with authority to bind the company, and for those who may be contacted to clarify the information provided.

  1. Summary of RFP Review Process

January 22, 2001 Issuance of RFP
January 31, 2001 Mandatory pre-proposal meeting for all interested parties at 10:00 AM at 101 East River Drive, East Hartford, Connecticut. Late arrivals (15 minutes or more) will not be given credit for attending and will not be allowed to sign in. Attendees are encouraged to submit questions in writing before the meeting.
February 20, 2001 Proposals are due by 2:00 PM at 55 Elm Street, 1st Floor , Hartford CT 06106
February 28, 2001 Possible start of proposer demonstrations
March 23, 2001 Possible start of contract negotiations with best proposer
  1. Evaluation Criteria
The State intends to select the best proposer for this project. The process will comply with Section 4A-59, of the General Statutes of Connecticut, which states in part that contracts can be awarded to "the proposer whose proposal is deemed by the awarding authority to be the most advantageous to the State, in accordance with criteria set forth in the request for proposals, including price and evaluation factors."
The following factors will be used by the evaluation team to evaluate the proposals and to determine the best proposer:
  1. The response to the strategic and tactical criteria documented in the RFP scope section.
  2. The response to the general system and reporting requirements in Appendix A.
  3. The response to the human resource and payroll requirements in Appendix B.
  4. The response to the financial requirements in Appendix C.
  5. The response to the technical requirements documented in Appendix D.
  6. The response to the general system and reporting business scenarios in Appendix E.
  7. The response to the human resource and payroll business scenarios in Appendix F.
  8. The response to the financial business scenarios in Appendix G.
  9. The response to the technical business scenarios in Appendix H.
  10. Information requested on the ERP proposer and company experience in providing ERP solutions to public sector organizations.
  11. Cost
  12. Proposed use of Connecticut certified Small Business Entities as subcontractors
The order in which the above factors are presented is no indication of the relative weight the factors have been assigned in the evaluation methodology.
  1. Oral Presentation
A proposer may be required to give an oral presentation to the State's evaluation team, including demonstration of the business scenarios, or some subset of them, included in this RFP. Oral presentations will be video taped and be considered part of the proposer's offering.
At this time, the State contemplates that a demonstration of the following business scenarios will be a part of the proposers oral presentation:
General Systems and Reporting
GSR-1 Employee Self service
GSR-3 Vendor/Customer/Citizen Self Service
GSR-4 Auditing Payroll
GRP-1 Decision Support Reporting
GRP-2 Ad Hoc Reporting
GRP-3 Standard Reporting
Human Resource and Payroll
HRPA-1 Job Classification, Position, Hiring Employees Directly
HRPA-6 Benefits Administration
HRPA-7 Employee Data
HRPA-8 Mass Changes and Retroactive Changes
HRPY-4 Garnishments
HRPY-5 Payroll Processing
HRPY-6 Payroll Adjustments
HRPY-7 Labor Distribution
HRPY-9 Retroactive Pay
HRPY-10 System Integration
HRTA-1 Employee Schedule
HRTA-3 Time and Attendance Setup and Rules
HRTA-4 Time Entry
FNGA-1 Budgets
FNGA-4 Period Closings
FNAP-2 Petty Cash Processing
FNAP-3 Payment Processing
FNAP-4 Payment Cancellation and Check Reissue
FNPO-1 Set Aside Vendors
FNPO-2 Requisition/Purchase Order Processing
FNPO-4 Vendor File
FNPO-7 e-Procurement
FNRR-1 Receivables Processing
FNRR-4 Special Bill Processing
FNPG-1 Set Up and Maintenance
FNPG-2 Funding and Budgeting
FNPG-5 Fund and Project Accounting
FNAIM-1 Acquisition (Classification/Depreciation)
FNAIM-2 Maintenance and Disposition
TCAPP-1 Creating Workflow Process
TCSEC-1 Security Administration
TCSB-1 Customizing and modifications with the Development Tool Set

It is within the State's discretion whether to require a proposer to give an oral presentation or demonstration. Action by the State in this regard should not be construed to imply acceptance or rejection of a proposal. The State will contact the proposer's primary contact with further instructions should the State decide to request an oral presentation and system demonstration.

F. Proposal Format For consistency and to facilitate evaluation of all responses, proposers must organize their proposals as defined below.

  1. Transmittal Letter and Forms
    The letter should contain a brief statement of the proposer's understanding of the products and services the State is seeking to procure. The letter should also identify any requirements that the proposer has not addressed in the proposal and the justification. Please provide the name, title, address, e-mail address, fax number, and telephone number of the proposer's primary contact for the project

    The proposal submission form, which is provided in Appendix L, should be inserted after the transmittal letter. This proposal submittal form should be completed in its entirety, with specific responses to the questions outlined on the form, in the order given. Do not refer to attachments or promotional items as your only response to questions. These responses will not be accepted.

    The Employment Information Form should be completed and inserted after the Proposal Submission Form.
  2. Table of Contents
    Provide a table of contents listing each section of the proposal, including the appendices specified in this RFP and any additional materials submitted.

  3. Executive Summary
    The executive summary should provide a concise summarization of the products and services being proposed to meet the State's needs and why it is the solution the State should decide to implement. The proposer should also summarize their qualifications and experience in large-scale public sector ERP implementations and how this experience indicates that the proposer's solution is suitable for a statewide implementation.
  4. Response to RFP Scope
    The proposer should respond to the scope of products and services defined in the scope of work by providing the following information:
4.1 A description of the proposed ERP software solution
4.2 A description of any proposed additional software modules including the proposed cost
4.3 A response to the State's intention to implement the ERP solution in a phased manner and how the State's purchases of the required software licenses can be phased accordingly.
4.4 A description of the proposed technical architecture recommended by the proposer. The responses should specify a demonstration environment, a baseline configuration, and a full production configuration, as specified in the RFP Scope section.
4.5 A description of the proposed training for the State's project team.
4.6 A description of the proposed end-user training tools and software.
  1. Strategic and Tactical Criteria

    Provide a response to each of the five strategic and tactical criteria presented in the "Evaluation of the Proposed Solution" section of this RFP.
  2. Proposer Organization and Experience
6.1 Provide a description of your company including the scope of the business, organizational structure, office locations, personnel, company history, and financial information to establish your company's financial viability.
6.2 Describe the size and scope of your ERP practice. Specifically address the size of your public sector client base, your commitment to the public sector as an industry, the strength of your public sector-specific functionality and why your software is in general a good fit for a state government.

6.3 List no more than ten engagements where your company has been the primary software vendor for a public sector ERP system implementation. Describe the project, start and end dates, the functions/modules implemented, the version of software implemented, the technical architecture employed, any separate reporting architecture that was implemented, your company's role, and the outcome. Address how these projects are applicable to the State's proposed ERP implementation.
Present them in the following order:
Projects for a statewide implementation where the system is in production
Projects for a large county or major city where the system is in production
Projects for a state, large county or major city that are in progress
Projects for other major public sector clients
6.4 Provide the names of five references from the projects listed in Section 6.3. Include the person's title, address, phone number, e-mail address, and role performed on the project.
6.5 Provide a reference the State may contact where the proposed technical architecture is installed supporting an ERP system of a similar size as proposed to Connecticut. Include the organization, contact person, address, phone number, and e-mail address.
  1. Cost Proposal
    7.1 Provide an overview of your approach to costing each of the major hardware and software components of your ERP solution. Identify for each major software and hardware component the factor or "driver" used to determine the cost proposed (e.g. number of licenses, machine size, size of the State's budget, etc.).7.2 Complete the cost worksheets found in Appendix K of the RFP. Complete one set for the baseline configuration and one for the full production configuration. Reference Appendix J, "Key State of Connecticut Statistics" for information about the size and utilization of the State's current administrative systems
  2. Small/Minority Business Set Aside
8.1 Provide documentation demonstrating what efforts have been made to make use of Connecticut certified Small/Minority Business Enterprises as subcontractors in this proposal per the specifications outlined in Section G " Special Terms and Conditions", Number 23, Set Aside Requirements".
  1. Appendices
9.1 Functional Requirements - completed requirement checklists.
9.2 Technical Requirements - completed responses and checklists
9.3 Business Scenarios - written responses to each business scenario
9.4 A copy of the functional and technical documentation for the ERP software
9.5 Annual Report (if appropriate) and/or financial reports if organization does not produce an annual report

G. Special Terms and Conditions

  1. Conformity and Completeness of Proposals
    To be considered acceptable, proposals must be complete and conform to all RFP instructions and conditions. The State, at its discretion, may reject in whole or in part any proposal if in its judgment the best interests of the State will be served.
  2. Stability of Proposed Prices
    Any price offerings from proposers must be valid for a period of 180 days from the due date of the proposals.
  3. Other State Entities
    The State of Connecticut and/or any other agencies, bureaus, departments, subdivisions, and other public entities in Connecticut may license the successful proposers software at a license fee and terms and conditions substantially the same as those negotiated in this procurement.
  4. Amendment or Cancellation of the RFP
    The State reserves the right to cancel, amend, modify or otherwise change this RFP at any time if it deems it to be in the best interest of the State to do so.
  5. Multiple Award
    The State reserves the right to award to multiple vendors. The State further reserves the right to selectively include or exclude the non-ERP software components of the proposal from the scope of the negotiated agreement. If the State determines it is in its best interest to do so, it reserves the right to require a proposer to submit a proposal partnering itself with hardware and/or database providers other than those submitted in the original proposal. The State reserves the right to negotiate directly with any hardware or database vendor partnered with a proposer.
  6. Proposal Modifications

    No additions or changes to any proposal will be allowed after the proposal due date, unless such modification is specifically requested by the State. The State, at its option, may seek proposer retraction and/or clarification of any discrepancy or contradiction found during its review of proposals.
  7. Proposer Presentation of Supporting Evidence
    Proposers must be prepared to provide any evidence of experience, performance, ability, and/or financial surety that the State deems to be necessary or appropriate to fully establish the performance capabilities represented in their proposals.
  8. Proposer Demonstration of Proposed Services and or Products

    At the discretion of the State, proposers must be able to confirm their ability to provide all proposed services. Any required confirmation must be provided at a site approved by the State and without cost to the State.
  9. Proposer Misrepresentation or Default
    The State may reject the proposal and void any award resulting from this RFP to a proposer who makes any material misrepresentation in their proposal or other submittal in connection with this RFP.
  10. Erroneous Awards
    The State reserves the right to correct inaccurate awards. This may include, in extreme circumstances, revoking the awarding of a contract already made to a proposer and subsequently awarding the contract to another proposer.
    Such action on the part of the State shall not constitute a breach of contract on the part of the State since the contract with the initial proposer is deemed to be void and of no effect as if no contract ever existed between the State and such proposer.
  11. Proposal Expenses
    Proposers are responsible for all costs and expenses incurred in the preparation of proposals and for any subsequent work on the proposal that is required by the State.
  12. Ownership of Proposals
    All proposals shall become the sole property of the State and will not be returned.
  13. Ownership of Subsequent Products
    Any product, whether acceptable or unacceptable, developed under a contract awarded as a result of this RFP shall be the sole property of the State unless otherwise stated in the contract.
  14. Transfer of Data
    All data stored in the successful proposer's files, electronic or hard copy, will be returned to the State upon request.
  15. State Fiscal and Product Performance Requirements
    Any product or services acquisition resulting from this RFP must be contingent upon contractual provisions for cancellation of such acquisition, without penalty, if the applicable funds are not available for required payment or if the product or services fail to meet minimum State criteria for acceptance and performance reliability.
  16. Validation of Proposals
    The proposals shall be binding commitments which the State may include, by reference or otherwise, into any contract with a proposer. The proposals must provide the names, titles, addresses and telephone numbers of those individuals with authority to negotiate a contract with the State and contractually bind the proposer. The proposal must also include evidence that it has been duly delivered on the part of the proposer, that the persons submitting the proposal have the requisite corporate power and authority to structure, compile, draft, submit and deliver the proposal and subsequently to enter into, execute and deliver and perform on behalf of the proposer any contract contemplated in this RFP.
  17. Execution of Contract
    This RFP is not a contract and, alone, shall not be interpreted as such. Rather, this RFP only serves as the instrument through which proposals are solicited.
    Once the evaluation of the proposals is complete and a proposer(s) is selected, the selected proposal(s) and this RFP may then serve as the basis for a contract that will be negotiated and executed between the State and the selected proposer(s). This RFP and the proposal will likely be attached to the contract as exhibits.
    If, for some reason, the State and the initial proposer fail to reach consensus on the issues relative to the contract, then the State may commence contract negotiations with other proposers. The State may decide at any time to start the RFP process again.
    The contract shall include a liquidated damages clause.
  18. Oral Agreement or Arrangements
    Any alleged oral agreements or arrangements made by proposers with any State agency or employee will be disregarded in any State proposal evaluation or associated award.
  19. Independent Price Determinations
    In the proposals, proposers must warrant, represent, and certify that the following requirements have been met in connection with this RFP:
    The costs proposed have been arrived at independently, without consultation, communication, or agreement for the purpose of restricting competition as to any matter relating to such process with any other organization or with any competitor;
    Unless otherwise required by law, the costs quoted have not been knowingly disclosed by the proposer on a prior basis directly or indirectly to any other organization or to any competitor; and
    No attempt has been made, or will be made, by the proposer to induce any other person or firm to submit or not to submit a proposal for the purpose of restricting competition.
  20. Offer of Gratuities
    The proposer warrants, represents, and certifies that no elected or appointed official or employee of the State of Connecticut has, or will, benefit financially or materially from this procurement. Any contract and/or award arising from this RFP may be terminated by the State if it is determined that gratuities of any kind were either offered to, or received by, any of the aforementioned officials or employees from the proposer, the proposer's agent(s), representatives(s) or employees(s).
  21. Subletting or Assigning of Contract
    The contract or any portion thereof, or the work provided for therein, or the right, title, or interest of the contractor therein or thereto may not be sublet, sold, transferred, assigned or otherwise disposed of to any person, firm, or corporation, or other entity without the prior written consent of DAS. No person, firm or corporation, or other entity, other than the proposer to whom the project was awarded is permitted to commence work on the project unless such consent has been granted.
  22. Subcontractors
    The State must approve any and all subcontractors utilized by the successful proposer prior to any such subcontractor commencing any work. Proposers acknowledge by the act of submitting a proposal that any work provided under the contract is work conducted on behalf of the State and that the Commissioner of The State or her designee may communicate directly with any subcontractor as the State deems to be necessary or appropriate. It is also understood that the successful proposer shall be responsible for all payment of fees charged by the subcontractor(s). A performance evaluation of any subcontractor shall be provided promptly by the successful proposer to the State upon request.
    The successful proposer must provide the majority of services described in the specifications.
  23. Set-Aside Requirements
    Proposers are asked to provide documentation demonstrating what efforts they will make to utilize currently certified Department of Administrative Services (DAS) small and small minority business enterprises as subcontractors on this contract.
    Connecticut General Statute (CGS) 32-9e - (Set-aside program for small contractors, minority business enterprises, individuals with a disability and nonprofit corporations) requires that State Agencies set-aside no less than 25% of all contract values to DAS certified small business enterprises (SBE) and no less than 25% of that amount to certified minority business enterprises (MBE).
    The eligibility requirements for being certified as a SBE are the following:
  1. Doing business and having its principle place of business in Connecticut for at least one year.
  2. Gross revenues (including affiliate) for the most recently completed fiscal year do not exceed $10 million.
  3. 51% of the ownership is held by a person(s) who exercise the operational authority over the daily affairs of the business, has the power to direct policies and management and receives the beneficial interests of the business.

The eligibility requirements for being certified as a MBE are the following:

  1. Any company meeting the definition of a small business enterprise (SBE) owned and operated by a person/s who is a member of a minority group.
  2. Who has at least 51% ownership of the company; and who exercises the operational authority over the daily affairs of the business, has the power to direct management and policies and receives the beneficial interest of the business.

Compliance with CGS 32-9e may be a requirement during the implementation phase of this contract. If this is the case, proposers will be required to provide reports detailing level of compliance throughout the existence of the contract.

For information about the Set-Aside Program please write or call:

The Department of Administrative Services

Business CONNections/Set-Aside Unit

165 Capitol Ave. Room G-8A

Hartford, Connecticut 06106

(860) 713-5236 or visit our web-site at:

The Department of Administrative Services' 2001 Set-Aside Electronic Directory contains the name of over 2000 currently certified SBE and MBE. This directory may be found by visiting and clicking on State Set-Aside Program - This will bring you to the Minority and Small Business Set-Aside Program, click on company search.

  1. Freedom of Information
    Due regard will be given for the protection of proprietary or confidential information contained in all proposals received. However, proposers should be aware that all materials associated with the procurement are subject to the terms of the Connecticut Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) and all rules, regulations and interpretations resulting therefrom. It will not be sufficient for proposers to merely state generally that the proposal is proprietary or confidential in nature and not, therefore, subject to release to third parties.
    Those particular sentences, paragraphs, pages or sections that a proposer believes to be exempt from disclosure under the FOIA must be specifically identified as such. Convincing explanation and rationale sufficient to justify each exemption consistent with Section 1-19(b) of the FOIA must accompany the proposal. The rationale and explanation must be stated in terms of the prospective harm to the competitive position of the proposer that would result if the identified material were to be released and the reasons why the materials are legally exempt from release pursuant to the above cited statute.
  2. Conformance with Federal, State and Other Requirements

    By executing the contract, the proposer represents and warrants that, at all pertinent and relevant times to the contract, it has been, is and will continue to be in full compliance with all Federal, State, municipal or other governmental department, commission, board, bureau, agency, institution, office council, instrumentality, municipalities or not for profits codes, statutes, acts, ordinances, guidelines, resolutions, orders, judgments, decrees, injunctions, rules, regulations and the like.
  3. Discrimination and Labor Recruitment
    The contractor shall comply with Executive Orders No. Three and Seventeen, promulgated June 16, 1971 and February 15, 1973 and to the Guidelines and Rules of the State Labor Commissioner implementing Executive Order No. Three and further agree to submit reports of compliance staffing on Labor Department Form E.O. 3-1 when and as required. The contractor shall also comply with non-discrimination provisions as described in Connecticut General Statutes Nos. 4a-60 and 4a-60a and any other applicable statute or regulation and administrative procedure.
  4. Americans with Disabilities Act
    The contractor shall comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act in accordance with Public Law 101-336 and any other applicable federal laws and regulations.
  5. Affirmative Action and Contract Compliance Reporting
    Proposers are advised that in addition to evaluating their qualifications, experience, capabilities, competitiveness of cost, and conformance to the RFP specifications, weight may also be given to proposers who demonstrate a commitment to affirmative action by full compliance with the Commission on Human Rights and Opportunities regulations.
    The Employment Information Form, included in this RFP, should be completed by the proposer and included with proposal.
  6. State Access to Records, Record Keeping, and Record Transfer
    The successful proposer shall prepare, maintain and preserve all records with respect to the administration of this program. During the term of the contract the State shall have access during normal business hours to all such records, in whatever form they exist or are stored, which records shall be the property of the State, and upon termination of the contract, all such records, or exact copies thereof, shall be immediately turned over intact to the State. The successful proposer shall afford the officers, attorneys, accountants, auditors, and other authorized representatives of the State free and full access to the records to be maintained by the successful proposer as pertains to the contract.
    At the option of the State, periodic audits may, at reasonable times, be made of the successful proposers' and all of its subcontractors' books and records insofar as they pertain to the contract. Such audits shall be made at the States expense by the State or independent public accountants designated by the State. Said books and records shall be made available to the Auditors of Public Accounts of the State of Connecticut.
  7. Confidentiality and Care of Data
    The successful proposer agrees to protect the confidentiality of any files, data or other material pertaining to this contract and to restrict their use solely for the purpose of performing this contract. The successful proposer shall take all steps necessary to safeguard data, files, reports or other information from loss, destruction or erasure. Any costs or expenses of replacing or damages resulting from the loss of such data shall be borne by the contractor when such loss or damage occurred through its negligence.
  8. Year 2000 compliance
    Any product or services acquisition resulting from this RFP will be year 2000 compliant. The successful proposer is responsible for any costs incurred in accordance with year 2000 compliance at no additional cost to the state.
  9. Termination of Contract and Contractor Liability

    A contract awarded as a result of this RFP may be terminated as follows:
    By mutual agreement of the contracting parties specifying the terms of termination and the effective date, which shall be no less than 120 days after the date the non-terminating party receives notice.
    By the State if the successful proposer fails to fulfill in a timely and proper manner the obligations as set forth in the contract, or if the successful proposer violates any of the covenants, agreements, or stipulations as set forth in the contract. The State shall thereupon have the right to terminate this contract by giving written notice to the successful proposer of such termination and specifying the effective date thereof, at least 30 days before the effective date of such termination. In such event, and if progress payments have been made to the successful proposer, all finished or
    unfinished documents, data, studies, and reports prepared by the successful proposer under this contract will become the property of the State.
    By the State, upon thirty (30) days prior written notice to the successful proposer in whole or in part, when it is in the best interest of the State of Connecticut, DAS, or OSC to do so. In the event of such termination, the successful proposer will be reasonably compensated, in an amount as determined by DAS and OSC after receiving input from and negotiation with the successful proposer, for all work prior to such termination date and accepted by DAS and OSC.
    Notwithstanding the above, the successful proposer shall not be relieved of liability to the State for damages sustained by the State by virtue of any breach of the contract by the successful proposer, and DAS and OSC may withhold any payments to the successful proposer for the purpose of set-off until such time as the exact amount of damages due the State from the successful proposer is determined.
  10. Payments Against a Contract Award
    Under no circumstances shall the successful proposer begin to perform under the contract prior to the effective date of the contract. The State of Connecticut shall assume no liability for payment of services under the terms of the contract until the successful proposer is notified that the contract has been accepted by DAS and OSC and approved by the Office of the Attorney General of the State of Connecticut. In no case, shall a successful proposer bill the user agencies for amounts in excess of the amount(s) indicated in the final proposal agreed to and accepted by the DAS and OSC. Any authorized or agreed additional charges can only be approved for payment by means of an amendment to the contract.

H. Index of Abbreviations

ABS Automated Budget System
CAS Central Accounting System
DAS Department of Administrative Services
DASD Direct Access Storage Device
DBE Persons with Disability Business Enterprise
DBMS Database Management System
DECD Department of Economic and Community Development
EC Electronic Commerce
EDI Electronic Data Interchange
ERP Enterprise Resource Planning
ESM Enterprise Storage Management
EWTA Enterprise Wide Technical Architecture
FOIA Freedom of Information Act
IVR Interactive Voice Response
LDAP Lightweight Directory Access Protocol
MBE Minority Business Enterprise
NDS Novell Directory Services
OCR Optical Character Recognition
OLAP Online Analytical Processing
OSC Office of the State Comptroller
RFI Request for Information
RFP Request for Proposal
RFQ Request for Quote
SAAAS State Agency Appropriation Accounting System
SAN Storage Area Network
SBE Small Business Enterprise
SOAP> Simple Object Access Protocol
VAR Value-added Reseller
WBE Women Business Enterprise
XML Extensible Markup Language
RFP-49 REV 11/98
Jim Passier
Contract Specialist
  1. Save to your Bid Folder. Then when you are ready to advertise this rfp,
  2. COPY this document to G:\Procurement\HotDocs\Sealed Bid Notices to notify publications of this ad for Sealed RFP Notices.
NOTE: The Sealed Bid Notice folder has been added to your "Favorites"

Ad for Published Sealed RFP Notice


Computer Systems - Hardware

Computer Software - Financial Systems & Business Software

Mandatory MEETING on 31 January 2001 at 10:00 am Eastern Time

20 February 2001



Contract Specialist Information:

Jim Passier, (860)713-5086, E-mail Address:

*** MANDATORY MEETING on 31 January 2001 at 10:00 am Eastern Time

*** NOTE: Late Arrivals (15 minutes or more) will not be given credit for attendance nor allowed to participate in the proposal process.

Pre-PROPOSAL Meeting Location:

101 East River Drive
East Hartford, CT

We urge Questions in writing prior to the pre-bid meeting.

Agency Name: CORE CT for All Using State Agencies, Political Sub-Divisions, and Not-for-Profits


Date of Award through 12/31/05

Special Instructions: Mandatory Pre-Bid Required for this RFP

RFP Class/Sub-Class & Description:

5000-084 - Computer Systems - Hardware

5001-002 - Computer Software - Financial Systems & Business Software

Replacement of core financial and administrative systems through the selection of an ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) solution.

a) Mandatory Pre-Bid is required and will be held on 1/31/01

b) Submittal requirements include Excel Checklists that MUST be returned on a 3.5 diskette as part of submittals.

c) Use of State of CT Set Aside vendors is encouraged and specified in the RFP document

Jim Passier
Contract Specialist
STATE OF CONNECTICUT Set Aside Information Form RFP Number: RFP001-A-08-0369-C


5000-084 - Computer Systems - Hardware 

5001-002 - Computer Software - Financial Systems & Business Software 


CORE CT for All Using State Agencies, Political Sub-Divisions, and Not-for-Profits

Has this RFP been set aside, or does it contain a set aside component? Yes No
If yes, what percent:


If not set aside, provide reason for not setting aside this RFP.

Could this be proposed as a "Ted's Way"? Yes No

If no, provide a reason for not utilizing Ted's Way.

Are there set aside vendors in the directory? Yes No
If yes, how many? How many of these vendors in the directory have email addresses?

NOTE: This form must be filled out for each RFP.

When completed, forward this form to the appropriate Business Connections Associate

RFP-19 NEW 6/98

Buyer Name

Buyer Phone Number

165 Capitol Avenue, Room G-8A, Ground Floor
PO Box 150414
HARTFORD, CT 06115-0414



Standard Request for Proposal (RFP) and Contract Terms and Conditions - Page 1 of 2

All Requests for Proposal issued by the Department of Administrative Services, Procurement Services will bind Proposers to the terms and conditions listed below, unless specified otherwise in any individual Request for Proposal.

Incorporated by reference into this contract are applicable provisions of the Connecticut General Statutes including but not limited to Sections 4a-50 through 4a-80 and applicable provisions of the Regulations of Connecticut State Agencies including but not limited to Sections 4a-52-1 through 4a-52-30.

The contractor agrees to comply with the regulations referred to in this section as they exist on the date of this proposal and as they may be adopted or amended from time to time during the term of this contract and any amendments thereto.

Submission of Proposals

  1. Proposals must be submitted on forms supplied by Procurement Services. Telephone or facsimile proposals will not be accepted in response to a Request for Proposal.

  2. The time and date proposals are due is given in each RFP issued. Proposals received after the specified due date and time of RFP given in each RFP shall not be considered. RFP envelopes must clearly indicate the RFP number as well as the date and time that the RFP is due. The name and address of the Proposer should appear in the upper left hand corner of the envelope.

  3. Incomplete RFP forms may result in the rejection of the proposal. Amendments to proposals received by Procurement Services after the due date and time specified, shall not be considered. An original and one copy of the proposal schedule shall be returned to Procurement Services. Proposals shall be computer prepared, typewritten or handwritten in ink. Proposals submitted in pencil shall be rejected. All proposals shall be signed by a person duly authorized to sign proposals on behalf of the proposer. Unsigned proposals shall be rejected. Errors, alterations or corrections on both the original and copy of the proposal schedule to be returned must be initialed by the person signing the proposal or their authorized designee. In the event an authorized designee initials the correction, there must be written authorization from the person signing the proposal to the person initialing the erasure, alterations, or correction. Failure to do so shall result in rejection of the proposal for those items erased, altered or corrected and not initialed.

  4. Conditional proposals are subject to rejection in whole or in part. A conditional proposal is defined as one which limits, modifies, expands or supplements any of the terms and conditions and/or specifications of the Request for Proposal.

  5. Alternate proposals will not be considered. An alternate proposal is defined as one which is submitted in addition to the proposers primary response to the Request for Proposal.

  6. Prices should be extended in decimal, not fraction, to be net, and shall include transportation and delivery charges fully prepaid by the Contractor to the destination specified in the proposal, and subject only to cash discount.

  7. Pursuant to Section 12-412 of the Connecticut General Statutes, the State of Connecticut is exempt from the payment of excise, transportation and sales taxes imposed by the Federal Government and/or the State. Such taxes must not be included in proposal prices.

  8. In the event of a discrepancy between the unit price and the extension, the unit price shall govern.

  9. By its submission the proposer represents that the proposal is not made in connection with any other proposer submitting a proposal for the same commodity or commodities and is in all respects fair and without collusion or fraud.

  10. All proposals are subject to public inspection upon award.

Guaranty or Surety

  1. Proposal and or performance bonds may be required. Bonds must meet the following requirements: Corporation - must be signed by an official of the corporation above their official title and the corporate seal must be affixed over the signature; Firm or Partnership - must be signed by all the partners and indicate they are "doing business as"; Individual - must be signed by the owner and indicated as "Owner". The surety company executing the bond or countersigning must be licensed in Connecticut and the bond must be signed by an official of the surety company with the corporate seal affixed over their signature. Signatures of two witnesses for both the principal and the surety must appear on the bond. Power of attorney for the official signing the bond for the surety company must be submitted with the bond.


  1. Accepted proposal samples do not supersede specifications for quality unless sample is superior in quality. All deliveries shall have at least the same quality as the accepted proposal sample.

  2. Samples are furnished free of charge. Proposer must indicate if their return is desired, provided they have not been made useless by test. Samples may be held for comparison with deliveries.


  1. Award will be based on quality of the articles or services to be supplied, their conformance with specifications, delivery terms, price, administrative costs, past performance, and financial responsibility.

  2. Procurement Services may reject any proposer in default of any prior contract or guilty of misrepresentation or any proposer with a member of its firm in default or guilty of misrepresentation.

  3. Procurement Services may correct inaccurate awards resulting from clerical or administrative errors.

Standard Request for Proposal (RFP) and Contract Terms and Conditions - Page 2 of 2


  1. The existence of the contract shall be determined in accordance with the requirements set forth above. However, the award of the contract is not an order to ship.

  2. The Contractor shall not assign or otherwise dispose of their contract or their right, title or interest, or their power to execute such contract to any other person, firm or corporation without the prior written consent of Procurement Services.

  3. Proposers have ten days after notice of award to refuse acceptance of the award; after ten days the award will be binding on the Contractor. If the Contractor refuses to accept the award within the ten day period, the award will be made to the next lowest responsible qualified proposer.

  4. Failure of a Contractor to deliver commodities or perform services as specified will constitute authority for Procurement Services to purchase these commodities or services on the open market. The Contractor agrees to promptly reimburse the State for excess cost of these purchases. The purchases will be deducted from the contracted quantities.

  5. Rejected commodities must be removed by the Contractor from State premises within 48 hours. Immediate removal may be required when safety or health issues are present.

  6. Contractor agrees to: hold the State harmless from liability of any kind for the use of any copyright or un-copyrighted composition, secret process, patented or un-patented invention furnished or used in the performance of the contract; guarantee their products against defective material or workmanship; repair damages of any kind, for which they are responsible to the premises or equipment, to their own work or to the work of other contractors; obtain and pay for all licenses, permits, fees etc. and to give all notices and comply with all requirements of city or town in which the service is to be provided and to the State of Connecticut; to carry proper insurance to protect the State from loss.

  7. Notwithstanding any provision or language in this contract to the contrary, the Commissioner may terminate this contract whenever he/she determines in his/her sole discretion that such termination is in the best interests of the State. Any such termination shall be effected by delivery to the Contractor of a written notice of termination. The notice of termination shall be sent by registered mail to the Contractor address furnished to the State for purposes of correspondence or by hand delivery. Upon receipt of such notice, the Contractor shall both immediately discontinue all services affected (unless the notice directs otherwise) and deliver to the State all data, drawings, specifications, reports, estimates, summaries, and such other information and materials as may have been accumulated by the Contractor in performing his duties under this contract, whether completed or in progress. All such documents, information, and materials shall become the property of the State. In the event of such termination, the Contractor shall be entitled to reasonable compensation as determined by the Commissioner of the Department of Administrative Services, however, no compensation for lost profits shall be allowed.


  1. All products and equipment delivered must be new unless otherwise stated in the proposal specifications.

  2. Delivery will be onto the specified State loading docks by the Contractor unless otherwise stated in the proposal specifications.

  3. Deliveries are subject to re-weighing on State sealed scales.

  4. Payment terms are net 45 days after receipt of goods or invoice, whichever is later, unless otherwise specified.

  5. Charges against a Contractor shall be deducted from current obligations. Money paid to the State by the Contractor shall be payable to the Treasurer, State of Connecticut.

Saving Clause

  1. The Contractor shall not be liable for losses or delays in the fulfillment of the terms of the contract due to wars, acts of public enemies, strikes, fires, floods, acts of God or any other acts not within the control of or reasonably prevented by the Contractor. The Contractor will give written notice of the cause and probable duration of any such delay.


  1. Contractors may not reference sales to the State for advertising and promotional purposes without the prior approval of Procurement Services.


  1. The State has sole and exclusive right and title to all printed material produced for the State and the contractor shall not copyright the printed matter produced under the contract.

  2. The Contractor assigns to the State all rights title and interests in and to all causes of action it may have under Section 4 of the Clayton Act, 15 USC 15, or under Chapter 624 of the general statutes. This assignment occurs when the Contractor is awarded the contract.

  3. Contractor agrees that it is in compliance with all applicable federal, state and local laws and regulations, including but not limited to Connecticut General Statutes Sections 4a-60 and 4a-60a. The Contractor also agrees that it will hold the State harmless and indemnify the State from any action which may arise out of any act by the contractor concerning lack of compliance with these laws and regulations. All purchases will be in compliance with Section 22a-194 to Section 22a-194g of the Connecticut General Statutes related to product packaging.

  4. This contract is subject to the provisions of Executive Order No. Three of Governor Thomas J. Meskill promulgated June 16, 1971, the provisions of Executive Order No. Seventeen of Governor Thomas J. Meskill promulgated February 15, 1973 and section 16 of P.A. 91-58 nondiscrimination regarding sexual orientation, and the provisions of Executive Order No. Sixteen of Governor John G. Rowland promulgated August 4, 1999 regarding Violence in the Workplace Prevention Policy.

REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL RFP-11 Rev. 11/00 Jim Passier Contract Specialist (860)713-5086 Telephone Number STATE OF CONNECTICUT DEPARTMENT OF ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES PROCUREMENT SERVICES 165 Capitol Avenue, Room G-8A, Ground Floor PO Box 150414 HARTFORD, CT 06115-0414 DAS logo
Notice to Vendors: Logon to: DAS CT State Web Site select the Bidder Notification System & Contract Specialist E-mail Address
complete the form to automatically receive a synopsis of new Bids & RFP's via e-mail. (860)713-7484 Fax Number

Request for Proposal (RFP) Specifications & Proposal Documents Attached

RFP Number: RFP001-A-08-0369-C RFP Due Date & Time: 20 February 2001 at 2:00 pm Eastern Time RFP Class/Sub-Class & Description: 5000-084 - Computer Systems - Hardware 5001-002 - Computer Software - Financial Systems & Business Software

Special Instructions:Mandatory Pre-Bid Required for this RFP

*** MANDATORY PRE-PROPOSAL MEETING on 31 January 2001 at 10:00 am Eastern Time *** NOTE: Late Arrivals (15 minutes or more) will not be given credit for attending nor allowed to participate in the RFP process.

Pre-Bid Meeting Location: 101 East River Drive
East Hartford, CT

We urge Questions in writing prior to the pre-bid meeting.

SEALED RFP NO.: RFP001-A-08-0369-C RFP DUE DATE/TIME: 20 February 2001 2:00 PM Return Proposal To: PROCUREMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT OF ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STATE OF CONNECTICUT 165 CAPITOL AVE ROOM G8A PO BOX 150414 HARTFORD CT 06115-0414 NOTE: Use mailing label at left to return the ORIGINAL & ONE COPY of your RFP response. You must sign in at Capitol Avenue. Allow enough time if you are hand-delivering your response to the opening to allow for a minor delay.
Contract Specialist (860)713-5086 Telephone Number 165 Capitol Avenue, Room G-8A, Ground Floor PO BOX 150414 HARTFORD, CT 06115-0414 Read Carefully
RFP001-A-08-0369-C 20 February 2001 2:00 PM Eastern Time $0.00 22 January 2001

COMMODITY CLASS/SUBCLASS AND DESCRIPTION: 5000-084 - Computer Systems - Hardware 5001-002 - Computer Software - Financial Systems & Business Software

FOR: CORE CT for All Using State Agencies, Political Sub-Divisions, and Not-for-Profits TERM OF CONTRACT / DELIVERY DATE REQ'D: Date of Award through 12/31/05
See Mandatory Pre-Proposal Information on Request for Proposal (form RFP-11)

Agency Requisition Number(s):

REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL: Pursuant to the provisions of Section 4a-57 of the General Statutes of Connecticut as amended, sealed proposals will be received by Procurement Services for the State of Connecticut, at the address above for furnishing the commodities and/or services herein listed to state agencies.

AFFIRMATION OF PROPOSER: The undersigned proposer affirms and declares:

  1. That this proposal is executed and signed by said proposer with full knowledge and acceptance of the provisions of Form RFP-19 of current issue and in effect on the date of proposal issue. Form RFP-19, entitled Standard Proposal and Contract Terms and Conditions are made a part of the contract.
  • That should any part of this proposal be accepted in writing by Procurement Manager within ninety (90) calendar days from the proposal due date unless an earlier date for acceptance is specified by proposer in proposal schedule, said proposer will furnish and deliver the commodities and/or services for which this proposal is made, in the quantities and at the prices proposed, and in compliance with the provisions of the STANDARD PROPOSAL AND CONTRACT TERMS AND CONDITIONS, COMMODITY SPECIFICATION, PROPOSAL SCHEDULE AND SPECIAL PROPOSAL AND CONTRACT TERMS AND CONDITIONS. Should award of any part of this proposal be delayed beyond the period of ninety (90) days or an earlier date specified by proposer in proposal schedule, such award shall be conditioned upon proposer's acceptance.

3. Acceptance of the conditions set forth herein, agreement in strict accordance therewith, and will furnish and deliver the commodities and/or services to the state agency or agencies named in the PROPOSAL SCHEDULE at the prices proposed therein.

Proposer Information

Complete Company Name (Trade Name, Doing Business As) SSN or FEIN Number
Company Address Street City State Zip Code
Contact Name (Typed or Printed) Telephone Number (Include Toll-Free Numbers) Fax Number
Written Signature of Person Authorized to sign Proposals on behalf of the Above Named Company Date Executed
Type or Print Name of Authorized Person Title of Authorized Person
Company E-mail Address Company Web Site
Is Your Business a: Proprietorship (Individual), Partnership or Corporation? (Type of Corporation - )
Is Your Business Currently a DAS Certified Small Business Enterprise? Yes (attach certificate copy to RFP) No
If Your Business is a Partnership, you must attach the names and titles of all partners to this RFP when returned.
If Your Business is a Corporation, in which State are you Incorporated?
If You are a State Employee, indicate your Position, Agency & Agency Address.
Has your Business received Funding from the Small Business Association? Yes No
Is Your Business Reportable to the IRS? Yes No If Yes, a 1099/W2 will be Mailed to You at Year End.
Remittance Information: In this box, indicate the Remittance Address of Your Business if different from above.
OSHA COMPLIANCE RFP-12 NEW 6/98 STATE OF CONNECTICUT Certificate of Compliance with RFP Number: RFP001-A-08-0369-C

Connecticut General Statute Section 31 - 57b

I hereby certify that all of the statements herein contained below have been examined by me, and to the best of my knowledge and belief are true and correct.

The __________________________________________________________________ HAS / HAS NOT

Company Name (Cross out Non-applicable)

been cited for three (3) or more willful or serious or serious violations of any Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) or of any standard, order or regulation promulgated pursuant to such act, during the three year period preceding the RFP, provided such violations were cited in accordance with the provisions of any State Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970, and not abated within the time fixed by the citation and such citation has not been set aside following appeal to the appropriate agency of court having jurisdiction or HAS / HAS NOT (Cross out Non-applicable) received one or more criminal convictions related to the injury or death of any employee in the three-year period preceding the RFP.

The list of violations (if applicable) is attached.


(Name of Firm, Organization or Corporation)

Signed: ______________________________________________________

Written Signature:


Name Typed: (Corporation Seal)

Title: ______________________________________________________

(Title of Above Person, typed)

Dated: ________________________

State of )

County of ) ss: A.D., 20_________


Sworn to and personally appeared before me for the above, ________________________________________________, (Name of Firm, Organization, Corporation) Signer and Sealer of the foregoing instrument of and acknowledged the same to be the free act and deed of _______________________________________________, and his/her free act and deed as (Name of Person appearing in front of Notary or Clerk) _______________________________________________. (Title of Person appearing in front of Notary or Clerk) My Commission Expires: _______________________________________________ (Notary Public) (Seal)

Jim Passier Buyer Name PROCUREMENT SERVICES 165 Capitol Avenue, Room G-8A, Ground Floor
(860)713-5086 Buyer Phone Number PO BOX 150414 Hartford, CT 06115-0414

Proposer will please indicate below whether he will agree, if he becomes an awarded contractor as the result of the issue of this Request for Proposal, to furnish his awarded items at contract prices to Connecticut Political Sub-Divisions (towns and cities) which might be interested in using the State's contract.

The proposer's indication, affirmative or negative, will in no way prejudice as it relates to the State's own requirements.

If the proposer is agreeable, but only subject to certain qualifications, or other conditions he may stipulate, he is invited to list such qualifications in the spaces provided below.


___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________
PROPOSER'S NAME: ________________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS: ___________________________________________________________________________

READ CAREFULLY THIS FORM IS NOT TO BE RETURNED WITH YOUR PROPOSAL. HOWEVER, IT IS SUGGESTED THAT YOU REVIEW AND CHECK OFF EACH ACTION AS YOU COMPLETE IT. ____ 1. The Proposal (RFP-26) must be signed by a duly authorized representative of the company (unsigned proposals are automatically rejected) and the Proposal Schedule (RFP-16) must be included with your proposal. ____ 2. The proposal prices you have offered have been reviewed and verified. ____ 3. The price extensions and totals have been checked. (In case of discrepancy between unit prices and total prices, the unit price will govern the proposal evaluation). ____ 4. Any errors, alterations, corrections or erasures to unit prices, total prices, etc. must be initialed by the person who signs the proposal or his designee. Such changes made and not initialed mean automatic rejection of proposal. ____ 5. The payment terms are Net 45 Days. Net Terms for periods less than 45 days (Ex. Net 30) may result in proposal rejection. (You may offer cash discounts for prompt payment.) Exception: State of CT Small Business Set-Aside proposal payment terms shall be in accordance with CGS 32-9h. ____ 6. Any technical or descriptive literature, drawing or proposal samples that are required have been included with the proposal. ____ 7. The delivery information block has been completed. (Be specific: In most cases, "as ordered" or "as required" is not complete information.) ____ 8. If required, the amount of proposal surety has been checked and the surety has been included. ____ 9. Any addenda to the proposal have been signed and included. ____ 10. The pre-addressed mailing label has been used on your return mailing envelope or the envelope has been:

a. marked with the Proposal Number and RFP Due Date & b. addressed to:

State of Connecticut Department of Administrative Services Procurement Services 165 Capitol Avenue, Room G-8A, Ground Floor PO Box 150414 Hartford, CT 06115-0414 ____ 11. The proposal number on the pre-addressed mailing label or on your hand marked return envelope exactly matches the RFP number inside the envelope. ____ 12. The proposal is mailed or hand-delivered in-time to be received no later than the designated RFP due date and time. Late proposals are not accepted under any circumstances. Please allow enough time if mailing in your proposal. ____ 14. Form DAS-45 Employment Information Form must be completed entirely regardless of the number of employees, even if the company is family owned and/or operated and must be submitted with each proposal or proposal may be rejected. ____ 15. Do not return the detailed specifications or acceptable brands lists with your proposal. These are for you to use in preparing your proposal and only complicate the evaluation of your proposal if returned unnecessarily. Also, do not include pages of your proposal that you are not quoting on. ____ 16. MAKE SURE TO INCLUDE THE ORIGINAL PROPOSAL SCHEDULE PAGES (RFP-16) ALONG WITH ONE COPY (UNLESS MORE COPIES ARE REQUESTED WITHIN THE PROPOSAL SPECIFICATIONS). ____ 17. VENDORS NAME MUST APPEAR IN THE UPPER RIGHT CORNER OF ALL PROPOSAL SCHEDULE PAGES (RFP-16).


This form will be used in assessing a Proposer's Qualifications and to determine if the proposal submitted is from a responsible proposer. State law designates that contracts be awarded to the lowest responsible qualified proposer. Factors such as past performance, integrity of the proposer, conformity to the specifications, etc. will be used in evaluating proposals. Attach additional sheets if necessary

Company Name:
Number of years company has been engaged in business under this name: __________years
List any contract awards to your company by the State of Connecticut within the last three (3) years, THAT YOU ACTUALLY PERFORMED SERVICE AGAINST. Indicate which State Agency, and provide contract Name and Number, and the name and telephone number of the purchasing agent administering the contract..
Contract No. Contract Name State Agency Purchasing Agent Tel. No.
______________ ________________________ _____________________ ______________________ _______________
______________ ________________________ _____________________ ______________________ _______________
______________ ________________________ _____________________ ______________________ _______________
List any contract awards to your company by the State of Connecticut within the last three (3) years. Indicate which State Agency, and provide contract Name and Number, and the name and telephone number of the purchasing agent administering the contract.
Contract No. Contract Name State Agency Purchasing Agent Tel. No.
______________ ________________________ _____________________ ______________________ _______________
______________ ________________________ _____________________ ______________________ _______________
______________ ________________________ _____________________ ______________________ _______________
______________ ________________________ _____________________ ______________________ _______________
List other names your company goes by: _____________________________________________________________________

List previous company name (s)_______________________________________________________________________________
List at least three completed projects similar in nature to this REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL which demonstrates your company's ability to perform the required services.
Company Name and Address Telephone No.: Dollar Value:
  1. ______________________________________________________ _____________________ ______________________
  2. ______________________________________________________ _____________________ ______________________
  3. ______________________________________________________ _____________________ ______________________
______________________________________________________ _____________________ ______________________
RFP-14 NEW 6/98 Page 2 of 2


RFP Number:
Company Name:
Size of Company or Corporation: Number of Employees: Full Time _______________________ Part Time _______________________
Company Value: Equipment Assets ________________ Total Assets ___________________

Is your company registered with the Office of the Connecticut Secretary of State? Yes No Registration Date, if available: ____________________________ If requested, would your company provide a "Good Standing" Certificate issued by the Connecticut Secretary of State's Office? Yes No LIST OF EQUIPMENT TO BE USED FOR THIS SERVICE (Include Model, Year & Manufacturer): Model Year Manufacturer (Attach additional sheets if necessary) List any relevant certifications, licenses, registrations, etc. which qualify your company to meet the requirements of this RFP.

(Attach additional sheets if necessary)

List any administrative actions either pending review by the State or determinations that the State has made regarding your company or corporation. This would include court judgements and suits pending by a State or Federal Court. Include a listing of OSHA violations and any actions or orders pending or resolved with any State Agency such as the Department of Consumer Protection, the Department of Environmental Protection, etc. Detail this information on a separate sheet of paper. Such information should be for the last three (3) years.


Signature Date


RFP-17 NEW 6/98
Jim Passier
Contract Specialist
165 Capitol Avenue, Room G-8A, Ground Floor
RFP Due Date:
20 February 2001
Telephone Number
PO Box 150414
HARTFORD, CT 06115-0414


COMMODITY CLASS/SUBCLASS AND DESCRIPTION: 5000-084 - Computer Systems - Hardware 5001-002 - Computer Software - Financial Systems & Business Software

CORE CT for All Using State Agencies, Political Sub-Divisions, and Not-for-Profits
31 January 2001 at 10:00 am



Page 1

Jim Passier Contract Specialist PROCUREMENT SERVICES 165 Capitol Avenue, Room G-8A, Ground Floor RFP Due Date: 20 February 2001
(860)713-5086 Telephone Number PO Box 150414 HARTFORD, CT 06115-0414


COMMODITY CLASS/SUBCLASS AND DESCRIPTION: 5000-084 - Computer Systems - Hardware 5001-002 - Computer Software - Financial Systems & Business Software

FOR: CORE CT for All Using State Agencies, Political Sub-Divisions, and Not-for-Profits PRE-PROPOSAL MEETING DATE & TIME: 31 January 2001 at 10:00 am



Page 2



The contract to be awarded is subject to contract compliance requirements mandated by Sections 4a-60 and 4a-60a of the CONN. GEN. STAT.; and, when the awarding agency is the State, Sections 46a-71(d) and 46a-81i(d) of the CONN. GEN. STAT. There are Contract Compliance Regulations codified at Section 46a-68j-21 through 43 of the Regulations of Connecticut State Agencies which establish a procedure for the awarding of all contracts covered by Sections 4a-60 and 46a-71(d) of the CONN. GEN. STAT.

According to Section 46a-68j-30(9) of the Contract Compliance Regulations, every agency awarding a contract subject to the Contract Compliance Requirements has an obligation to "aggressively solicit the participation of legitimate minority business enterprises as proposers, contractors, subcontractors, and suppliers of materials." "Minority business enterprise" is defined in Section 4a-60 of the CONN. GEN. STAT. as a business wherein fifty-one percent or more of the capital stock, or assets belong to a person or persons: "(1) Who are active in daily affairs of the enterprise; (2) who have the power to direct the management and policies of the enterprise; and (3) who are members of a minority, as such term is defined in subsection (a) of section 32-9n." Minority groups are defined in section 32-9n of the CONN. GEN. STAT. as "(1) Black Americans... (2) Hispanic Americans... (3) persons who have origins in the Iberian Peninsula... (4) Women... (5) Asian Pacific American and Pacific Islanders; (6) American Indians..." A business owned by an individual(s) with a physical disability is also a minority business enterprise as provided by Section 32-9e of the CONN. GEN. STAT. The above definitions apply to the contract compliance requirements by virtue of Section 46a-68j-21(11) of the Contract Compliance The awarding agency will consider the following factors when reviewing the proposer's qualifications under the contract compliance requirements: (A) the proposer's success in implementing an affirmative action plan; (B) the proposer's success in developing an apprenticeship program complying with Sections 46a-68-1 to 46a-68-17 inclusive, of the Regulations of Connecticut State Agencies; (C) the proposer's promise to develop and implement a successful affirmative action plan;

  1. the proposer's submission of EEO-1 data indicating that the composition of its workforce is at or near parity when

compared to the racial and gender composition of the workforce in the relevant labor market area; and, (E) the proposer's promise to set aside a portion of the contract for legitimate minority business enterprises. See Section 46a-68j-30(10)(E) of the Contract Compliance Regulations. INSTRUCTIONS AND OTHER INFORMATION The following two (2) page PROPOSER CONTRACT COMPLIANCE MONITORING REPORT must be completed in full, signed, and submitted with the proposal for this contract.

The contract awarding agency and the Commission on Human Rights and Opportunities will use the information contained thereon to determine the proposer's compliance to Sections 4a-60 and 4a-60a CONN. GEN. STAT., and Sections 46a-68j-23 of the Regulations of Connecticut State Agencies regarding equal employment opportunity, and the proposer's "good faith efforts" to include minority business enterprises as subcontractors and suppliers for the work of the contract.

1) Definition of Small Contractor

Section 32-9e CONN. GEN. STAT. defines a small contractor as a company that has been doing business under the same management and control and has maintained its principal place of business in Connecticut for a one year period immediately prior to its application for certification under this section, had gross revenues not exceeding ten million dollars in the most recently completed fiscal year, and at least fifty-one percent of the ownership of which is held by a person or persons who are active in the daily affairs of the company, and have the power to direct the management and policies of the company, except that a non-profit corporation shall be construed to be a small contractor if such nonprofit corporation meets the requirements of subparagraphs (A) and (B) of subdivision 32-9e CONN. GEN. STAT.


2) Description of Job Categories (as used in Part IV Proposer Employment Information)

Officials, Managers and Supervisors - Occupations requiring administrative personnel who set broad policies, exercise over-all responsibility for execution of these policies, and direct individual departments or special phases of a firm's operations. Includes officials, executives, middle management, plant managers, department managers, and superintendents, salaried forepersons who are members of management, purchasing agents and buyers, and kindred workers.

Professionals - Occupations requiring either college graduation or experience of such kind and amount as to provide a comparable background. Includes: accountants and auditors, airplane pilots and navigators, architects, artists, chemists, designers, dietitians, editors, engineers, lawyers, librarians, mathematicians, natural scientists, personnel and labor relations workers, physical scientists, physicians, social scientists, teachers, kindred workers.

Technicians - Occupations requiring a combination of basic scientific knowledge and manual skill which can be obtained through about 2 years of post high school education, such as is offered in technical institutes and junior colleges, or through equivalent on-the-job training. Includes: draftspersons, engineering aides, junior engineers, mathematical aides, nurses, photographers, radio operators, scientific assistants, surveyors, technical illustrators, technicians (medical, dental, electronic, physical sciences), and kindred workers.

Sales Workers - Occupations engaging wholly or primarily in direct selling. Includes: advertising agents and sales persons, insurance agents and brokers, real estate agents and brokers, stock and bond salespersons, demonstrators, sales people and sales clerks, and kindred workers.

Office and Clerical Workers - Includes all clerical type work regardless of level of difficulty, where the activities are predominantly non-manual though some manual work not directly involved with altering or transporting the products is included. Includes: bookkeepers, cashiers, collectors (bills and accounts), messengers and office workers, office machine and computer operators, shipping and receiving clerks, stenographers, typists and secretaries, telegraph and telephone operators, and kindred workers.

Skilled Workers - Manual workers of relatively high skill level having a thorough and comprehensive knowledge of the processes in their work. They exercise considerable independent judgment and usually receive an extensive period of training. Includes: building trades hourly paid forepersons and leadpersons who are not members of management, mechanics and repair people, skilled machining occupations, compositors and typesetters, electricians, engravers, job setters (metal), motion picture projectionists, pattern and model makers, stationary engineers, tailors, and kindred workers.

Semi-Skilled Workers - Workers who operate machine or processing equipment or perform other factory type duties of intermediate skill level which can be mastered in a few weeks and require only limited training.

Unskilled Workers - Workers in manual occupations which generally require no special training. Perform elementary duties that may be learned in a few days and require application of little or no independent judgment. Includes: garage laborers, car washers and greasers, gardeners (except farm) and grounds keepers, longshore persons and stevedores, wood cutters and choppers, laborers performing lifting, digging, mixing, loading, and pulling operations, and kindred workers.

Service Workers - Workers in both protective and non-protective service occupations. Includes: attendants (hospital and other institution, professional, and personal service), barbers, cleaning workers, cooks (except house-hold), counter and fountain workers, fire fighters, police officers and detectives, security workers and doorkeepers, stewards, janitors, porters, food servers and kindred workers.

Apprentices - Persons employed in a program including work training and related instruction to learn a trade or craft which is traditionally considered an apprenticeship, regardless of whether the program is registered with a state or federal agency.

Trainees - Persons engaged in a formal training for craft worker when not trained under an apprenticeship program. Includes: operatives, laborer and service occupations. Also includes persons engaged in formal training for official, managerial, professional, technical, sales, office, and clerical occupations.

3) Definition of Racial and Ethnic Terms (as used in Part IV Proposer Employment Information)

White (not of Hispanic Origin) - All persons having origins in any of the original peoples of Europe, North Africa, or the Middle East.

Black (not of Hispanic Origin) - All persons having origins in any of the Black racial groups of Africa.

Hispanic All persons of Mexican, Puerto Rican, Cuban, Central or South American, or other Spanish culture or origin, regardless of race.

Asian or Pacific Islander All persons having origins in any of the original peoples of the Far East, Southeast Asia, Indian subcontinent or Pacific Islands. Includes China, India, Japan, Korea, Philippine Islands, & Samoa.

American Indian or Alaskan Native All persons having origins in any of the original peoples of North America, and who maintain cultural identification through tribal affiliation or community recognition.

Company Name Street Address City & State Chief Executive Proposer Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN) or Social Security Number (SSN)
Major Business Activity (brief description) Proposer Identification (response optional/definitions on page 1) -Is proposer a small contractor? Yes No
Proposer Parent Company (if any) -Is proposer a minority business enterprise? Yes No If Yes, check ownership category Black Hispanic Asian American
Other Locations in CT (if any) American Indian/Alaskan Native Iberian Peninsula Individual(s) with a Physical Disability Female -Is proposer certified as above by the State of CT (DAS)? Yes No

PART II - Proposer Non-Discrimination Policies & Procedures

1. Does your company have a written Equal Employment Opportunity statement posted on company bulletin boards? Yes No
7. Do all of your company contracts and purchase orders contain non-discrimination statements as required by Sections 4a-60 & 4a-60a of the Conn. Gen. Stat.? Yes No
  1. Does your company have a written sexual harassment in the workplace policy posted on company bulletin boards?
Yes No
8. Do you, upon request, provide reasonable accommodation to employees or applicants for employment who have physical or mental disability? Yes No
3. Do you notify all recruitment sources in writing of your company non-discrimination employment policy? Yes No
9. Does your company have a mandatory retirement age for all employees? Yes No
4. Do your company advertisements contain a written statement that you are an Equal Opportunity Employer? Yes No
10. If your company has 50 or more employees, have you provided at least two (2) hours of sexual harassment training to all of your supervisors? Yes No NA
5. Do you notify the CT State Employment Service of all employment openings with your company? Yes No
11. If your company has apprenticeship programs, do they meet the equal opportunity requirements of the apprenticeship standards of the CT Dept. of Labor? Yes No NA
6. Does your company have a collective bargaining agreement with workers? Yes No
12. Does your company have a written affirmative action plan? Yes No
6a. If yes, do the collective bargaining agreements contain non-discrimination clauses covering all workers Yes No
13. Is there a person in your company who is responsible for Equal Employment Opportunity? Yes No
6b. Have you notified each union, in writing, of your commitments under the non-discrimination requirements of contracts with the State of CT? Yes No
If yes, provide name and phone number.

PART III - Proposer Subcontracting Practices

1. Will the work of this contract include subcontractors or suppliers? Yes No
1a. If yes, list all the subcontractors and suppliers and report if they are a small contractor and/or a minority business enterprise (as defined on page 1). Attach additional sheets if necessary.
1b. Will the work of this contract require additional subcontractors or suppliers other than those identified in 1a. above? Yes No

PART IV - Proposer Employment Information

Job Category Overall Totals White (not of Hispanic Origin) Black (not of Hispanic Origin) Hispanic Asian / Pacific Islander American Indian or Alaskan Native
Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female
Sales Workers
Craft Workers (Skilled)
Laborers (Unskilled)
Service Workers
Total One Year Ago
Formal on-the-job Trainees (Enter Figures for the same Categories as are shown above)

According to the above employment report, is the composition of your workforce at or near parity when compared with the racial and gender composition of the workforce in the relevant labor market area? Yes No PART V - Proposer Hiring and Recruitment Practices

1. Which of the following recruitment sources are used by you? (Check yes or no, and report percentage used) 2. Check (?) any of the requirements listed below that you use as a hiring qualification. 3. Describe below any other practices or actions that you take which show that you hire, train, and promote employees without discrimination.
SOURCE YES NO % of applicants provided by source (?)
State Employment Service Work Experience
Private Employment Agencies Ability to Speak or Write English
Schools and Colleges Written Tests
Newspaper Advertisement High School Diploma
Walk Ins College Degree
Present Employees Union Membership
Minority/Community Organizations Personal Recommendation
Labor Organizations Height or Weight
Others (please identify) Car Ownership
Arrest Record

Wage Garnishment

Certification (Read this form and check your statements on it CAREFULLY before signing). I certify that the statements made by me on this PROPOSER CONTRACT COMPLIANCE MONITORING REPORT are complete and true to the best of my knowledge and belief, and are made in good faith. I understand that if I knowingly make any misstatement of facts, I am subject to be declared in non-compliance with Section 4a-60, 4a-60a, and related sections of the CONN. GEN. STAT.

Signature Title Date Signed Telephone

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