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September 17, 2015
Peter Adomeit, Chairman
Robert Baus
Michael Carey
Charles Casella
Richard Cosgrove
Lisa Grasso-Egan
Paul Fortier
Steven Greatorex
Ronald McLellan
Laila Mandour
Claude Poulin
Angel Quiros
Sandra Fae Brown- Brewton
Robert Coffey
Sal Luciano
Martha Carlson, Deputy State Comptroller
Deborah Spalding, CIO, Office of the State Treasurer
Thomas Landry
Brenda Halpin, Director, Retirement Services Division
Colin Newman, Assistant Director, Retirement Services Division
Diane Ruggia, Retirement & Benefits Officer
Michael Rose, General Counsel to the Retirement Commission
Ralph Efird, Post Reporting Services
Chairman Adomeit called the meeting to order at 9:05 a.m.
Chairman Adomeit reported the presence of reporter Mr. Efird of Post
Reporting Services noting his attendance was for the sole purpose of recording
the hearing in the case of Professor Robert Whitman.
For the September retirement payroll we had 156 new retirees (130 normal, 9 disabilities, 6 voluntary pending and 11 Hybrid). The Division completed 29 normal finalizations and 9 disability finalizations.
On the ARP to Hybrid transfers there are 306 retirees, 1,513 transfers, 9 waivers and 4 prospective for a total of 1,832. The outstanding number to be audited and processed is 740.
Pending Disability Applications as of August 31, 2015 | |
Pending Applications: | 281 |
Applications preliminarily reviewed (96) | |
Applications waiting for documentation (185) | |
Applications scheduled: | 55 |
Total Pending: | 336 |
Number of Applications Received | 25 |
Number of Applications on Agenda | 20 |
Number of Applications Approved | 13 |
The next available meeting for scheduling is October 2015.
Update on SERS Disability Surveys as of Wednesday, September 15th
1) Total surveys mailed on May 26, 2015: 2,833
2) 2,426 surveys have been analyzed and entered into the database
3) Undeliverable surveys: about 80 returned with address problems.
The Division is researching the address problems to resolve.
4) On August 31st, 2015 507 second notice surveys were mailed.
5) There are 395 surveys reporting earnings for 2014.
6) A breakdown of reported earnings for 2014 is as follows:
At this time, the highest reported earnings in 2014 for a disability retiree
$340,000; the Investigation & Recovery Unit will continue to analyze the
reported earnings, Social Security and workers' compensation reported on the
On September 25th 2015, twenty-four month review letters and medical forms will be sent to those individuals receiving Social Security Disability, with an additional 300 letters being sent to the remainder of the backlog 2 weeks later.
The Division has been assisting the Legal and Personnel Subcommittee with the hearings regarding the MERS reemployment issue. The next meeting is scheduled for October 2, 2015.
1. REQUEST COMMISSION APPROVAL OF THE AUGUST 20, 2015 MINUTES Mr. Greatorex moved to amend the minutes to reflect: A) The Executive Session vote on the Cruz/Aponte Update should not include a vote for Mr. Carey as he was absent from the August 20th meeting, B) The Executive Session vote on Dr. Johnson's Request Regarding Actuarial Reductions should be amended to reflect abstention for Mr. Fortier, C) To reflect the correct spelling for Deborah Spalding, CIO, Office of the State Treasurer) seconded by Ms. Mandour. All voted in favor.
Unanimous Decision
2. REQUEST COMMISSION APPROVAL OF THE STATE EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT COMMISSION CHAIRMAN'S PER DIEM EXPENSES Mr. Greatorex moved, seconded by Mr. Casella to approve the State Employees Retirement Commission Chairman's expenses. All voted in favor
Unanimous Decision
3. REQUEST COMMISSION APPROVAL OF THE STATE EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT COMMISSION MANAGEMENT TRUSTEES'S PER DIEM AND TRAVEL EXPENSES REIMBURSEMENTS Mr. Greatorex moved, seconded by Mr. Casella to approve the State Employees Retirement Commission Management Trustee's per Diem and Travel Expenses reimbursements. All voted in favor Mr. Baus abstained
Majority Decision
4. REQUEST COMMISSION APPROVAL OF THE STATE EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT COMMISSION UNION TRUSTEE'S PER DIEM AND TRAVEL EXPENSES REIMBURSEMENTS Mr. Greatorex moved, seconded by Mr. Casella to approve the State Employees Retirement Commission Union Trustee's per Diem and Travel expenses. All voted in favor Mr. Poulin abstained
Majority Decision
5. REQUEST COMMISSION REVIEW OF THE AUGUST 2015 BILLING FROM ROSE KALLOR Mr. Greatorex moved, seconded by Mr. Fortier to review the August billing from Rose Kallor. All voted in favor
Unanimous Decision
6. REQUEST COMMISSION REVIEW OF THE AUGUST 2015 BILLING FROM ROBINSON & COLE Mr. Greatorex moved, seconded by Mr. Fortier to review the August billing from Robinson & Cole. All voted in favor
Unanimous Decision
7. REQUEST COMMISSION APPROVAL OF THE CONNECTICUT STATE EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT SYSTEM SERVICE RETIREMENTS FOR THE MONTH OF AUGUST 2015 Mr. Fortier moved, seconded by Mr. Poulin to approve the Connecticut State Employee's Retirement System Service retirements for the month of August 2015. All voted in favor
Unanimous Decision
8. REQUEST COMMISSION APPROVAL OF THE CONNECTICUT STATE EMPLOYEES SYSTEM DISABILITY RETIREMENTS FOR THE MONTH OF AUGUST 2015 Mr. Greatorex moved, seconded by Mr. Poulin to approve the Connecticut State Employee's System Disability retirements for the month of August 2015. All voted in favor
Unanimous Decision
9. REQUEST COMMISSION APPROVAL OF THE CONNECTICUT STATE EMPLOYEES SYSTEM PRE-RETIREMENT DEATH BENEFIT RETIREMENTS FOR THE MONTH OF AUGUST 2015 Mr. Greatorex moved, seconded by Mr. Poulin to approve the Connecticut State Employee's System Pre-Retirement Death Benefit retirements for the month of August 2015. All voted in favor
Unanimous Decision
10. REQUEST COMMISSION APPROVAL OF THE CONNECTICUT STATE EMPLOYEES SYSTEM VOLUNTARY PENDING RETIREMENTS FOR THE MONTH OF AUGUST 2015 Mr. Greatorex moved, seconded by Mr. Poulin to approve the Connecticut State Employees System Voluntary Pending retirements for the month of August 2015. All voted in favor
Unanimous Decision
11. REQUEST COMMISSION APPROVAL OF THE CONNECTICUT STATE EMPLOYEES SYSTEM RETROACTIVE RETIREMENTS FOR THE MONTH OF AUGUST 2015 Mr. Greatorex moved, seconded by Mr. Poulin to approve the Connecticut State Employees System Retroactive retirements for the month of August 2015. All voted in favor
Unanimous Decision
12. REQUEST COMMISSION APPROVAL OF THE MUNICIPAL RETIREMENT SYSTEM RETIREMENTS Mr. Greatorex moved, seconded by Mr. Poulin to approve the Municipal Retirement System Retirements. All voted in favor
Unanimous Decision
13. REQUST COMMISSION APPROVAL OF THE JUDGES, FAMILY SUPPORT MAGISTRATES AND COMPENSATION COMMISSIONERS RETIREMENT SYSTEM RETIREMENTS WITH THE EFFECTIVE DATE OF RETIREMENT DECEMBER 2013 AND JUNE 2015 FOR RECORD KEEPING PURPOSES Mr. Greatorex moved, seconded by Mr. Poulin to approve the Judges, Family Support Magistrates and Compensation Commissioners Retirement System retirements with the effective date of retirement December 2013 and June 2015 for record keeping purposes. All voted in favor
Unanimous Decision
14. REQUEST COMMISSION APPROVAL OF THE JUDGES, FAMILY SUPPORT MAGISTRATES AND COMPENSATION COMMISSIONERS RETIREMENT SYSTEM SPOUSE RETIREMENTS Mr. Greatorex moved, seconded by Mr. Poulin to approve the Judges, Family Support Magistrates and Compensation Commissioners Retirement System spouse retirements. All voted in favor
Unanimous Decision
15. REQUEST COMMISSION APPROVAL OF THE PROBATE JUDGES AND EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT SYSTEM RETIREMENTS FOR AUGUST 2015 Mr. Greatorex moved, seconded by Mr. Poulin to approve the Probate Judges and Employees Retirement System retirements for August 2015. All voted in favor
Unanimous Decision
16. REQUEST COMMISSION APPROVAL OF THE PROBATE JUDGES AND EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT FUND PERSONNEL EXPENSES FOR PAY PERIOD JULY 10, 2015 THROUGH AUGUST 6, 2015 Mr. Greatorex moved, seconded by Mr. Poulin to approve the Probate Judges and Employees Retirement Fund Personnel Expenses for the pay period July 10, 2015 through August 6, 2015. All voted in favor
Unanimous Decision
17. REQUEST COMMISSION REVIEW AND CONSIDERATION OF THE RETIREMENT COMMISSION DENIAL OF THE MATTER OF ROBERY WHITMAN AT THE DECEMBER 20, 2012 MEETING. Ms. Mandour moved, seconded by Mr. Poulin to refer the Review and consideration of the Commission denial of the Matter of Robert Whitman at the December 20, 2012 meeting to its Legal and Personnel Subcommittee for further review and consideration. All voted in favor
Unanimous Decision
REQUEST COMMISSION REVIEW AND ACCEPTANCE OF THE GASB STATEMENT NO. 68 REPORT FOR THE MUNICIPAL EMPLOYEES' RETIREMENT SYSTEM PREPARED AS OF JUNE 30, 2014 Since this report did not arrive from Cavanaugh Macdonald, Mr. Poulin moved, seconded by Mr. Baus to table this item to the October agenda. All voted in favor Item tabled
Unanimous decision
Mr. Casella moved, seconded by Ms. Mandour to amend the agenda to include in the
Executive Session any action that may occur during the Executive Session. All
voted in favor
Unanimous decision
Ms. Mandour moved, seconded by Ms. Egan to enter into Executive Session at 10:35 a.m. All voted in favor
Unanimous decision
CCM Motion to Intervene/Thompson - Executive Session to review written legal
Mr. Greatorex moved, seconded by Mr. Poulin to authorize Chairman Adomeit to
transmit correspondence denying CCM motion to intervene as proposed to the
All voted in favor
Unanimous decision
Airport Director/SERS Withdrawal - Executive Session to review written advice
Mr. Greatorex moved, seconded by Ms. Egan that the request to suspend the
membership of the Connecticut Airport Authority Executive Director be approved
and a written communication from the Division to be sent. All voted in favor
Unanimous decision
Thompson Petition for Declaratory Ruling - Executive Session to review
written legal advice
Mr. Greatorex moved, seconded by Mr. Poulin to authorize Chairman Adomeit to
approve the decision for declaratory ruling as proposed by the Legal & Personnel
Subcommittee as proposed to the Commission. All voted in favor
Unanimous decision
Bellonio - Executive Session to review written legal advice
Mr. Casella moved, seconded by Ms. Mandour to authorize Chairman Adomeit to
correspond with the applicant/member to obtain additional information necessary
for determination of the matter.
All voted in favor
Unanimous Decision
Hansen - (New Petition) for Declaratory Ruling - Executive Session to discuss
written legal advice
No action taken
Brown vs. OSC/SERC - Executive Session to discuss pending claim with legal
No action taken
Mr. Fortier left the meeting at 11:30
Mr. Baus left the meeting at 11:30
Status of Legal review/Update on regulations
After general discussion by counsel indicating that there was no relevant
exception to FOI, discussion was held on the status of the review of current
regulations and update to same. Attorneys Michael Rose & Natalie Braswell will
provide additional updates at the October meeting of the Commission.
No action taken
With no further business before the Commission, Mr. Casella moved, seconded by Mr. Greatorex to adjourn at 11:50 a.m. All voted in favor
Unanimous Decision
_________________________ | _______________________ |
Brenda K. Halpin, Director | Peter Adomeit, Chairman |
Retirement Services Division |
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