Sandra Fae Brown-Brewton, Charles Casella, Carl Chisem, Robert Coffey
Cindy Cieslak, Retirement Commission Counsel
Colin Newman, Assistant Division Director, Retirement Services Division
Patricia Shannon
Robert Krzys
Otis Dancy
Carol DeBarba
Gary DeBarba
Attorney Martin Gould
The meeting began at 3:00 p.m.
At the outset of the meeting the Trustees voted unanimously to accept the amendment of the agenda with the removal of the claim of Wendy Harwin as requested by Attorney Robert Krzys. The Subcommittee then discussed the following claims that had been administratively denied by the Retirement Services Division (Division). All of the recommendations are unanimous unless noted accordingly.
Annette Beal (Deceased) - Request received for the continuation of the survivor benefit under the 10 year period certain option for a dependent erroneously identified as a beneficiary instead of one of the two selected annuitants.
Action: Ms. Brown-Brewton moved, seconded by Mr. Casella to recommend approval of the request for the continuation of the survivor benefit under the ten year period certain to a dependent erroneously identified as a beneficiary.
John Herrington, Division Director joined the meeting at 3:15p.m.
Patricia Shannon - Request received from Ms. Shannon for the opportunity to purchase the period of prior Tier II service from May 2, 1983 to September 26, 1985 for retirement benefit eligibility purposes.
Action: Mr. Casella moved, seconded by Mr. Coffey to recommend tabling of Ms. Shannon�s request to purchase the period of prior Tier II service from May 2, 1983 to September 26, 1985 for retirement benefit eligibility purposes.
Raymond Martin - Request received from Mr. Martin for Tier II retirement credit for his period of prior contractual service from February 1992 to January 1994.
Action: Mr. Casella moved, seconded by Mr. Chisem to recommend approval of Mr. Martin�s request for Tier II retirement credit for his prior contractual service rendered from February 1992 to January 1994.
Gerri Rowell - Request received from Ms. Rowell that she is allowed to purchase retirement credit in Tier IIA for her prior contractual service rendered between January 1, 2002 and June 30, 2005.
Action: Ms. Brown-Brewton moved, seconded by Mr. Coffey to recommend denial of Ms. Rowell�s request to purchase retirement credit in Tier IIA for her prior contractual service rendered between January 1, 2002 and June 30, 2005.
Joseph Anderson Jr. - Request received from Mr. Anderson to purchase retirement credit for his prior military active duty service.
Action: Ms. Brown-Brewton moved, seconded by Mr. Casella to recommend denial of Mr. Anderson�s request to purchase retirement credit for his prior military active duty service.
Patrice Olson - Request received from Ms. Olson to purchase retirement credit for her prior military active duty service.
Action: Ms. Brown-Brewton moved, seconded by Mr. Casella to recommend denial of Ms. Olson�s request to purchase retirement credit for her prior military active duty service.
Donna Bostick (Deceased) - Request received for a change in the income benefit payable to the surviving spouse from the pre-retirement death benefit to the one hundred percent to contingent annuitant benefit.
Action: Ms. Brown-Brewton moved, seconded by Mr. Coffey to recommend approval that the benefit payable to the surviving spouse should change from the pre-retirement death benefit to the one hundred percent contingent annuitant.
James Lapan (Deceased) - Request received for a change in the income benefit payable to a surviving spouse from the pre-retirement death benefit to the one percent to contingent annuitant benefit.
Action: At 4:33 p.m. Mr. Casella moved, seconded by Mr. Coffey to recommend denial of the request to change the type of benefit payable to the surviving spouse from the pre-retirement death benefit to the one hundred percent contingent annuitant benefit . Ms. Brown-Brewton and Mr. Chisem voted against the motion resulting in a tied vote. At 5:05 p.m. Ms. Brown-Brewton moved, seconded by Mr. Casella to reconsider the vote with respect to Mr. Lapan. All voted in favor. At 5:06 p.m. the request was reconsidered so Ms. Brown-Brewton moved seconded by Mr. Casella to refer this request for consideration by the full Commission without a recommendation from the Subcommittee.
Lisa McCarthy - Request received that the Retirement Services Division accept for processing an incomplete May 1, 2015 disability retirement application from Ms. McCarthy.
Action:Ms. Brown-Brewton moved, seconded by Mr. Casella to recommend denial of Ms. McCarthy�s request that the Retirement Services Division accept an incomplete May 1, 2015 disability retirement application.
Bev Murphy - Request received from Ms. Murphy that she is allowed to purchase retirement credit for her prior service as a per diem nurse.
Action: Ms. Brown-Brewton moved, seconded by Mr. Coffey to recommend denial of the request from Ms. Murphy to purchase retirement credit for her prior service as a per diem nurse.
Daniel Russell - Request from Mr. Russell that he be allowed to make an untimely purchase request of retirement credit for his prior military service.
Action: Mr. Casella moved, seconded by Mr. Coffey to recommend denial of Mr. Russell�s untimely purchase request of his prior military service. Ms. Brown-Brewton abstaining. Majority decision.
Joel Torres - Request from Mr. Torres that he be allowed to purchase for retirement credit his prior military service
Action: Ms. Brown-Brewton moved, seconded by Mr. Casella to recommend denial of Mr. Torres� request to purchase retirement credit for his prior military service.
George Tracy (Deceased) - Request received from Mr. Tracy�s surviving spouse Joan Tracy for a continuation of her husband�s pension and benefits beyond his death.
Action: Ms. Brown-Brewton moved, seconded by Mr. Coffey to deny the request from Joan Tracy for a continuation of her husband�s retirement pension and benefits beyond his death.
Meeting was adjourned at 5:20 p.m.
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