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Charles Casella, Robert Coffey, Ronald McLellan
Colin Newman, Assistant Director, Retirement Services Division
The meeting began at 2:43 p.m.
Mr. Coffey first moved, seconded by Mr. McLellan to amend the agenda to include the request of Kimberly DiVergilio and approve the agenda with the inclusion of Ms. DiVergilio?s claim. Unanimous decision.
The Subcommittee discussed the following claims that had been administratively denied by the Retirement Services Division. All of the recommendations are unanimous unless noted accordingly.
Arthur Alston (Deceased) - Request received that the Retirement Services Division (Division) accept a non-service connected disability retirement application with an income payment option B (100% contingent annuitant) election that was completed on behalf of Mr. Alston.
Action: Mr. Coffey moved, seconded by Mr. McLellan to recommend approval that the Division accept the non-service connected disability retirement application with the income payment option B (100% contingent annuitant) completed on behalf of Mr. Alston.
Jonathan Beatty- Request made by Mr. Beatty to be able to purchase additional retirement credit for his prior contractual service with the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) from December 11, 2003 to June 4, 2004 and September 28, 2004 through May 11, 2006.
Action: Mr. McLellan moved, seconded by Mr. Casella to recommend tabling this matter until additional information can be ascertained from DMV Human Resources.
Mitchell Foreman - Request received from Mr. Foreman that the payroll deductions for his purchase of his prior military service be suspended or cancelled.
Action: Mr. McLellan moved, seconded by Mr. Casella to recommend denial of Mr. Foreman?s request for a suspension or cancellation of the payroll deductions for the purchase of his prior military service.
Kiana McLean- Request received from Kiana McLean that as a vested member of the SERS Tier IIA retirement plan that she be allowed to refund her retirement contributions in lieu of any future retirement benefit from SERS.
Action: Mr. Casella moved, seconded by Mr. Coffey to recommend denial of Ms. McLean?s request that she be allowed a refund of her SERS Tier IIA retirement contributions in lieu of any future benefit from SERS.
Barbara Nirka- Request received from Barbara Nirka that she be exempted from the spousal consent requirement so as to allow her August 1, 2017 retirement application to be processed with a straight life annuity.
Action: Mr. Casella moved, seconded by Mr. Coffey to recommend denial of Ms. Nirka?s request that she be exempted from the spousal consent requirement so that she may retire with a benefit payable under the straight life annuity.
Steven O?Connor (Deceased) - Request received from the Department of Correction on behalf of Mr. O?Connor?s widow that the Retirement Commission permit the a posthumous retirement application to be processed. This matter was tabled by the Subcommittee at its January 26, 2017 meeting.
Action: Mr. McLellan moved, seconded by Mr. Casella to recommend tabling this matter to the next meeting of the Subcommittee on Purchase of Service and Related Matters.
Adam Vinca (Deceased) - Request received from Adam Vinca?s brother that he be allowed to make application for a non-service connected disability as Power of Attorney for Adam Vinca.
Action: Mr. Casella moved, seconded by Mr. McLellan to recommend approval that Adam Vinca?s brother be allowed to make application for a non-service connected disability contingent upon the election of either the 50% to spouse or 100% contingent annuitant options.
Kimberly DiVergilio - Request received from Kimberly DiVergilio that the Retirement Commission direct that her application for a service-connected disability retirement go back before the Medical Examining Board (MEB) for review as a result of a procedural error by the MEB.
Action: Mr. McLellan moved, seconded by Mr. Casella to recommend denial of Ms. DiVergilio?s request that her application for a service -connected disability retirement be re-directed back to the MEB for its review.
Meeting adjourned at 4:25 p.m.
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