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May 9, 2018
Peter Adomeit, Chair
Michael Carey, Trustee
Charles Casella, Trustee
Robert Coffey, Trustee
Alisha Sullivan, Commission Counsel for IRS Matters
Bruce Barth, Commission Counsel for IRS Matters, via teleconference
Cindy Cieslak, Commission Counsel, via teleconference
The Chair called the meeting to order at 8:36 a.m. and asked the members to consider Item II on the agenda, the approval of the agenda.
Mr. Casella moved, seconded by Mr. Carey to approve the agenda. All voted in
At 8:37 a.m., Mr. Casella moved, seconded by Mr. Carey to amend the agenda to
remove Item 2, Compilation Pending Litigation - Discussion, from the agenda. All
voted in favor.
At 8:37 a.m., Mr. Casella moved, seconded by Mr. Carey, to take up the Furey matter in Public Session under Item III, New Business. All voted in favor.
At 8:38 a.m., the Chairman asked the Trustees to take up the Richard G. Furey application to return to Tier II from the ARP and be reinstated in Hazardous Duty Retirement. After discussion, there was consensus that the matter should be referred to Commission Counsel for review. No further action was taken.
At 8:40 a.m., Mr. Casella moved, seconded by Mr. Carey to go into Executive Session and to invite Attorney Sullivan, Attorney Cieslak and Attorney Barth to participate in the discussions of the following agenda items:
1. SAG Award Update - written legal opinion - discussion.
2. Thompson and related issues for consideration - pending litigation -
3. Carol Walenski - pending litigation - discussion.
4. David Carter - pending litigation - discussion.
5. Ronald Johnson - pending litigation - discussion.
6. Crandle, pending litigation ? discussion.
All voted in favor.
At 9:27 a.m., Mr. Casella moved, seconded by Mr. Carey, to come out of Executive
Session. All voted in favor.
No motions were made during the Public Session concerning the matters discussed in Executive Session.
At 9:28 a.m., the Chair asked if there was any old business to come before the Subcommittee. Hearing none, the Chair asked for a motion to adjourn.
At 9:28 a.m., Mr. Coffey moved, seconded by Mr. Carey to adjourn. All voted in favor. The meeting adjourned.
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