Retirement Services Division September 21, 2018 MEETING OF THE MEDICAL EXAMINING BOARD

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September 21, 2018

12/1/2017 D-12551 Service-Connected Michelle Barringer 491469
5/9/2009 MD-1339 Service-Connected(RECON) Dalphine Bennett 212907
9/1/2017 D-12499 Non-Service Connected Richard Bohara 441009
8/30/2017 MD-1547 Service-Connected Robert Boulem 266161
12/1/2015 D-12037 Non-Service Conn.(RECON) Francette Carson 564507
6/1/2017 D-12436 Service-Connected LauraCrowder 381900
10/1/2016 D-12256 Non-Service Conn.(Posth) David DeProdocini 494261
10/1/2013 D-11585 Non-Service Conn.(RECON) Brunilda Diaz 527507
10/1/2018 D-12705 Non-Service Connected Jo-Ann Epperson-Miller 057898
10/1/2018 D-12703 Non-Service Conn.(Posth) Tanya Hanna 491286
7/1/2018 D-12659 Non-Service Connected Kurt Kebschull 552287
10/1/2017 D-12523 Non-Service Connected Marion Lamprecht 627334
2/1/2018 D-12580 Non-Service Connected Donna McMillan 421950
10/1/2016 D-12258 Change to Non-S/C Gussie Milledge 564144
10/1/2017 D-12512 Service-Connected Jasmine Moore 048272
7/1/2017 D-12460 Service-Connected Lillian Pacheco 378222
9/30/2016 MD-1524 Non-Service Connected Colleen Perone 205931
10/1/2016 D-12278 Change to Non-S/C Kimberlee-Ann Phillips 436516
9/1/2016 D-12248 Non-Service Connected Doris Poeta 001124
7/1/2017 D-12444 Non-Service Connected Anne Power 504502
5/1/2011 D-10924 Service-Connected(RECON) Archie Robertson 501352
11/1/2015 D-12029 Service-Connected Bruce Rossi 504674
10/1/2017 D-12521 Service-Connected James Scanlon, III 446549
6/1/2017 D-12442 Service-Connected Lorri Wilson 624790
9/1/2017 D-12495 Service-Connected Paul Winfree 655699
11/1/2017 D-12540 Non-Service Connected Felicia Young 972581
5/1/2015 D-11912 Non-Service Connected Kelly Zeitel-Shubert 864664

Please take notice that the portion(s) of the meeting before the Medical Examining Board during which the medical condition, health and/or employment of each applicant is discussed will be held in executive session, unless the applicant requires that the discussion be held at a meeting open to the public. During the executive session portion(s) of the meeting, the Board may invite persons to provide statements in the executive session, but their attendance is limited to only the time necessary for those statements. If an applicant elects to have his/her matter heard at a meeting open to the public, the Medical Examining Board requests that notice of such election be given prior to the commencement of the meeting.

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