Retirement Services Division November 17, 2017 MEETING OF THE MEDICAL EXAMINING BOARD

November 17, 2017

1/11/2017 MD-1535 Service-Connected Margaret Ackley 234493
1/1/2017 D-12316 Non-Service Connected Karen Andersson 811912
4/1/2016 D-12118 Service-Connected Amalia Bzdyra 396601
12/1/2013 D-11615 Service-Connected(RECON) Jose Dishmey 476193
5/1/2017 D-12415 Non-Service Conn.(Posth) Olawale Fawale 875711
7/1/2016 D-12197 Service-Connected Michael Gardner 639379
11/1/2016 D-12277 Non-Service Connected Carol Gaylor 497553
11/1/2015 D-12025 Service-Connected(RECON) Ted Hargrove 552771
9/1/2016 D-12250 Service-Connected Patrick Johnson 564030
11/1/2016 D-12284 Service-Connected Julie Kulp 875699
6/3/2016 MD-1514 Service-Connected Ronald Lavoie
12/1/2016 D-12313 Service-Connected Jacqueline Lawrence 056788
7/1/2016 D-12194 Change to Non-S/C Joseph Lopez 598294
2/1/2014 D-11636 Non-Service Conn.(Cont'd) David Maura 505081
10/1/2016 D-12258 Service-Connected Gussie Milledge 564144
7/1/2016 D-12198 Service-Connected Patricia Rogers 020072
2/1/2013 D-11402 Non-Service Connected Geneva Venters 527151
1/1/2017 D-12325 Service-Connected Carl Williams 641937

Please take notice that the portion(s) of the meeting before the Medical Examining Board during which the medical condition, health and/or employment of each applicant is discussed will be held in executive session, unless the applicant requires that the discussion be held at a meeting open to the public. During the executive session portion(s) of the meeting, the Board may invite persons to provide statements in the executive session, but their attendance is limited to only the time necessary for those statements. If an applicant elects to have his/her matter heard at a meeting open to the public, the Medical Examining Board requests that notice of such election be given prior to the commencement of the meeting.

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