Retirement Services Division May 24, 2019 MEETING OF THE MEDICAL EXAMINING BOARD

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May 24, 2019

2/1/2019 D-12780 Non-Service Conn.(Posth) James Blake 558129
4/1/2017 D-12397 Non-Service Connected Christine Blomberg 970923
4/1/2017 D-12388 Non-Service Connected Maria Burgos 476662
1/1/2017 D-12331 Service-Connected Viola Burnside 480721
2/1/2017 D-12358 Non-Service Connected Mark Chatlos 385620
5/1/2019 D-12840 Non-Service Conn.(Posth) Valencia Durbin 509230
3/1/2017 D-12371 Non-Service Conn.(Cont'd) Penny Eaton 493230
10/1/2016 D-12264 Non-Service Conn.(RECON) Darlene Faryniarz 528536
5/1/2017 D-12416 Service-Connected Kevyn Fernandez 444246
9/1/2010 D-10747 Non-Service Connected Kenneth Gillman 562278
9/5/2018 MD-1581 Non-Service Connected Dwayne Harrison 250773
6/1/2016 D-12150 Service-Connected(RECON) Elizabeth Holley-Davis 048259
10/1/2018 D-12714 Non-Service Connected Joseph Hukill 626951
4/1/2017 D-12385 Non-Service Connected Mohammad Kafi 445247
3/1/2019 D-12802 Non-Service Connected Heath McMonigal 508094
8/1/2018 D-12675 Non-Service Connected Yolanda Melendez 595862
3/1/2017 D-12377 Service-Connected Juan Morales, Jr. 863074
11/1/2018 D-12731 Non-Service Connected Theresa Norton 526885
10/1/2017 D-12508 Non-Service Conn.(Cont'd) Judith Onisto 434159
1/1/2008 D-9965 Non-Service Connected Juan Rivera-Lamboy 434200
7/1/2009 D-10454 Service-Connected(RECON) Erma Robinson 450583
3/1/2017 D-12373 Service-Connected Maria Rojas 590123
12/8/2015 MD-1500 Change to Non-S/C Kaim Rosado 214858
5/1/2018 D-12624 Service-Connected Stephen Santoro 606229
12/1/2018 D-12748 Non-Service Conn.(Posth) Joseph Sazanowicz 002461
1/31/2017 MD-1538 Service-Connected Christopher Shulick 227222
3/1/2005 D-8987 Service-Connected(RECON) Bryan Sousa 500669
4/1/2017 D-12405 Non-Service Conn.(Cont'd) Paula Waite 328627
5/1/2018 D-12622 Non-Service Conn.(Cont'd) Tracey Wright 062017

Please take notice that the portion(s) of the meeting before the Medical Examining Board during which the medical condition, health and/or employment of each applicant is discussed will be held in executive session, unless the applicant requires that the discussion be held at a meeting open to the public. During the executive session portion(s) of the meeting, the Board may invite persons to provide statements in the executive session, but their attendance is limited to only the time necessary for those statements. If an applicant elects to have his/her matter heard at a meeting open to the public, the Medical Examining Board requests that notice of such election be given prior to the commencement of the meeting.

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