Retirement Services Division January 26, 2018 MEETING OF THE MEDICAL EXAMINING BOARD

February 16, 2018

2/1/2017 D-12359 Service-Connected Ivo Abrantes 965107
3/18/2017 MD-1541 Service-Connected Teresa Baboolal
10/1/2016 D-12259 Service-Connected Helen Beaudry 402008
3/1/2017 D-12366 Service-Connected Karla Carey 527183
12/1/2016 D-12298 Service-Connected Teresa Coope 613320
3/1/2017 D-12371 Non-Service Connected Penny Eaton 493230
1/1/2017 D-12327 Service-Connected Deborah Foss 413953
6/1/2016 D-12149 Service-Connected Carol Griffin 527055
12/1/2016 D-12303 Change to Non-S/C Robert Herrick 604308
1/1/2017 D-12338 Service-Connected Gary Kvietkauskas 012999
10/1/2016 D-12255 Service-Connected Gina Lapke 380455
1/1/2017 D-12304 Non-Service Connected Thomas Ledan 621602
4/1/2017 D-12382 Non-Service Conn.(Posth) Michael Levesque 598701
1/1/2017 D-12321 Service-Connected Robert Mooneyham 441202
11/1/2016 D-12285 Non-Service Conn.(RECON) Tammy Murphy 653101
11/1/2016 D-12291 Service-Connected Colleen Pollard 801425
10/1/2009 D-10513 Service-Connected James Randazise 503806
6/1/2016 D-12165 Service-Connected Katrina Ringgold 129653
6/1/2016 D-12166 Non-Service Connected Lori Schroeder 580404
4/1/2017 D-12383 Non-Service Connected Ada Suarez 434012

Please take notice that the portion(s) of the meeting before the Medical Examining Board during which the medical condition, health and/or employment of each applicant is discussed will be held in executive session, unless the applicant requires that the discussion be held at a meeting open to the public. During the executive session portion(s) of the meeting, the Board may invite persons to provide statements in the executive session, but their attendance is limited to only the time necessary for those statements. If an applicant elects to have his/her matter heard at a meeting open to the public, the Medical Examining Board requests that notice of such election be given prior to the commencement of the meeting.

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