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February 7, 2020

9/1/2019 D-12900 Non-Service Connected Manuel Barbicas 027158
12/1/2014 D-11843 Service-Connected Beverly Braus 626064
3/21/2016 MD-1572 Service-Connected Brian Castle 484061
8/1/2016 D-12210 Service-Connected Edward Cedor Jr. 034529
11/1/2015 D-12033 Non-Service Connected Perretta Cooper 5 94538
1/20/2016 MD-1502 Service-Connected Steven Crowley 209243
5/1/2016 D-12138 Non-Service Connected Gayle Datelle 490590
7/1/2019 D-12865 Service-Connected Pierre D'Haiti 491125
6/1/2018 D-12644 Service-Connected(RECON) Brison Downing 038440
7/1/2016 D-12186 Non-Service Connected Bonnie Drozdowicz 031203
6/1/2016 D-12171 Non-Service Connected Connie Fendley 595814
5/24/2019 MD-1599 Service-Connected Kevin Gadomski 226566
5/1/2016 D-12120 Non-Service Connected (Posth) Mildred Hoff 551199
6/1/2016 D-12214 Non-Service Conn.(Posth) Morris Hudson 419493
1/1/2020 D-12972 Non-Service Conn.(Posth) Jo-Ann Jones 344947
9/1/2019 D-45183 Non-Service Connected David Katz 045183
7/1/2018 D-12654 Service-Connected Michael Lane 527048
10/1/2016 D-12266 Non-Service Connected Joanne McNeal 509562
10/1/2018 D-12706 Non-Service Connected Debra Rahbyn Morris 500030
8/1/2018 D-12671 Service-Connected Karen Nixon 587871
5/1/2015 MD-1491 Non-Service Connected Angel Ortiz 215792
9/1/2016 D-12252 Non-Service Connected Waldren Phillips 534824
12/1/2019 D-12947 Non-Service Conn.(Posth) Deborah Redford-Badwal 457888
6/28/2006 MD-1229 Non-Service Connected Luz Tedesco 208217
9/1/2016 D-12235 Non-Service Connected James Turner, II 529295
7/1/2019 D-12869 Non-Service Connected Brian Veley 346658
10/22/2011 MD-1388 Service-Connected Floyd Wiley 215282

Please take notice that the portion(s) of the meeting before the Medical Examining Board during which the medical condition, health and/or employment of each applicant is discussed will be held in executive session, unless the applicant requires that the discussion be held at a meeting open to the public. During the executive session portion(s) of the meeting, the Board may invite persons to provide statements in the executive session, but their attendance is limited to only the time necessary for those statements. If an applicant elects to have his/her matter heard at a meeting open to the public, the Medical Examining Board requests that notice of such election be given prior to the commencement of the meeting.

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