Retirement Services Division March 2, 2017 Meeting Minutes of the State Employees Retirement Commission Investment Subcommittee


Date: 03/02/2017 Time: 2:00 p.m.
X Regularly Scheduled __ __ Special
Attendees: Was a quorum present? Yes
Retirement Commission Other Attendees
Charlie Casella Frank Picarelli, SegalMarco
Michael Carey Vanessa Vargas, SegalMarco
Sandra Browne-Brewton Michael McMann, Prudential
Laila Mandour Joel Fein, Prudential
Steve Greatorex  

Comptroller's Office
Thomas Woodruff, Director, HPBSD .
Margaret Haering, Assistant Director, HPBSD
Brenda Halpin, Director Retirement Div.
Amy Cason, Associate RBO, HPBSD

Matters Discussed:
Review of quarterly performance of plan investment options and markets.
Plan Review, participant behavior and summary of investment utilization and fund transfers. The Committee discussed eliminating one of the two funds in the REIT category and asked the consultant to make recommendations for a fund in the Small Value category. The Committee also discussed the Stable Value Fund and the potential need to rebalance the portfolios to restore them to their target percentages.

Materials Reviewed:
Analysis of Investment Performance, SegalMarco
State of Connecticut Combined Plans, Fourth Quarter Report

Decisions voted upon: None.

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