Please use this estimator if your position is not covered by social security.
This is a Pension Estimator only and provides an estimate that is based strictly on the information you provide. The estimator does not contain your earnings or any payroll records that reside with your employer. The accuracy of your estimate will depend on how closely the information you provide matches the information used to calculate your actual benefit at the time you retire.
The estimator will not calculate:
- Costs and impacts associated with optional purchases.
- Estimates if a benefit will be adjusted as a result of a divorce decree.
- Disability retirement benefits.
- Retirement benefits based upon part-time service.
The information you provide and the estimates that are created are not reviewed, audited or verified by the CMERS unit of the State of CT Retirement Services Division (RSD). As a result, the pension estimate produced by this estimator is not binding on the CMERS unit, the State of CT or RSD. This estimate does not entitle you to any benefits. The actual pension you may be entitled to receive can only be known and officially calculated when you terminate your employment and retire.
You should not rely on the benefit estimate in making any retirement based decisions or taking any action with respect to your CMERS benefits.