State of Connecticut Comprehensive Annual Financial Report Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 1999 General Purpose Financial Statements - Statement of Changes in Plan Net Assets - Pension Trust Funds (Defined Benefit Pension Plans)

State of Connecticut

Combining Statement of Changes in Net Assets
Pension Trust Funds and Investment Trust Fund
For the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 1999
(Expressed in Thousands)
Pension Trust Pension Trust
Judicial Connecticut
Probate Judges State's Attorneys'/ Public Defender External Investment Pool Total
Plan Participants $ 38,897 $ 154,682 $ 1,093 $ 26,911 $ 204 $ 32 $ - $ 221,819
State . 227,724 188,334 9,283 - - - - 425,341
Federal and Other - - - - - - 87,838
Municipalities - 725 - - - - - 725
Total Contributions. 354,459 343,741 10,376 26,911 204 32 - 735,723
Investment Income 765,904 1,108,476 11,723 121,370 6,694 100 71,983 2,086,250
Less: Investment Expenses (52,222) (75,540) (799) (8,275) (456) (7) (367) (137,666)
Net Investment Income 713,682 1,032,936 10,924 113,095 6,238 93 71,616 1,948,584
Pool's Share Transactions - - - - - - 133,986 133,986
Operating Transfers In - - - - 604 - - 604
Miscellaneous 1,782 - - - - - - 1,782
Total Additions 1,069,923 1,376,677 21,300 140,006 7,046 125 205,602 2,820,679
Administrative 261 - 7 6 - - - 274
Benefit Payments and Refunds 572,004 562,963 11,363 46,761 1,797 12 - 1,194,900
Distributions to Pool Participants. - - - - - - 71,616 71,616
Other Program Expenses. - - - - 678 - - 678
Total Deductions 572,265 562,963 11,370 46,767 2,475 12 71,616 1,267,468
Net Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets 497,658 813,714 9,930 93,239 4,571 113 133,986 1,553,211
Net assets held in trust for pension benefits and pool participants:
July 1, 1998 7,032,339 10,003,424 114,512 1,126,419 60,435 840 959,164 19,297,133
June 30, 1999 $ 7,529,997 $ 10,817,138 $ 124,442 $ 1,219,658 $ 65,006 $ 953 $ 1,093,150 $ 20,850,344

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