State of Connecticut Comprehensive Annual Financial Report Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 1999 General Purpose Financial Statements - Combined Statement - All Proprietary Fund Types

State of Connecticut

Combined Statement of Revenues, Expenses, and
Changes in Retained Earnings/Fund Balances
All Proprietary Fund Types, Nonexpendable Trust Funds,
and Discretely Presented Component Units
For The Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 1999
(Expressed in Thousands)
Fiduciary Total Proprietary Total
Proprietary Fund Types Fund Type Primary Fund Type Reporting
Internal Nonexpendable Government Component Entity
Enterprise Service Trust (Memorandum
Units (Memorandum only)
Operating Revenues:
Charges for Services $ 38,791 $ 102,284 $ - $ 141,075 $ 142,599 $ 283,674
Interest on Financing Activities 7,693 - 8,164 15,857 221,433 237,290
Investment Earnings - 171 28,162 28,333 - 28,333
Patient Service Revenue 124,570 - - 124,570 - 124,570
Intergovernmental - - 15,813 15,813 - 15,813
Civic Center Lease Operations - - - - 13,483 13,483
Lottery Sales 870,917 - - 870,917 - 870,917
Miscellaneous 5,337 - 363 5,700 21,077 26,777
Total Operating Revenues 1,047,308 102,455 52,502 1,202,265 398,592 1,600,857
Operating Expenses:
Cost of Sales and Services 586,697 59,624 - 646,321 - 646,321
Administrative. 73,145 21,696 1,027 95,868 36,761 132,629
Personal Services 12 - - 12 - 12
Depreciation and Amortization 15,798 17,274 - 33,072 21,715 54,787
Interest on Financing Activities 5,774 - 24,378 30,152 206,199 236,351
Patient Care 85,719 - - 85,719 - 85,719
Other Program Expenses 2,207 - 707 2,914 19,131 22,045
Civic Center Lease Operations - - - - 16,388 16,388
Solid Waste Operations - - - - 95,081 95,081
Total Operating Expenses 769,352 98,594 26,112 894,058 395,275 1,289,333
Operating Income (Loss) 277,956 3,861 26,390 308,207 3,317 311,524
Nonoperating Revenues (Expenses):
Interest and Investment Income 51,421 - - 51,421 80,685 132,106
Interest and Fiscal Charges. (49,067) - - (49,067) (18,229) (67,296)
Other 8,635 - - 8,635 8,745 17,380
Total Nonoperating Income (Expense) 10,989 - - 10,989 71,201 82,190
Income (Loss) Before Operating Transfers 288,945 3,861 26,390 319,196 74,518 393,714
Operating Transfers:
Operating Transfers In 13,174 - 22,523 35,697 - 35,697
Operating Transfers Out (273,838) - (3,304) (277,142) - (277,142)
Net Income (Loss) 28,281 3,861 45,609 77,751 74,518 152,269
Add Items Affecting Contributed Capital:
Depreciation on Equipment Acquired through
Capital Grants - - - - 126 126
Total Add Back Items - - - - 126 126
Retained Earnings/Fund Balances-July 1(as restated) 162,620 39,252 432,847 634,719 464,306 1,099,025
Residual Equity Transfer Out (3,175) - - (3,175) - (3,175)
Retained Earnings/Fund Balances - June 30 $ 187,726 $ 43,113 $ 478,456 $ 709,295 $ 538,950 $ 1,248,245

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