State of Connecticut Comprehensive Annual Financial Report Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 1999 General Purpose Financial Statements - All Governmental Fund Types and Expendable Trust Funds

State of Connecticut

Combined Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and
Changes in Fund Balances
All Governmental Fund Types and Expendable Trust Funds

For The Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 1999
(Expressed in Thousands)

Government Fund Type Fiduciary
Fund Type

Capital Projects
Expendable Trust
Total (Memorandum
Taxes       $7,798,692 $ 538,181 $ - $ - $ 483,679 $ 8,820,552
Licenses, Permits and Fees 122,017 361,203 - - - 483,220
Intergovernmental 2,157,910 100,366 - 333,780 7,461 2,599,517
Charges for Services 34,066 25,036 - - - 59,102
Fines, Forfeits and Rents 51,918 1,777 - - - 53,695
Casino Gaming Payments 288,532 - - - - 288,532
Restricted Federal and Other Grants/Accounts 550,746 103,497 - - - 654,243
Health Insurance Contributions - - - - 32,507 32,507
Investment Earnings and Interest on U.S. Deposits 58,148 19,078 18,098 1 68,361 163,686
Assessments - - - - 231,965 231,965
Miscellaneous 121,113 69,738 - 2,763 18,186 211,800
Total Revenues 11,183,142 1,218,876 18,098 336,544 842,159 13,598,819
Legislative 65,224 48 - - - 65,272
General Government 845,215 187,453 - - 8,297 1,040,965
Regulation and Protection 215,004 261,465 - - 515,826 992,295
Conservation and Development 91,694 212,300 - - - 303,994
Health and Hospitals 1,050,528 8,054 - - - 1,058,582
Transportation - 383,175 - - - 383,175
Human Services 3,474,885 13,597 - - - 3,488,482
Education, Libraries and Museums 1,952,476 299,890 - - - 2,252,366
Health Insurance Payments - - - - 34,337 34,337
Corrections 1,026,525 4,575 - - - 1,031,100
Judicial 351,686 8,239 - - - 359,925
Restricted Federal and Other Grants/Accounts 550,746 103,497 - - - 654,243
Capital Projects - - - 726,775 - 726,775
Debt Service:
Principal Retirement 560,655 36,898 236,130 - 149,880 983,563
Interest and Fiscal Charges 331,178 10,508 181,448 - 38,481 561,615
Total Expenditures 10,515,816 1,529,699 417,578 726,775 746,821 13,936,689
Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues Over Expenditures 667,326 (310,823) (399,480) (390,231) 95,338 (337,870)
Other Financing Sources (Uses):
Proceeds from Sale of Bonds and Notes - 530,842 19,102 360,553 70,000 980,497
Non Cash Bond Issues - 22,875 - - - 22,875
Operating Transfers In 274,227 129,426 422,909 - 23,000 849,562
Operating Transfers Out (772,104) (367,239) (29,615) (61,745) (27,705) (1,258,408)
Capital Lease Obligations 5,489 1,540 - - - 7,029
Proceeds of Refunding Bonds - - 185,445 - - 185,445
Payment to Refunded Bond Escrow Agent - - (172,122) - - (172,122)
Total Other Financing Sources (Uses) (492,388) 317,444 425,719 298,808 65,295 614,878
Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues and Other
Sources Over Expenditures and Other Uses 174,938 6,621 26,239 (91,423) 160,633 277,008
Fund Balances (deficit) - July 1 444,117 894,028 498,417 75,521 938,223 2,850,306
Residual Equity Transfer In 400 - - - - 400
Equity Transfer to Component Units Contributed Capital - (1,080) - - - (1,080)
Changes in Reserves for Inventories - 2,051 - - - 2,051
Fund Balances (deficit) - June 30 $ 619,455 $ 901,620 $ 524,656 $ (15,902) $ 1,098,856 $ 3,128,285

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