State of Connecticut Comprehensive Annual Financial Report Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 1999 - Combining Financial Statements - All Agency Funds - Combining Statement of Changes in Assets & Liabilities

State of Connecticut

Combining Statement of Changes in Assets & Liabilities
All Agency Funds

For the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 1999
(Expressed in Thousands)

Balance Balance
July 1, 1998 Additions Deletions June 30, 1999
Payroll and Fringe Benefit Clearing
Cash and Cash Equivalents. $ 1,141 $ 162 $ - $ 1,303
Due From Other Funds 3,252 3,656 3,252 3,656
Total Assets $ 4,393 $ 3,818 $ 3,252 $ 4,959
Agency Deposit Liability $ 4,393 $ 3,818 $ 3,252 $ 4,959
Total Liabilities $ 4,393 $ 3,818 $ 3,252 $ 4,959
Receipts Pending Distribution
Cash and Cash Equivalents $ 22,955 $ - $ 2,737 $ 20,218
Accounts, Net of Allowances 752 103 752 103
Receivable From Other Governments 20 29 20 29
Total Assets $ 23,727 $ 132 $ 3,509 $ 20,350
Accounts Payable and Accrued Liabilities $ 3,344 $ 734 $ - $ 4,078
Due to Other Funds 8,111 - 175 7,936
Agency Deposit Liability 12,272 131 4,067 8,336
Total Liabilities $ 23,727 $ 865 $ 4,242 $ 20,350
Securities Held for Others
Other Assets $ 515,566 $ 96,378 $ - $ 611,944
Total Assets $ 515,566 $ 96,378 $ - $ 611,944
Agency Deposit Liability $ 515,566 $ 96,378 $ - $ 611,944
Total Liabilities $ 515,566 $ 96,378 $ - $ 611,944


Balance Balance
July 1, 1998 Additions Deletions June 30, 1999
State Institution Activity
Cash and Cash Equivalents $ 10,559 $ 11,248 $ 8,530 $ 13,277
Accounts, Net of Allowances 525 92 326 291
Loans, Net of Allowances 56 27 24 59
Interest 5 20 5 20
Inventories and Prepaid Items 27 1,820 - 1,847
Other Assets 1,826 1,797 - 3,623
Total Assets $ 12,998 $ 15,004 $ 8,885 $ 19,117
Accounts Payable and Accrued Liabilities $ 1,441 $ 83 $ 1,339 $ 185
Agency Deposit Liability 11,557 7,993 618 18,932
Total Liabilities $ 12,998 $ 8,076 $ 1,957 $ 19,117
Deferred Compensation
Investments $ 622,199 $ 116,534 $ 738,733 $ -
Total Assets $ 622,199 $ 116,534 $ 738,733 $ -
Deferred Compensation Liability $ 622,199 $ 116,534 $ 738,733 $ -
Total Liabilities $ 622,199 $ 116,534 $ 738,733 $ -
Cash and Cash Equivalents $ 109,887 $ 104,280 $ 86,096 $ 128,071
Investments 2,171 519 - 2,690
Interest 80 486 236 330
Total Assets $ 112,138 $ 105,285 $ 86,332 $ 131,091
Accounts Payable and Accrued Liabilities $ 1,945 $ 1,952 $ - $ 3,897
Agency Deposit Liability 110,193 106,009 89,008 127,194
Total Liabilities $ 112,138 $ 107,961 $ 89,008 $ 131,091


Balance Balance
July 1, 1998 Additions Deletions June 30, 1999
Totals - All Agency Funds
Cash and Cash Equivalents $ 144,542 $ 115,690 $ 97,363 $ 162,869
Investments 624,370 117,053 738,733 2,690
Accounts, Net of Allowances 1,277 195 1,078 394
Loans, Net of Allowances 56 27 24 59
Interest 85 506 241 350
Due From Other Funds 3,252 3,656 3,252 3,656
Receivable From Other Governments 20 29 20 29
Inventories and Prepaid Items 27 1,820 - 1,847
Other Assets 517,392 98,175 - 615,567
Total Assets $ 1,291,021 $ 337,151 $ 840,711 $ 787,461
Accounts Payable and Accrued Liabilities. $ 6,730 $ 2,769 $ 1,339 $ 8,160
Due To Other Funds 8,111 - 175 7,936
Deferred Compensation Liability 622,199 116,534 738,733 -
Agency Deposit Liability. 653,981 214,329 96,945 771,365
Total Liabilities $ 1,291,021 $ 333,632 $ 837,192 $ 787,461

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