State of Connecticut Comprehensive Annual Financial Report Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 1999 - Combining Financial Statements - Agency Funds - Combining Balance Sheet

State of Connecticut

Combining Balance Sheet
Agency Funds

June 30, 1999
(Expressed in Thousands)

Payroll & Fringe Benefit Clearing Receipts Pending Distribution Securities Held for Others State Institutions Activity Other Total
Cash and Cash Equivalents $ 1,303 $ 20,218 $ - $ 13,277 $ 128,071 $ 162,869
Other - - - - 2,690 2,690
Accounts, Net of Allowances - 103 - 291 - 394
Loans Receivable - - - 59 - 59
Interest - - - 20 330 350
Due From Other Funds 3,656 - - - - 3,656
Receivable From Other Governments - 29 - - - 29
Inventories and Prepaid Items - - - 1,847 - 1,847
Other Assets - - 611,944 3,623 - 615,567
Total Assets $4,959 $ 20,350 $ 611,944 $ 19,117 $ 131,091 $ 787,461
Accounts Payable and Accrued Liabilities $ - $ 4,078 $ - $ 185 $ 3,897 $ 8,160
Due to Other Funds - 7,936 - - - 7,936
Deferred Compensation Liability - - - - -
Agency Deposit Liabilities 4,959 8,336 611,944 18,932 127,194 771,365
Total Liabilities $ 4,959 $ 20,350 $ 611,944 $ 19,117 $ 131,091 $ 787,461

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