State of Connecticut Comprehensive Annual Financial Report Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 1997 Component Units - Combining Statement of Cash Flows

State of Connecticut

Combining Statement of Cash Flows
Component Units

For The Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 1997
(Expressed in Thousands)

HousingConnecticutHigherHealth &
Authority (12-31-96) Authority Loan Authority Authority Incorporated Total
Cash Flows From Operating Activities:
Operating Income (Loss) $ 479 $ (28,448) $ 20,553 $ (2,339) $ 437 $ (488) $ (9,806)
Adjustments to Reconcile
Operating Income (Loss)
to Net Cash Provided by
(Used in) Operating Activities:
Amortization and Depreciation 1,427 5,197 16,192 168 51 88 23,123
Provision for Loan Losses - 3,230 4 1,155 135 - 4,524
Interest Expense 8,414 179,034 - 5,796 - - 193,244
Changes in Assets and Liabilities:
(Increase) Decrease in Receivables 305 (209) 920 (76) (109) 33 864
(Increase) Decrease in Due From Other Funds (1,014) - - - - 189 (825)
(Increase) Decrease in Inventories and Prepaid Expenses. - (5,798) (2,907) (465) (1) 23 (9,148)
Increase (Decrease) in Accounts Payable & Accrued Liabilities. 1,878 1,391 4,028 335 161 (97) 7,696
Miscellaneous Operating Activities 1,230 4,132 12,231 (98) 691 - 18,186
Issuance of Loans, Notes & Installment Contracts Receivable (21,998) (429,696) - (16,846) (272,915) - (741,455)
Collection of Loans, Notes & Installment Contracts Receivable 35,340 223,515 - 10,377 53,281 - 322,513
Net Cash Provided by (Used in) Operating Activities 26,061 (47,652) 51,021 (1,993) (218,269) (252) (191,084)
Cash Flows From Noncapital Financing Activities:
Contributed Capital 15,000 - - - 4,560 19,560
Proceeds From Sale of Bonds and Notes - 550,810 - 25,000 - - 575,810
Retirement of Bonds and Notes Payable (8,685) (398,950) - (5,125) - - (412,760)
Interest on Bonds and Notes Payable (8,474) (177,451) - (5,564) - - (191,489)
Bond Issuance and/or Redemption Costs - (8,992) - - - - (8,992)
Miscellaneous Noncapital Financing Activities-Additions - 3,045 - - - - 3,045
Miscellaneous Noncapital Financing Activities-Deletions (80) - (150) - - - (230)
Net Cash Provided by
(Used in) Noncapital
Financing Activities. (2,239) (31,538) (150) 14,311 - 4,560 (15,056)
Cash Flows From Capital
And Related Financing Activities:
Purchase of Fixed Assets (2,337) - (5,510) - (83) (26) (7,956)
Proceeds From Sale of Bonds and Notes - - 209,675 - 550,333 - 760,008
Retirement of Bonds and Notes Payable - - (237,062) - (146,615) - (383,677)
Interest on Bonds and Notes Payable. - - (20,552) - (130,601) - (151,153)
Miscellaneous Capital and Related Financing Activities-Additions 788 - 1,252 - 35,274 - 37,314
Miscellaneous Capital and Related Financing Activities-Deletions - - (10,405) - - - (10,405)
Net Cash Provided by
(Used in) Capital and Related
Financing Activities (1,549) - (62,602) - 308,308 (26) 244,131
Cash Flows From Investing Activities:
Proceeds From Sales of Investment Securities 1,057 255,317 4,261 5,202 679,238 12,637 957,712
Purchases of Investment Securities. (100) (141,634) (17) (19,209) (721,114) (8,199) (890,273)
Interest and Income on Investments 4,947 42,660 6,192 1,901 32,652 2,363 90,715
Reduction in Loan Receivable - - 10,063 - - - 10,063
Net Cash Provided by
(Used in) Investing Activities
5,904 156,343 20,499 (12,106) (9,224) 6,801 168,217
Increase (Decrease) in Cash 28,177 77,153 8,768 212 80,815 11,083 206,208
Cash and Cash Equivalents, July 1. 51,154 16,455 106,995 3,641 52,948 28,768 259,961
Cash and Cash Equivalents, June 30 $ 79,331 $ 93,608 $ 115,763 $ 3,853 $ 133,763 $ 39,851 $ 466,169

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