STATE OF CONNECTICUT Comprehensive Annual Financial Report - Notes to the Financial Statements - Note 15 - DEBT

State of Connecticut

June 30,1996
(Amounts in thousands unless otherwise stated)

Note 15


a. Short-Term Debt
Up to $739.4 million of general obligation temporary notes may be issued by the State with these notes having the full faith and credit of the state pledged for payment of principal and interest. As of June 30, 1996, no notes were outstanding. Additionally, revolving lines of credit have been secured from Dai-Ichi Kangyo Bank, Limited and The Industrial Bank of Japan, Limited in the amounts of $550.0 million and $203.9 million respectively. Of these amounts $539.4 million and $200.0 million may be advanced with respect to the payment of the above notes and $10.6 million and $3.9 million may be advanced with respect to the payment of up to 60 days interest on the notes. As of June 30, 1996, no amount was outstanding on the lines of credit.

b. Long-Term Debt
Economic Recovery Notes
In November 1995, $236.1 million of General Obligation Economic Recovery notes were issued to refinance $240.7 million in notes which were due in 1995-1996.

The economic recovery notes outstanding at June 30 were $236.1 million. These notes mature on various dates through 1999 and bear interest rates from 4.25% to 5%.

The following is a description of the future amounts needed to pay principal and interest on economic recovery notes outstanding at June 30, 1996.

Year Ending
June 30



1997 $ 79,000 $ 10,471 $ 89,471
1998 79,000 6,768 85,768
1999 78,055 2,829 80,884
Total $236,055 $20,068 $256,123

General Obligation Bonds
General obligation bonds are those bonds that are paid out of the revenues of the General fund and that are supported by the full faith and credit of the State. General obligation bonds outstanding and bonds authorized but unissued at June 30 were as follows:

Purpose of Bonds Final
But Unissued
Capital Improvements 1997-2016 4.218-9.875% 1,808,393 193,970
School Construction 1997-2012 4-9.75% 721,699 30,265
Municipal redevelopment 1996-2015 3.25-9.5% 1,486,713 479,516
Elderly Housing 1996-2011 7-7.4% 31,514 151
Elimination of Water
1998-2018 4.40-7.525% 289,418 3,269
General Obligation
1997-2012 2.40-7.35% 1,245,139 -
Miscellaneous 1997-2024 3.75-8.95% 49,909 48,746
5,632,785 $755,917
Accretion-Various Capital Appreciation Bonds 366,811
Total $5,999,596

Future amounts needed to pay principal and interest on general obligation bonds outstanding at June 30, 1996, were as follows:

Year Ending
June 30



1997 $ 455,651 $ 291,399 $ 747,050
1998 452,468 272,030 724,498
1999 442,509 265,899 708,408
2000 437,353 271,532 708,885
2001 422,870 236,581 659,451
Thereafter 3,421,934 1,876,325 5,298,259
Total $5,632,785 $3,213,766 $8,846,551

Transportation Related Bonds
Transportation related bonds include special tax obligation bonds and general obligation bonds that are paid out of revenues pledged or earned in the Transportation Fund. The revenue pledged or earned in the Transportation Fund to pay special tax obligation bonds is transferred to the debt service fund for retirement of principal and interest.

Transportation related bonds outstanding and bonds authorized but unissued at June 30 were as follows:

Purpose of BondsFinal Maturity Dates Interest RatesAmount OutstandingAuthorized But Unissued
Public Transportation 1997-1999 5.0 - 6.7% $ 15,053 $ 668
Specific Highways 1997 4.90 - 5.25% 1,110 19,900
1996-2015 2.65 - 10.0% 3,112,032 422,437
General Obligation
2004 5.15-9.75% 45,400 -
Other Transportation 1996-2010 4.218-9.25% 18,889 317
3,192,484 $443,322
Accretion-Various Capital Appreciation Bonds 8,592
Total $3,201,076

Future amounts required to pay principal and interest on transportation related bonds outstanding at June 30 were as follows:

Year Ending
June 30
1997 $ 140,358 $ 173,430 $ 313,788
1998 160,045 165,496 325,541
1999 166,849 156,092 322,941
2000 175,754 150,654 326,408
2001 186,840 137,265 324,105
Thereafter 2,362,638 845,162 3,207,800
$3,192,484 $1,628,099 $4,820,583

Special Assessment Unemployment Compensation Advance Fund
In July, August, and September of 1993, the State issued $1,020.7 million of Special Assessment Unemployment Compensation Advance Fund revenue bonds. The issuance of these special obligation revenue bonds was for the purpose of repaying loans made by the United States to Connecticut for payment of unemployment compensation benefits and assisting the State in meeting a portion of its unemployment compensation benefit obligations until increased employer assessments are levied. These bonds mature on various dates through 2001 and bear interest rates from 3.1% to 4.6% and shall be payable solely from the Unemployment Compensation Advance Fund and revenues and requisitional funds specifically pledged for their payment.

The State has no contingent obligation either directly or indirectly with the payment of these bonds.

Future amounts needed to pay principal and interest on special assessment unemployment compensation bonds were as follows:

Year Ending
June 30
1997 $ 75,000 $ 39,461 $ 114,461
1998 95,000 36,183 131,183
1999 115,000 31,967 146,967
2000 143,270 26,846 170,116
2001 150,265 18,916 169,181
Thereafter 332,970 6,550 339,520
$911,505 $159,923 $1,071,428

Interest Rate Swap Agreements
The State has entered into interest rate swap agreements for the following outstanding debt:

TypeFace ValueInterest RateMaturity Date
Transportation-STO's $219,600 Variable 2010

Based on these agreements, the State pays a fixed interest rate to the counterparty to the swap, and the counterparty pays the State a variable interest rate that is determined by the agreement. The State continues to make payments to the bondholders, and only the net difference in interest payments is exchanged with the counterparty. By entering into these agreements, the State has in effect exchanged its variable rate liability for a fixed rate obligation.

The agreements call for the following exchange of interest rates:

CounterpartyFace ValueInterest Rate Assumed by StateInterest Rate Assumed by Counterparty
AIG Corp. $131,800 5.75% 65% of 1 - month
LIBOR* rate
Sumitomo Bank $ 87,800 5.71% 65% of 1 - month
LIBOR* rate

*The primary fixed income index reference rates used in the Euromarkets. Most international floating rates are quoted as LIBOR plus or minus spread.

Regarding these agreements, the State is exposed to the market risk relating to the relationship between the variable interest rate on the bonds (which is reset weekly) and the rate that it receives under the swap agreements (which is 65% of 1 - month LIBOR).

Both agreements are guaranteed by the counterparties, and the agreeement with AIG Corp. has a collateral agreement which goes into effect if the credit rating of AIG falls below a defined level.

Revenue Bonds
Revenue bonds are those bonds that are paid out of resources pledged in the enterprise funds, nonexpendable trust funds, higher education and university hospital funds, and component units. Revenue bonds outstanding at June 30 were as follows:

Fund TypeMaturity DatesInterest RatesAmounts Outstanding
Primary Government:
Bradley International Airport 1996-2012 7.1-9.125% $ 90,540
Rental Housing 2000-2002 5.25-9.15% 123,630
Clear Water Fund
2009-2013 4.05-11.0% 388,420
Higher Education & University Hospital:
Investment in Plant
1997-2015 4.30-7.25% 98,654
Premium on Clean Water Fund bonds sold 4,606
Total $705,850
Component Units:
Conn. Development Authority
2002-2008 2.6-9.8% 142,260
Conn Housing Finance
Authority (as of 12-31-95)
2027 2.0-11.0% 2,772,385
Conn. Resources Recovery
1996-2016 4.20-8.80% 367,634
Conn. Higher Education Supplemental Loan Authority 1996-2013 4.4-7.5% 74,100
Conn. Health & Educational Facilities Authority 1996-2024 4.32-14.94% 2,163,450
Discount on CHFA bonds sold (26,903)
Total $5,492,926

Revenue bonds issued by the component units do not constitute a liability or debt of the State, and the State is only contingently liable for these bonds as discussed in this section.

The following is a description of revenue bonds with restrictive covenants:

Primary Government:
Bradley International Airport s revenue bonds were issued in 1982 in the amount of $100,000 to finance costs of improvements to the airport. As of June 30,
1996, the following bonds were outstanding:

  1. Airport revenue refunding bonds in the amount of $86,930. These bonds were issued in October, 1992, to redeem the 1982 revenue bonds, and are secured by and payable solely from the gross operating revenues generated by the State from the operations of the airport and other receipts, funds or monies pledged in the bond indenture. In accordance with this indenture, certain assets of this fund have been restricted for the payment of bond principal and interest, construction projects and other uses.
  2. Airport subordinated refunding bonds in the amount of $3,610. These bonds were issued in 1989 to help pay for certain expenses (e.g. issuance costs, redemption premium) incurred in the issuance of the 1992 refunding bonds.

In 1994, the State of Connecticut issued Clean Water Fund revenue bonds in the amount of $325,245. The proceeds of these bonds are to be used to provide funds to make loans to Connecticut municipalities for use in connection with the financing or refinancing of waste water treatment projects.

Component Units
Connecticut Development Authority s revenue bonds are issued to finance such projects as the acquisition of land or the construction of buildings, and purchase and installation of machinery, equipment, and pollution control facilities. The Authority finances these projects through its Self-Sustaining Bond Program and Umbrella Program. Under the Umbrella Program, bonds outstanding at June 30, 1996, were $78,755. Also, assets totaling $82,693 are pledged under the terms of the bond resolution for the payment of principal and interest on these bonds until such time as it is deter mined that there are surplus funds as defined in the bond resolution. Bonds issued under the Self-Sustaining Bond Program are discussed in the no-commitment debt section. In addition, the Authority had $63,505 in general obligation bonds outstanding at year end. These bonds were issued to finance the lease of an entertainment/sports facility, the purchase of a hockey team, and the construction of a music amphitheatre.

Connecticut Housing Finance Authority s revenue bonds are issued to finance the purchase, development and construction of housing for low and moderate income families and persons throughout the State. According to the bond resolution, the following assets of the Authority are pledged for the payment of the bond principal and interest (1) the proceeds from the sale of bonds, (2) all mortgage repayments with respect to long-term mortgage and construction loans financed from the Authority's general fund, and (3) all monies and securities of the Authority's general and capital reserve funds. In addition, all assets of the Authority's general and capital reserve funds ($3,013,488) are restricted until such time as they are determined to be "surplus funds". The bond resolution describes "surplus funds" as being the excess of pledged receipts over funds required for the payment of operating expenses, principal and interest and requirements of the capital reserve fund during the most recent twelve months as determined annually between November 12 and December 1 and designated as such by the Authority.

Connecticut Resources Recovery bonds are issued to finance the design, development and construction of resources recovery and recycling facilities and landfills throughout the State. These bonds are paid solely from the revenues generated from the operations of the projects and other receipts, accounts and monies pledged in the bond indentures.

Connecticut Higher Education Supplemental Loan Authority's revenue bonds are issued to provide loans to students, their parents, and institutions of higher education to assist in the financing of the cost of higher education. These loans are issued through the Authority's Bond fund. According to the bond resolu tions, the Authority internally accounts for each bond issue in separate funds, and additionally, the Bond fund includes individual funds and accounts as defined by each bond resolution.

Connecticut Health and Educational Facilities Authority's revenue bonds are issued to assist certain health care institutions, institutions of higher education and qualified for-profit and not-for-profit institutions in the financing and refinancing of projects to be undertaken in relation to programs for these institutions. The Authority generally holds title to, or has first mortgages on, the buildings and related facilities financed by the bonds. The terms of the lease, mortgage and loan payments receivable from the institutions correspond to the amortization requirements of related bonds payable. On final payment of a bond issue, the title to or security interest in the building and related facilities reverts to the institution. Prior to July 1, 1979, the Authority issued general obligation bonds for which of principal and interest when due. After July 1, 1979, the Authority has issued only special obligation bonds for which the principal and interest is payable solely from the revenues of the institutions. At year end, the Authority had $28,010 and $2,135,440 in outstanding general obligation and special obligation bonds, respectively.

Each Authority has established special capital reserve funds which secure all the outstanding bonds of the Authority at year end (except as discussed below). These funds are usually maintained at an amount equal to next year's bond debt service requirements. The State may be contingently liable to restore any deficiencies that may exist in the funds in any one year in the event that the Authority is unable to do so. For the Connecticut Resources Recovery Authority and the Connecticut Health and Educational Facilities Authority, bonds outstanding at year end in the amount of $336,429 and $257,770, respectively, were secured by the special capital reserve funds.

Future amounts required to pay principal and interest on revenue bonds outstanding at June 30, 1996, were as follows:

Primary Government
Year EndingEnterprise FundsNonexpendable TrustHigher Education and University Hospital FundsComponent Units
June 30,PrincipalInterestPrincipalInterestPrincipalInterestPrincipalInterest
1997 $4,995 $14,611 $15,395 $18,947 $6,415 $5,582 $187,483 $326,395
1998 8,130 14,113 18,725 17,958 6,242 5,235 211,250 317,393
1999 14,960 13,169 19,705 16,910 6,238 4,897 193,977 304,548
2000 14,337 11,936 20,130 15,850 6,221 4,552 201,737 294,143
2001 16,256 10,642 20,090 14,748 5,158 4,200 222,187 281,933
155,492 50,344 294,375 96,634 68,380 23,910 4,503,195 3,054,518
$214,170 $114,815 $388,420 $181,047 $98,654 $48,376 $5,519,829 $4,578,930

No-commitment Debt
Under the Self-Sustaining Bond Program, the Connecticut Development Authority issues revenue bonds to finance such projects as described previously in the component units section. These bonds are paid solely from payments received from participating companies (or from proceeds of sale of the specific projects in the event of default) and do not constitute a debt or liability of the Authority or the State. Thus, the balances and activity of the Self-Sustaining Bond Program are not included in the Authority's financial statements. Total bonds outstanding at June 30, 1996 were $1,219.1 million bearing rates ranging from 3.4% to 14%.

The Connecticut Resources Recovery Authority has issued several bonds to fund the construction of waste processing facilities by independent contractors/operators. These bonds are payable from a pledge of revenues derived primarily under lease or loan agreements between the Authority and the operators. Certain of these bonds are secured by letters of credit. The Authority does not become involved in the construction activities or the repayment of the debt (other than the portion allocable to Authority purposes). In the event of default, payment of the debt is not guaranteed by the Authority or the State except for the State's contingent liability discussed below. Thus, the assets and liabilities related to these bond issues are not included in the Authority's financial statements. Total bonds outstanding at June 30, 1996 were $344.6 million bearing interest rates ranging from 3.85% to 8.625%. Of this amount, $170.5 million was secured by a special capital reserve fund. The State may be contingently liable for any deficiencies in the fund as explained previously in the component units section.

Debt Refundings
During the year, the State advance refunded the following bonds (amounts in million).

Refunded BondsAverage Interest RateBond TypeRefunding BondsAverage Interest Rate
$58.9 6.79% General Obligation $61.3 5.43%
$150.2 6.84% Special Tax Obligation $160.6 4.98%
$43.1 6.93% Revenue-Clean Water Fd. $48.4 5.14%

The proceeds of the refunding bonds were used to purchase U.S. Government securities, which were deposited in an irrevocable trust with an escrow agent to provide for all future payments on the refunded bonds. Thus, the refunded bonds are considered to be defeased and the liability for those bonds has been removed from the general long-term debt account group and the nonexpendable trust fund.

The State advance refunded these bonds to reduce its total debt service payments over the next ten years by $8.1 million and to obtain an economic gain (difference between the present values of the debt service payments of the old and new bonds) of $8.8 million. As of June 30, 1996, $1,818.8 million of outstanding general obligation, special tax obligation, and revenue bonds (including prior year's refundings) are considered defeased.

Regarding the Clean Water Fund revenue bonds refunded, the difference between the book value of the refunded bonds and the amount deposited in the irrevocable trust resulted in an accounting loss of $4.7 million which has been deferred and which will be recognized as an adjustment of interest expense over the life of the refunding bonds, using the outstanding bond method.

Note Payable

An installment note for $12.3 million to acquire a telecommunication system was established between the University of Connecticut and Connecticut Bank and Trust Co. In 1988 with an interest rate of 7.55% and final maturity in April 1999. Future amounts required to pay principal and interest on the note outstanding were as follows:

Year Ending June 30PrincipalInterestTotal
1997 $ 1,395 $ 631 $ 2,026
1998 1,502 524 2,026
1999 1,618 408 2,026
$4,515 $1,563 $6,078

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