STATE OF CONNECTICUT Comprehensive Annual Financial Report - Combining Statement of Cash Flows Enterprise Funds

State of Connecticut

Combining Statement of Cash Flows
Enterprise Funds

For The Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 1996
(Expressed in Thousands)

Cash Flows From Operating Activities:
Operating Income (Loss) $ (6,256) $ 3,493 $ (261) $ (3,024)
Adjustments to reconcile operating income (loss) to net cash provided by (used in) operating activities:
Amortization and Depreciation 4 7,751 - 7,755
Provision for loan losses 417 - - 417
Interest expense 7,856 - - 7,856
Changes in assets and liabilities:
(Increase) decrease in receivables. (235) (571) 208 (598)
(Increase) decrease in receivable from other governments - 21 - 21
(Increase) decrease in inventories and prepaid items - 18 (98) (80)
(Increase) decrease in accounts payable & accrued liabilities 1,054 191 28 1,273
Increase (decrease) in due to other funds (1,198) 328 10 (860)
Miscellaneous operating activities 3 4,094 86 4,183
Collection of loans, notes & installment contracts receivable 2,248 - - 2,248
Net cash provided by (used in) operating activities 3,893 15,325 (27) 19,191
Cash Flows From Noncapital Financing Activities:
Retirement of bonds and notes payable (2,305) - - (2,305)
Interest on bonds and notes payable (8,039) - - (8,039)
Transfers from other funds 4,892 - - 4,892
Transfers to other funds (822) - - (822)
Net cash provided by (used in) noncapital financing activities (6,274) - - (6,274)
Cash Flows From Capital And Related Financing Activities:
Purchase of fixed assets - (6,410) - (6,410)
Retirement of bonds payable - (2,630) - (2,630)
Interest on bonds and notes payable - (6,967) - (6,967)
Capital contributions or grants - 1,871 - 1,871
Net cash provided by (used in) capital and related financing activities - (14,136) - (14,136)
Cash Flows From Investing Activities:
Proceeds from sale of investment securities - - - -
Purchase of investment securities (627) - - (627)
Interest and income on investments 4,006 3,527 - 7,533
Net cash provided by (used in) investing activities 3,379 3,527 - 6,906
Increase (decrease) in cash 998 4,716 (27) 5,687
Cash and cash equivalents, July 1 3,638 45,448 696 49,782
Cash and cash equivalents, June 30. $ 4,636 $ 50,164 $ 669 $ 55,469

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