1.0 Statutory Reference
CGS Section 3-112.
2.0 Vendor File
2.1 General Information
The Core-CT vendor file contains vendor names, addresses, entity type, and
financial reporting information for the State vendors. The information is
organized by the vendor's Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN) or
Social Security Number (SSN) in the field Short Name. Use of this field prevents
the duplicate entry of vendors into the Core-CT system.
2.2 Vendor Forms
The Vendor form SP26NB should be completed by the vendor and submitted
directly to the Office of the State Comptroller. If the vendor sends the
completed form to the agency they are doing business with, the agency can review
the form for completeness and submit the form to the Office of the State Comptroller Accounts Payable
Vendors should also complete the W-9 form if they:
A. Change their Name or Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN).
B. Receive automated clearing house (ACH) payments.
C. Receive payments reportable to the IRS.
D. Are corporations that provide legal or medical services.
E. Are notified by the Office of the State Comptroller that the W-9 is needed to clarify information on the
SP26NB form.
See forms SP26NB
and W-9:
The Department of Administrative Services website has a full explanation of
the W-9 form and this can be printed to assist the vendor in completing it
For questions regarding the State Vendor File please contact:
2.3 Vendor Updates
The Vendor Update Request Form is accessible through Core-CT. Only state
employees with FIN roles are authorized to use the vendor update feature. The
updates are completed on-line for inclusion in the central Core-CT Vendor File.
The Vendor Update Request Form allows state employees to use a single form to
request updates to four areas of the vendor file. The form has several standard
fields that must be completed. Guidelines for form completion are available on
the Core-CT website
If you have any questions or problems with vendor updates, contact
2.4 ACH/EFT Electronic Payments
Vendors may elect to receive payments by check or the payment may be sent
directly to their financial institution as an ACH (electronic funds transfer: EFT) payment. Vendors paid by
check receive a remittance advice with the check. Vendors paid by ACH/EFT
receive a remittance advice by e-mail or by accessing the state accounting
system through Vendor Self-Serve (VSS).
Vendors requesting electronic payments must complete the Electronic Fund
Transfer Election Form. The form must be completed by the vendor and submitted
to the Office of the State Comptroller Accounts Payable Division (OSC/APD) with a completed Form W-9 (Request for Taxpayer Identification Number
and Certification). Upon approval, OSC/APD will transmit a test transaction to
the vendor's bank account. When all test data is completed, the vendor must
confirm receipt of the test transaction by sending an e-mail to
to complete the process.
ACH/EFT payments are not subject to handling or mailing delays associated
with checks. It is also more cost effective and the preferred payment method.
Vendors should be encouraged to elect this payment type.
For ACH/EFT Forms:
2.5 Vendor Self-Serve (VSS)
Vendor Self-Serve (VSS) provides the vendor with access to Core-CT, the State
of Connecticut's financial system. This feature allows access for the vendor to
review addresses, invoices, and payment information. VSS is mandatory for all
ACH vendors.
For complete information on VSS see:
3.0 Vendor Assignment/Assumption
An assignment/assumption is a contract where one party, the assignor,
transfers all or part of their rights, duties and obligations to another party.
The assignee is the party that agrees to assume the rights, duties and
obligations of the assignor.
OSC/APD works with the contracting agency and the vendor(s) to obtain and
approve the required documentation. Once all documents are approved, the
contracting agency is notified that they can issue a supplement/amendment. Once
the supplement/amendment is issued, the vendor file is modified per the
requirements of the assignment. If necessary, the catalog is updated and a Core-
CT Daily Mail is issued advising State agencies of the effective date and the
change to the catalog.
Upon learning of an assignment or assumption situation, the agency should
immediately contact See Encumbrance section 8.0 for a
full explanation.