Inter & Intra State Agency Transfers and Adjustments
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1.0 General Information

1.1 Statutory References:

Expenditures: CGS Sections 3-112, 3-117, 4-69 and 4-89. Receipts: CGS Sections 3-17, 3-112, 3-114, 4-32 and 4-69.

1.2 Processing Inter & Intra State Transfers

Claims between State agencies (inter-agency) and claims between appropriations or funds administered by a single State agency (intra- agency) are handled by the Billing Process. There are three standard statewide Bill types for Inter & Intra State Agency transfers of funds: ET - Expenditure Transfer, ST - Revenue Transfer, and GT - Grant Transfer. The correct coding on the Bill will differentiate between the types of transfer of monies.

All agencies and branches of government in the State of Connecticut, regardless of the scope of their use of the Financial modules in Core-CT are expected to process inter and intra state agency transfers through Core-CT, using these statewide standard Bill types.

1.3 Role of the Creditor Agency - Requesting Payment

The agency requesting payment must enter a bill into Core-CT. The agency should complete the bill, save it, print a pro-forma, review it, finalize and print the bill. These system-generated bill can be auto-numbered or agency defined. This bill is then sent to the debtor agency.

1.4 Role of the Debtor Agency - Processing Payment

The Debtor agency receives the bill from the Creditor agency. They must ensure that the goods or services were received. Create a Purchase Order in Core-CT if one was not previously created. Receive the items in Core-CT if appropriate. Create the voucher in Core-CT by copying the receiver and use the system generted or agency defined number on the bill as the Invoice Number.

1.5 Payment Scenarios

If the bill was entered into Core-CT before the payment was received, Payment Predictor will match the payment to the open item automatically.

If the Payment was made by the Debtor agency but a bill was not issued by the Creditor Agency, the Creditor Agency must create the corresponding bill before applying the Payment in AR.

If the payment received did not match the open Receivable Item, and the payment failed in Payment Predictor, build a worksheet to apply the payment to an open item.

Refer to Core-CT Financials Bulletin # 3 for step by step instructions. 

1.6 Correcting GIRO Deposit Errors

When an agency receives funds from a GIRO Deposit in error, do NOT create a payment cancellation. Contact the Core-CT helpdesk with all of the information that is on the deposit. The helpdesk will get the name of the person who created the voucher and other information that is needed to make the correction.

The agency will create a Direct Journal to take in the funds using the coding for Funds Awaiting Distribution (Pending Receipts). The coding is: Fund: 34003, SID 42350, and Account 20920

See the UPK: Accounts Receivable > AR Payments > Payments > Create a Direct Journal

A copy of the deposit page payment information should be given to your Accounts Payable Voucher Processor with the chartfield coding used on the Direct Journal. The originating agency is the vendor ID for the NON-PO voucher and �GIRO PAYMENT ID� and the payment number from the Deposit payment information must be used. The voucher must also have information in the comments Link and description field to identify this payment as a correction for a complete audit trail. The same chartfield coding used on the Direct Journal for funds awaiting distribution must be used to ensure that there will be no entries to the receiving agency's budget.


1.7 Procedures for GIRO Payment Errors

A CO-790S must be completed and sent to the Office of the State Comptroller's Accounts Payable Division. A payment sent in error constitutes an overpayment and therefore requires a CO-790S, which must identify:

A. The procedures that led to the issuance of the overpayment the internal controls in place at the time the overpayment was made a description of how a recurrence will be prevented.

B. The CO-790S must be signed by the agency head or deputy.

C. The CO-790 should not be sent with the required CO-790S.