July 12, 2005
Attention: | Chief Administrative and Fiscal Officers, Business Managers, and Payroll and Personnel Officers |
Subject: | Pay Increases for the Executive Branch Employees Excluded from Collective Bargaining |
In accordance with Connecticut General Statutes 4-40 and 5-208(a), the Commissioner of the Department of Administrative Services (DAS) with the approval of the Secretary of the Office of Policy and Management has authorized pay increases for executive branch executive, managerial and confidential employees excluded from collective bargaining.
II. INCREASE IN COMPENSATION FOR EXECUTIVE BRANCH EMPLOYEESEffective June 24, 2005 there will be a three percent (3%) general wage increase for managers and confidential employees excluded from collective bargaining.
This includes management employees assigned to the MP or MD pay plans, confidential employees assigned to the MP pay schedule or confidential step plans, Transitional Managers, Leadership Apprentices, Durational Project Managers, Customer Service Program Developers, Associate Attorney Generals, Executive Assistants, employees of the State Election Enforcement Commission who are assigned to the LE pay schedule, Pre-Professional Trainees in confidential positions, and other executive branch unclassified managers assigned to variable rate pay schedules.
Current Executives covered by the EX pay plan who were Executive Branch employees on July 1, 2004, statutory employees of the Division of Criminal Justice, and gubernatorial appointees in the classes of PUC Chairperson, PUC Vice Chairperson, PUC Commissioner and Consumer Counsel assigned to the management pay schedule will receive the three percent (3%) increase.
Employees who are in the job classification of Executive Secretary (Unclassified) are eligible for the three percent (3%) increase.
This increase does not apply to unclassified employees of any of the boards of trustees of the constituent units of higher education.
The established rates for the classes of Chief State's Attorney, Deputy Chief State's Attorney and State's Attorney are increased by 3% effective July 1, 2005.
III. LONGEVITY SCHEDULES AND OVERTIMEThe longevity schedules for the MP, MD and EX pay plans have been increased in accordance with these pay increases. Effective June 24, 2005 a three percent (3%) increase to the overtime cap limit has been applied to the base annual salary (up to and including $55,560) for managerial and confidential employees.
IV. ANNUAL INCREMENTS AND LUMP SUMS FOR CONFIDENTIAL EXCLUSIONS, EXECUTIVE SECRETARIES (UNCLASSIFIED) AND DIVISION OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE MANAGERSAnnual increments must be paid effective June 24, 2005 for employees with a July anniversary date and December 23, 2005 for employees with a January anniversary date to eligible executive branch employees designated as confidential exclusions from collective bargaining including confidential employees of the Division of Criminal Justice who are assigned to salary schedules that contain steps. Annual increments must also be paid effective as mentioned above to eligible Division of Criminal Justice employees on step plans who have been excluded from collective bargaining as managerial exclusions.
Confidential employees with satisfactory performance who are excluded from the P-5 bargaining unit (employees assigned to the CR pay schedule) at the maximum step of their schedule will receive a lump sum payment of 2.5% of their annual rate when the annual increment would have been applied.
Confidential employees with satisfactory performance who are excluded from the NP-3 bargaining unit (employees assigned to the CA pay schedule) at the maximum step of their schedule will receive a lump sum payment of $500 when the annual increment would have been applied.
This item does not pertain to the unclassified employees of any of the boards of trustees of higher education.
Executive Secretaries will be eligible for a payment of 3% up to the maximum of the range in lieu of an increment. The payment in lieu of a step increase will be paid effective June 24, 2005 for employees with a July anniversary date and December 23, 2005 for employees with a January anniversary date to eligible Executive Secretaries.
Employees in the class of Executive Secretary who are at the maximum of their schedule will receive a lump sum payment of $500 when their payment in lieu of an annual increment would have been applied.
V. PAYROLL PROCEDURESA. Implementation of General Wage Increase
Agencies should refer to the memorandum dated June 30, 2005 entitled "Managerial COLA and PARS Increases Effective June 24, 2005" for instructions.
B. Payment of Lump Sum
Amount; Time Reporting Code XMISA or Earnings Code MPS
These lump sums are subject to mandatory deductions; i.e., federal withholding and state income tax annualized, Social Security tax, retirement contributions, and garnishment (if applicable).
VI. GENERALQuestions may be directed to:
Department of Administrative Services: Bureau of Human Resources, (860) 713-5168;
Office of the State Comptroller:
Payroll Procedures: Payroll Services Division, (860) 702-3463;
Memorandum Interpretation: Fiscal Policy Division, (860) 702-3440.
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