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To: | Agency Payroll & Personnel Officers |
From: | Gary Reardon |
Director Payroll Services | |
Date: | May 6, 2004 |
Subject: | New Process for Online Checks With Regards to Check Reversals |
When canceling an entire check, there are certain deductions that cannot be reversed (as part of the reversal process). These deductions are: CSE Credit Unions, Garnishments, and Savings Bonds. At the time the reversal is being executed in PeopleSoft, a process is in place to create a negative agency recovery deduction to compensate for the deductions that cannot be reversed. At this point the agency is short by the total of the current non-reversible deductions (the vendor associated with the deduction(s) is not required to return deduction money associated with the affected check). The current process then requires the agencies to manually retrieve a check from the employee to offset the negative agency recovery.
Effective immediately, when the off-cycle replacement check (a.k.a. petty cash check or on-line check) is issued, the check should include an agency recovery deduction for the total of the non-reversible deductions. This will prevent the agency from having to manually retrieve a check from the employee. If a replacement check is not necessary (as the employee should not have been paid for the current cycle), the agency should manually retrieve this money from the employee.
For example,
If an employee had a garnishment deduction ($100.00), a savings bond deduction ($100.00) and a CSE credit union deduction ($100.00) on the original check, a $300.00 agency recovery deduction should be included on the petty cash request form with a description of each of the non-reversible deductions. The following is an excerpt from the actual petty cash form capturing the process if an OSC employee had a garnishment, CSE Credit Union, and a Savings Bond deduction:
DEDUCTION INFORMATION_________________________________________________________________________
Deduction Code | Deduction Description | Deduction Amount |
YOSC | Agcy Recovery for GARNSH, CUCSE, + SAVBND | $ 300.00 |
Deducting the money (using the agency recovery code) during the off-cycle replacement check process will offset the negative agency recovery that is generated at the time the reversal is processed (as shown in the above example).
The following is a detailed list of the deductions that cannot be reversed followed by a complete list of agency recovery deduction codes:
1) CSE Credit Union:
CUCSE | CT St Employees Credit Union |
2) Garnishments:
GARNSH | Garnishment |
3) Savings Bonds
SAVBND | Savings Bonds - Series EE |
List of all Agency Recoveries deductions and their respective descriptions:
YAAC | AgyRec African-Am Aff Comm |
YACC | AgyRec Asnuntuck Com |
YADMUC | AgyRec Admin Unemploy Comp |
YAES | AgyRec Agr Exp Station |
YAPA | AgyRec Aud of Public Accounts |
YBHE | AgyRec Board of Gov Higher Ed |
YBOE | AgyRec Board of Ed |
YCAT | AgyRec Comm on Arts & Tourism |
YCCC | AgyRec Capital Comm |
YCCT | AgyRec Comm Coll Trust |
YCHC | AgyRec Conn Historical Comm |
YCLC | AgyRec State Lottery |
YCME | AgyRec Off of Chief Med Exam |
YCOC | AgyRec Com Chld and Youth |
YCOD | AgyRec Deaf and Hearing Imprd |
YCOS | AgyRec Charter Oak College |
YCSC | AgyRec CT Siting Council |
YCSL | AgyRec State Library |
YCSM | AgyRec Conn State Marshalls |
YCST | AgyRec Board of Trustee |
YCSU | AgyRec Cent Ct St Univ |
YCSW | AgyRec Comm Status of Women |
YDAG | AgyRec Dept of Agriculture |
YDAS | AgyRec Dept of Admin Service |
YDCC | AgyRec Off of Consum Counsel |
YDCF | AgyRec Dept of Child and Fam |
YDCJ | AgyRec Div of Criminal Justice |
YDCP | AgyRec Dept of Con Protect |
YDEP | AgyRec Dept of Environ Prot |
YDHE | AgyRec Dept. of Higher Ed |
YDMR | AgyRec Dept of Mntl Rtrdation |
YDMV | AgyRec Dept of Motor Veh |
YDOB | AgyRec Dept of Banking |
YDOC | AgyRec Dept of Correction |
YDOI | AgyRec Dept of Insurance |
YDOL | AgyRec Dept of Labor |
YDOT | AgyRec Dept of Transportation |
YDOTPC | AgyRec DOT Petty Cash |
YDPH | AgyRec Dept of Public Health |
YDPS | AgyRec Dept of Public Safety |
YDPW | AgyRec Dept of Public Works |
YDRS | AgyRec Dept of Revenue Serv |
YDSR | AgyRec Div of Special Rev |
YDSS | AgyRec Dept of Social Serv |
YDVA | AgyRec Dept of Vet Affairs |
YECD | AgyRec Dept of Ec and Com Dev |
YELE | AgyRec Elections Enforce Comm |
YESB | AgyRec Bd of Ed Serv for Blind |
YESU | AgyRec Eastern Ct Univ |
YETH | AgyRec Ethics Commission |
YFOI | AgyRec Freedom of Infor Comm |
YFPC | AgyRec Comm Fire Prev and Ctrl |
YFPE | AgyRec Bd of Firearm Permit Ex |
YGCC | AgyRec Gateway Comm |
YGOV | AgyRec Governor's Office |
YHCA | AgyRec Off of Hlth Care Access |
YHCC | AgyRec Housatonic Comm |
YHRO | AgyRec Com Hum Right and Opp |
YITD | AgyRec Dept of Infor Tech |
YJSC | AgyRec Judicial Selection Comm |
YJUD | AgyRec Judicial Dept |
YLGO | AgyRec Lieutenant Gov Office |
YLPR | AgyRec Latino Puerto Rican Aff |
YMHA | AgyRec Mntl Hlth and Add Ser |
YMIL | AgyRec Military Dept |
YMNC | AgyRec Manchester Comm |
YMVC | AgyRec Middsex Comm |
YNGC | AgyRec Naugatuck Comm |
YNTC | AgyRec Norwalk Comm |
YNWC | AgyRec NorthWest Comm |
YOAG | AgyRec Attorney General |
YOCA | AgyRec Off of Child Advocate |
YOLM | AgyRec Legislative Management |
YOPA | AgyRec Pro and Ad Per with Dis |
YOPM | AgyRec Off of Policy and Man |
YOSC | AgyRec State Comptroller |
YOTT | AgyRec State Treasurer |
YOVA | AgyRec Office of Victim Adv |
YOWC | AgyRec Off of Workforce Comp |
YPDS | AgyRec Pub Defender Serv Comm |
YPRB | AgyRec St Properties Review Bd |
YPSR | AgyRec Psychiatric Sec Rev Bd |
YPST | AgyRec Pl Off Stnd and Tran Co |
YPUC | AgyRec Dpt of Pub Utility Cont |
YQCC | AgyRec Quinebaug Com |
YSDE | AgyRec Dept of Education |
YSOS | AgyRec Secretary of the State |
YSSM | AgyRec Soldier Sailor Marines |
YSSU | AgyRec Southern Ct Unv |
YTCC | AgyRec Tunxis Comm |
YTRB | AgyRec Teachers' Ret Board |
YTRC | AgyRec Three River Com |
YUHC | AgyRec Univ of Conn Hlth Ctr |
YUOC | AgyRec University of Conn |
YWCC | AgyRec Workers' Comp Comm |
YWSU | AgyRec Western Ct Univ |
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