State of Connecticut Office of the State Comptroller Attachment to MEMORANDUM NO. 2002-17 State Employee Health Insurance 7/1/2002 TO 6/30/2003 RATES Bi-Weekly Rates Based on 26 Pay Periods

State of Connecticut



State Employee Health Insurance
7/1/2002 TO 6/30/2003 RATES
Bi-Weekly Rates Based on 26 Pay Periods
Medical Plans
  Anthem Health Net ConnectiCare
Blue Cross State BlueCare
State Preferred Out of Area POS POE POE Plus Charter POS Charter HMO Passport HMO POS Open Access HMO Open Access HMO Personal Care Plan
Individual Monthly $448.39 $437.40 $315.18 $299.09 $285.62 $310.98 $302.31 $296.24 $293.99 $274.27 $246.05
State Portion $379.02 $418.17 $295.95 $293.74 $285.27 $292.01 $296.77 $295.70 $276.06 $270.41 $246.05
Employee Portion $69.37 $19.23 $19.23 $5.35 $0.35 $18.97 $5.54 $0.54 $17.93 $3.86 $0.00
Semi-Monthly $224.20 $218.70 $157.59 $149.55 $142.81 $155.49 $151.16 $148.12 $147.00 $137.14 $123.03
State Portion $189.51 $209.08 $147.97 $146.87 $142.63 $146.00 $148.39 $147.85 $138.03 $135.21 $123.03
Employee Portion $34.69 $9.62 $9.62 $2.68 $0.18 $9.49 $2.77 $0.27 $8.97 $1.93 $0.00
Bi-Weekly $206.95 $201.88 $145.47 $138.04 $131.82 $143.53 $139.53 $136.73 $135.69 $126.59 $113.56
State Portion $174.93 $193.00 $136.59 $135.57 $131.66 $134.77 $136.97 $136.48 $127.41 $124.81 $113.56
Employee Portion $32.02 $8.88 $8.88 $2.47 $0.16 $8.76 $2.56 $0.25 $8.28 $1.78 $0.00
Subscriber plus 1 Monthly $986.46 $962.28 $693.40 $658.00 $628.36 $684.16 $665.08 $651.73 $646.78 $603.39 $541.31
State Portion $751.39 $853.90 $585.02 $591.87 $575.77 $577.23 $598.24 $597.18 $545.69 $542.75 $496.00
Employee Portion $235.07 $108.38 $108.38 $66.13 $52.59 $106.93 $66.84 $54.55 $101.09 $60.64 $45.31
Semi-Monthly $493.23 $481.14 $346.70 $329.00 $314.18 $342.08 $332.54 $325.87 $323.39 $301.70 $270.66
State Portion $375.69 $426.95 $292.51 $295.93 $287.88 $288.61 $299.12 $298.59 $272.84 $271.38 $248.00
Employee Portion $117.54 $54.19 $54.19 $33.07 $26.30 $53.47 $33.42 $27.28 $50.55 $30.32 $22.66
Bi-Weekly $455.29 $444.13 $320.03 $303.69 $290.01 $315.77 $306.96 $300.80 $298.51 $278.49 $249.84
State Portion $346.80 $394.11 $270.01 $273.17 $265.74 $266.42 $276.11 $275.62 $251.85 $250.50 $228.93
Employee Portion $108.49 $50.02 $50.02 $30.52 $24.27 $49.35 $30.85 $25.18 $46.66 $27.99 $20.91
Family Monthly $1,210.65 $1,180.98 $850.99 $807.54 $771.17 $839.65 $816.24 $799.85 $793.77 $740.53 $664.34
State Portion $931.47 $1,053.08 $723.09 $713.87 $698.83 $713.45 $721.56 $724.82 $674.47 $654.63 $602.02
Employee Portion $279.18 $127.90 $127.90 $93.67 $72.34 $126.20 $94.68 $75.03 $119.30 $85.90 $62.32
Semi-Monthly $605.33 $590.49 $425.50 $403.77 $385.59 $419.83 $408.12 $399.93 $396.89 $370.27 $332.17
State Portion $465.74 $526.54 $361.55 $356.93 $349.42 $356.73 $360.78 $362.41 $337.24 $327.32 $301.01
Employee Portion $139.59 $63.95 $63.95 $46.84 $36.17 $63.10 $47.34 $37.52 $59.65 $42.95 $31.16
Bi-Weekly $558.76 $545.07 $392.76 $372.71 $355.92 $387.53 $376.73 $369.16 $366.36 $341.78 $306.62
State Portion $429.91 $486.04 $333.73 $329.48 $322.53 $329.28 $333.03 $334.53 $311.30 $302.13 $277.86
Employee Portion $128.85 $59.03 $59.03 $43.23 $33.39 $58.25 $43.70 $34.63 $55.06 $39.65 $28.76
FLES Monthly $762.26 $743.58 $535.81 $508.45 $485.55 $528.67 $513.93 $503.61 $499.78 $466.26 $418.29
State Portion $606.45 $695.57 $487.80 $469.86 $455.79 $481.30 $474.92 $472.74 $455.00 $430.87 $392.65
Employee Portion $155.81 $48.01 $48.01 $38.59 $29.76 $47.37 $39.01 $30.87 $44.78 $35.39 $25.64
Semi-Monthly $381.13 $371.79 $267.91 $254.23 $242.78 $264.34 $256.97 $251.81 $249.89 $233.13 $209.15
State Portion $303.22 $347.78 $243.90 $234.93 $227.90 $240.65 $237.46 $236.37 $227.50 $215.43 $196.33
Employee Portion $77.91 $24.01 $24.01 $19.30 $14.88 $23.69 $19.51 $15.44 $22.39 $17.70 $12.82
Bi-Weekly $351.81 $343.19 $247.30 $234.67 $224.10 $244.00 $237.20 $232.44 $230.67 $215.20 $193.06
State Portion $279.90 $321.03 $225.14 $216.86 $210.36 $222.14 $219.20 $218.19 $210.00 $198.87 $181.23
Employee Portion $71.91 $22.16 $22.16 $17.81 $13.74 $21.86 $18.00 $14.25 $20.67 $16.33 $11.83


State Employee Health Insurance
7/1/2002 TO 6/30/2003 RATES
Bi-Weekly Rates Based on 26 Pay Periods
  Dental Plans
Blue Cross Indemnity
A & C A, B & C CIGNA
Individual Monthly $25.48 $32.25 $16.59
State Portion $25.48 $25.48 $16.59
Employee Portion $0.00 $6.77 $0.00
Semi-Monthly $12.74 $16.13 $8.30
State Portion $12.74 $12.74 $8.30
Employee Portion $0.00 $3.39 $0.00
Bi-Weekly $11.76 $14.88 $7.66
State Portion $11.76 $11.76 $7.66
Employee Portion $0.00 $3.12 $0.00
plus 1
Monthly $77.83 $90.47 $36.50
State Portion $62.13 $62.13 $30.53
Employee Portion $15.70 $28.34 $5.97
Semi-Monthly $38.92 $45.24 $18.25
State Portion $31.07 $31.07 $15.27
Employee Portion $7.85 $14.17 $2.98
Bi-Weekly $35.92 $41.76 $16.85
State Portion $28.67 $28.67 $14.09
Employee Portion $7.25 $13.09 $2.76
Family Monthly $77.83 $90.47 $44.79
State Portion $62.13 $62.13 $36.33
Employee Portion $15.70 $28.34 $8.46
Semi-Monthly $38.92 $45.24 $22.40
State Portion $31.07 $31.07 $18.17
Employee Portion $7.85 $14.17 $4.23
Bi-Weekly $35.92 $41.76 $20.67
State Portion $28.67 $28.67 $16.77
Employee Portion $7.25 $13.09 $3.90
FLES Monthly $52.35 $58.22 $28.20
State Portion $44.29 $44.29 $24.72
Employee Portion $8.06 $13.93 $3.48
Semi-Monthly $26.18 $29.11 $14.10
State Portion $22.15 $22.15 $12.36
Employee Portion $4.03 $6.96 $1.74
Bi-Weekly $24.16 $26.88 $13.01
State Portion $20.44 $20.44 $11.41
Employee Portion $3.72 $6.44 $1.60


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