Comprehensive Annual Financial Report Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2002 Basic FINANCIAL STATEMENTS - Notes To Financial Statements - Note 19 - Accounting Changes and Restatements

State of Connecticut

Note 19 Accounting Changes and Restatements

During the fiscal year 2001-2002, the State implemented the following statements issued by the Governmental Accounting Standards Board:

Statement No. 34 Basic Financial Statements - and Management's Discussion and Analysis- for State and Local Governments.

Statement No. 35, Basic Financial Statements - and Management's Discussion and Analysis - for Public Colleges and Universities.

Statement No. 37, Basic Financial Statements - and Management's Discussion and Analysis - for State and Local Governments: Omnibus, and

Statement No. 38, Certain Financial Statement Disclosures.

Statement No. 34, as amended by Statement No. 37, establishes new financial standards for states and local governments. The new standards require significant changes to the content and format of the basic financial statements of the State. Some of these changes are including an introductory managements' discussion and analysis, including new government-wide financial statements, and reporting fund financial statements by major funds, rather than by fund type. The new government-wide financial statements consist of a statement of net assets and a statement of activities that are prepared using the economic resources measurement focus and the accrual basis of accounting. To implement these changes, fund reclassifications and adjustments to the fund equities reported in the prior year financial statements were required.

Statement No. 35 establishes new accounting and financial reporting standards for public colleges and universities within the financial reporting guidelines of Statement No. 34. The State's higher education institutions, reported as an Enterprise fund, adopted the requirements of this statement.

Statement No. 38 requires certain note disclosures when Statement No. 34 is implemented.

The provisions of these new standards have been incorporated into the financial statements and notes. The following schedule summarizes changes to fund equities reported on the combined balance sheet. The changes resulted primarily from implementing Statement No. 34.

Fund GASB Statements Fund
Equity Implementation Other Equity
6-30-01 Prior Prior 6-30-01
Previously Fund Period Period as
Reported Reclass Adjustment Adjustments Restated
Governmental Funds and Activities
Major Funds:
General $ 813,709 $ - $ 6,819 $ - $ 820,528
Debt Service 554,816 77,921 - - 632,737
Transportation-previously reported as a Special Revenue fund - 201,446 745 - 202,191
Non-Major Funds:
Special Revenue Funds:
Transportation 201,446 (201,446) - - -
Housing Programs 164,090 85,622 - - 249,712
Other 81,049 44,245 - 125,294
Unadjusted Special Revenue Funds 460,983 - - - 460,983
Total Special Revenue Funds 907,568 (71,579) - - 835,989
Capital Projects Funds:
State Facilities 19,174 - (56,728) - (37,554)
Others-unadjusted 49,261 - - - 49,261
Total Capital Projects Funds 68,435 - (56,728) - 11,707
Permanent Funds:
Soldiers, Sailors, & Marines - 58,037 - - 58,037
Connecticut Arts Endowment - 13,717 - - 13,717
Other - 18,582 - - 18,582
Total Permanent Funds - 90,336 - - 90,336
Total Non-major Funds 976,003 18,757 (56,728) - 938,032
Total Governmental Funds $ 2,344,528 $ 298,124 $ (49,164) $ - $ 2,593,488
Adoption of GASB 34 -
Capital assets, net of depreciation $ - $ 4,060,881 $ 4,830,102 $ - $ 8,890,983
Net assets of Internal Service Funds - 41,132 - (288) 40,844
Additional Revenues - - 477,359 - 477,359
Long-term Liabilities - (83,932) (14,655,789) - (14,739,721)
Total adoption of GASB 34 - 4,018,081 (9,348,328) (288) (5,330,535)
Total Governmental Funds and Activities $ 2,344,528 $ 4,316,205 $ (9,397,492) $ (288) $ (2,737,047)


Fund GASB Statements Fund
Equity Implementation Other Equity
6-30-01 Prior Prior 6-30-01
Previously Fund Period Period as
Reported Reclass Adjustment Adjustments Restated
Proprietary Funds and Business-Type Activities
Enterprise Funds:
Major Funds:
Higher Education $ - $ 2,646,400 $ (396,576) $ - $ 2,249,824
Bradley International Airport 174,181 - - - 174,181
Connecticut Lottery Corporation 1,943 - - - 1,943
Employment Security - 841,336 11,207 - 852,543
Second Injury - 86,488 (232,539) - (146,051)
Clean Water - 439,312 - - 439,312
Non-Major funds:
Bradley Parking Garage-previously reported as other Enterprise Fund (1,406) - - - (1,406)
Clean Water - 32,603 - - 32,603
Total Non-Major Funds (1,406) 32,603 - - 31,197
Rental Housing 80,616 (79,611) (1,005) - -
John Dempsey 51,108 (51,108) - - -
Other 793 (604) (189) - -
Total Enterprise Funds 307,235 3,914,816 (619,102) - 3,602,949
Internal Service Funds 41,132 (41,132) - - -
Total Proprietary Funds and -
Business-Type Activities $ 348,367 $ 3,873,684 $ (619,102) $ - $ 3,602,949
Fiduciary Funds
Pension and Other Employee
Benefits Trust Funds:
Pension Trusts $ 20,501,820 $ - $ - $ - $ 20,501,820
Retired Teachers' Health Benefits Plan - 17,955 - - 17,955
Police, Firemen Survivors Benefits - 17,792 - - 17,792
Total Pension and Other Employee Benefits Trust Funds 20,501,820 35,747 - - 20,537,567
Investment Trust Fund-External Investment Pool 1,414,080 - - - 1,414,080
Private-Purpose Trust Fund-Escheat Securities - - 66,736 66,736
Funds previously reported as
Expendable Trust Funds 1,007,211 (1,007,211) - - -
Funds previously reported as
Non-Expendable Trust Funds 562,252 (562,252) - - -
Total Fiduciary Funds $ 23,485,363 $ (1,533,716) $ 66,736 $ - $ 22,018,383
Higher Education Funds $ 2,595,292 $ (2,595,292) $ - $ - $ -
Accounts Groups -
General Fixed Assets 4,060,881 (4,060,881) - - -
General Long-Term Debt - - - - -
Total Account Groups 4,060,881 (4,060,881) - - -
Total Primary Government $ 32,834,431 $ - $ (9,949,858) $ (288) $ 22,884,285
Connecticut Development Authority-Component Unit $ 170,762 $ - $ (738) $ - $ 170,024