Comprehensive Annual Financial Report Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2002 Basic FINANCIAL STATEMENTS - Notes To Financial Statements - Note 15 - Changes in General Long-Term Debt

State of Connecticut

Note 15 Changes in General Long-Term Debt

The following is a summary of changes in long-term debt for the year ended June 30, 2002, (amounts in thousands):

Balance Balance Amounts due
Governmental Activities July 1, 2001 Additions Reductions June 30, 2002 within one year
General Obligation $ 7,812,055 $ 1,916,495 $ 1,201,114 $ 8,527,436 $ 677,267
Transportation 3,100,121 821,130 746,348 3,174,903 225,350
10,912,176 2,737,625 1,947,462 11,702,339 902,617
Plus/(Less) premiums, discounts and
deferred amounts - 64,693 1,596 63,097 -
Total Bonds 10,912,176 2,802,318 1,949,058 11,765,436 902,617
Other Liabilities:
Net Pension Obligation 3,011,447 735,504 629,602 3,117,349 -
Compensated Absences 314,015 43,009 15,985 341,039 10,451
Workers' Compensation 326,417 5,845 87,079 245,183 55,344
Capital Leases 75,314 6,989 5,407 76,896 2,334
Claims and Judgments 13,110 - 5,385 7,725 6,212
Total Other Liabilities 3,740,303 791,347 743,458 3,788,192 74,341
Governmental Activities Long-Term
Liabilities $ 14,652,479 $ 3,593,665 $ 2,692,516 $ 15,553,628 $ 976,958
In prior years, the General and Transportation funds have been used to liquidate other liabilities.
Business-Type Activities
Revenue Bonds $ 1,464,120 $ 191,745 $ 151,066 $ 1,504,799 $ 61,980
Plus/(Less) premiums, discounts and
deferred amounts - 7,783 1,708 6,075 -
Total Revenue Bonds 1,464,120 199,528 152,774 1,510,874 61,980
Other Liabilities:
Lottery Prizes 514,182 - 40,299 473,883 64,666
Compensated Absences - - - 80,773 24,421
Other - - - 52,118 17,869
Total Other Liabilities 514,182 - 40,299 606,774 106,956
Business-Type Long-Term Liabilities $ 1,978,302 $ 199,528 $ 193,073 $ 2,117,648 $ 168,936