Comprehensive Annual Financial Report Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2000 GENERAL PURPOSE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS - Combined Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balances

State of Connecticut

Combined Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and
Changes in Fund Balances
Budget and Actual - Non-GAAP Budgetary Basis
General Fund and Budgeted Special Revenue Funds

For the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2000
(Expressed in Thousands)


General Fund Budgeted Special Revenue Funds (Total Memorandum Only)
Budget Actual Variance Budget Actual Variance Budget Actual Variance
Taxes, Net of Refunds. $ 8,292,100 $ 8,272,948 $ (19,152) $ 548,000 $ 547,028 $ (972) $ 8,840,100 $ 8,819,976 $ (20,124)
Operating Transfers In. 337,800 337,785 (15) 196,800 196,770 (30) 534,600 534,555 (45)
Casino Gaming Payments. 319,000 318,986 (14) - - - 319,000 318,986 (14)
Licenses, Permits, and Fees. 122,800 127,544 4,744 314,100 319,433 5,333 436,900 446,977 10,077
Other. 262,400 257,469 (4,931) 105,845 105,126 (719) 368,245 362,595 (5,650)
Federal Grants. 2,078,800 2,078,914 114 3,000 2,974 (26) 2,081,800 2,081,888 88
Operating Transfers Out. (180,000) (180,000) - (2,000) (2,000) - (182,000) (182,000) -
Total Budgeted  11,232,900 11,213,646 (19,254) 1,165,745 1,169,331 3,586 12,398,645 12,382,977 (15,668)
Federal and Other Restricted 1,530,667 937,641 (593,026) 368,981 182,036 (186,945) 1,899,648 1,119,677 (779,971)
Total Revenues 12,763,567 12,151,287 (612,280) 1,534,726 1,351,367 (183,359) 14,298,293 13,502,654 (795,639)
Legislative. 62,597 54,541 8,056 - - - 62,597 54,541 8,056
General Government. 713,432 564,092 149,340 2,333 2,284 49 715,765 566,376 149,389
Regulation and Protection. 231,829 207,001 24,828 142,582 116,983 25,599 374,411 323,984 50,427
Conservation and Development. 95,322 78,155 17,167 677 638 39 95,999 78,793 17,206
Health and Hospitals. 1,034,336 1,005,233 29,103 - - - 1,034,336 1,005,233 29,103
Transportation. 2,219 2,218 1 395,956 330,500 65,456 398,175 332,718 65,457
Human Services. 3,478,427 3,430,561 47,866 3,105 2,883 222 3,481,532 3,433,444 48,088
Education, Libraries, and Museums. 2,750,332 2,637,518 112,814 - - - 2,750,332 2,637,518 112,814
Corrections. 986,957 957,555 29,402 - - - 986,957 957,555 29,402
Judicial. 313,967 309,319 4,648 - - - 313,967 309,319 4,648
Non Functional. 2,018,886 1,954,711 64,175 606,103 571,801 34,302 2,624,989 2,526,512 98,477
Total Budgeted 11,688,304 11,200,904 487,400 1,150,756 1,025,089 125,667 12,839,060 12,225,993 613,067
Federal and Other Restricted 1,530,667 937,641 593,026 368,981 182,036 186,945 1,899,648 1,119,677 779,971
Total Expenditures. 13,218,971 12,138,545 1,080,426 1,519,737 1,207,125 312,612 14,738,708 13,345,670 1,393,038
Appropriations Lapsed. 108,969 - (108,969) 43,909 - (43,909) 152,878 - (152,878)
Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues Over Expenditures. (346,435) 12,742 359,177 58,898 144,242 85,344 (287,537) 156,984 444,521

Other Financing Sources (Uses):

Prior Year Appropriations Carried Forward. 668,195 668,195 - 57,172 57,172 - 725,367 725,367 -
Appropriations Continued to Fiscal Year 2000-2001. - (378,431) (378,431) - (72,700) (72,700) - (451,131) (451,131)
Miscellaneous Adjustments. - (2,071) (2,071) - (1,806) (1,806) - (3,877) (3,877)
Total Other Financing Sources (Uses). 668,195 287,693 (380,502) 57,172 (17,334) (74,506) 725,367 270,359 (455,008)
Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues and Other
Sources Over Expenditures and Other Uses. $ 321,760 300,435

$ (21,325)

$ 116,070


$ 10,838

$ 437,830


$ (10,487)

Budgetary Fund Balances (deficit) - July 1.

1,383,612 402,700 1,786,312
Changes in Reserves. (416,485) (85,072) (501,557)
Budgetary Fund Balances - June 30. $ 1,267,562 $ 444,536 $ 1,712,098

The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements.