Comprehensive Annual Financial Report Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2000 COMBINING FINANCIAL STATEMENTS - Special Revenue Funds - Budget, continued - Part 4 of 4

State of Connecticut

Combining Schedule of Revenues, Expenditures and
Changes in Fund Balances      
Budget and Actual - Non-GAAP Budgetary Basis
Budgeted Special Revenue Funds
For the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2000
(Expressed in Thousands)

Part 4 of 4


Regional Market Soldiers, Sailors, and Marines Total
Budget Actual Variance Budget Actual Variance Budget Actual Variance
Taxes, Net of Refunds $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 548,000 $ 547,028 $ (972)
Operating Transfers In - - - - - - 196,800 196,770 (30)
Licenses, Permits, and Fees - - - - - - 314,100 319,433 5,333
Other 845 917 72 3,400 3,289 (111) 105,845 105,126 (719)
Federal Grants - - - - - - 3,000 2,974 (26)
Operating Transfers Out - - - - - - (2,000) (2,000) -
Total Budgeted 845 917 72 3,400 3,289 (111) 1,165,745 1,169,331 3,586
Federal and Other Restricted - - - - - - 368,981 182,036 (186,945)
Total Revenues 845 917 72 3,400 3,289 (111) 1,534,726 1,351,367 (183,359)
General Government - - - 252 203 49 2,333 2,284 49
Regulation and Protection - - - - - - 142,582 116,983 25,599
Conservation and Development 677 638 39 - - - 677 638 39
Transportation. - - - - - - 395,956 330,500 65,456
Human Services - - - 3,105 2,883 222 3,105 2,883 222
Non Functional 164 162 2 - - - 606,103 571,801 34,302
Total Budgeted 841 800 41 3,357 3,086 271 1,150,756 1,025,089 125,667
Federal and Other Restricted - - - - - - 368,981 182,036 186,945
Total Expenditures 841 800 41 3,357 3,086 271 1,519,737 1,207,125 312,612
Appropriations Lapsed - - - - - - 43,909 - (43,909)
Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues
Over Expenditures 4 117 113 43 203 160 58,898 144,242 85,344
Other Financing Sources (Uses):
Prior Year Appropriations Carried Forward - - - - - - 57,172 57,172 -
Appropriations Continued to Fiscal Year 2000-2001 - - - - - - - (72,700) (72,700)
Miscellaneous Adjustments - - - - (152) (152) - (1,806) (1,806)
Total Other Financing Sources (Uses) - - - - (152) (152) 57,172 (17,334) (74,506)
Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues and Other
Sources Over Expenditures and Other Uses $ 4 117 $ 113 $ 43 51 $ 8 $ 116,070


$ 10,838

Budgetary Fund Balances - July 1

423 49 402,700
Changes in Reserves - - (85,072)
Budgetary Fund Balances - June 30 $ 540 $ 100 $ 444,536