Comprehensive Annual Financial Report Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2000 COMBINING FINANCIAL STATEMENTS - Fiduciary Funds - Combining Statement of Revenues - Expendable Trust Funds

State of Connecticut

Combining Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and
Changes in Fund Balances
Expendable Trust Funds
For The Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2000
(Expressed in Thousands)
Teachers' Health
Benefits Plan
Second Injury
& Compensation
Other Total
Unemployment Taxes $ 361,564 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 361,564
Health Insurance Contributions - - 40,358 - - 40,358
Investment Earnings - 10,474 392 3,137 2,258 16,261
Interest on U.S. Deposits 55,738 - - - - 55,738
Assessments - 148,710 - 81,654 - 230,364
Intergovernmental 8,467 - - - - 8,467
Miscellaneous 179 - - 2,155 1,363 3,697
Total Revenues 425,948 159,184 40,750 86,946 3,621 716,449
General Government - - - 7,801 - 7,801
Regulation and Protection 373,147 - - 59,042 1,688 433,877
Health Insurance Payments - - 37,859 - - 37,859
Debt Service:
Principal Retirement - 175,770 - 30,100 - 205,870
Interest and Fiscal Charges - 23,022 - 10,646 - 33,668
Total Expenditures 373,147 198,792 37,859 107,589 1,688 719,075
Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues
Over Expenditures
52,801 (39,608) 2,891 (20,643) 1,933 (2,626)
Other Financing Sources (Uses):
Proceeds of Bond Anticipation Notes - - - 20,000 - 20,000
Operating Transfers In - 87,000 - - 20,000 107,000
Operating Transfers Out (89,058) (2,918) - - - (91,976)
Total Other Financing Sources (Uses) (89,058) 84,082 - 20,000 20,000 35,024

Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues and Other
Sources Over Expenditures and Other Uses

(36,257) 44,474 2,891 (643) 21,933 32,398
Fund Balances - July 1 878,346 140,199 11,867 48,048 20,396 1,098,856
Fund Balances - June 30 $ 842,089 $ 184,673 $ 14,758 $ 47,405 $ 42,329 $ 1,131,254