Comprehensive Annual Financial Report Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2000 COMBINING FINANCIAL STATEMENTS - Combining Statement of cash flows - Enterprise Funds

State of Connecticut

Combining Statement of Cash Flows
Enterprise Funds
For The Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2000
(Expressed in Thousands)

Other Total
Cash Flows From Operating Activities:
Operating Income (Loss) $ (3,535) $ 10,629 $ (12,875) $ 252,786 $ 64 $ 247,069
Adjustments to Reconcile Operating Income (Loss) to Net Cash
Provided by (Used in) Operating Activities:
Amortization and Depreciation 2 8,863 6,223 945 7 16,040
Provision for Loan Losses 211 - 4,367 120 - 4,698
Interest Expense 5,704 - - - - 5,704
Changes in Assets and Liabilities:
(Increase) Decrease in Receivables 418 10 (2,234) 1,218 209 (379)
(Increase) Decrease in Due From Other Funds - - (1,382) - - (1,382)
(Increase) Decrease in Receivable From Other Governments (219) (203) - - - (422)
(Increase) Decrease in Inventories and Prepaid Items - 1 (561) 455 (5) (110)
Increase (Decrease) in Accounts Payable & Accrued Liabilities - 309 (2,646) 14,743 (14) 12,392
Increase (Decrease) in Due To Other Funds - (6) 698 - 1 693
Collection of Loans 2,263 - - - - 2,263
Miscellaneous Operating Activities - (1,541) (632) 22 20 (2,131)
Net Cash Provided by (Used in) Operating Activities 4,844 18,062 (9,042) 270,289 282 284,435
Cash Flows From Noncapital Financing Activities:
Retirement of Bonds and Notes Payable (10,070) - - (26,515) - (36,585)
Interest on Bonds and Notes Payable (5,627) - - (40,705) - (46,332)
Transfers From Other Funds 10,830 - - - - 10,830
Transfers To Other Funds - - - (253,598) - (253,598)
Net Cash Provided by (Used in) Noncapital Financing Activities (4,867) - - (320,818) - (325,685)
Cash Flows From Capital And Related Financing Activities:
Purchase of Fixed Assets - (23,589) (3,216) (381) (21) (27,207)
Proceeds From Sale of Bonds and Notes - 53,800 - - - 53,800
Retirement of Bonds Payable - (3,480) (120) - - (3,600)
Interest on Bonds and Notes Payable - (6,084) (77) - - (6,161)
Capital Contributions or Grants - 1,333 - - - 1,333
Miscellaneous Capital and Related Financing Activities-Deletions - - (785) - - (785)
Net Cash Provided by (Used in) Capital and Related Financing Activities - 21,980 (4,198) (381) (21) 17,380
Cash Flows From Investing Activities:
Proceeds From Sale of Investment Securities 13,500 - - 68,452 - 81,952
Purchase of Investment Securities. - - (21) (18,826) - (18,847)
Interest and Income on Investments 5,131 3,435 624 1,330 - 10,520
Net Cash Provided by (Used in) Investing Activities 18,631 3,435 603 50,956 - 73,625
Increase (Decrease) in Cash 18,608 43,477 (12,637) 46 261 49,755
Cash and Cash Equivalents, July 1 2,575 76,429 19,800 23,931 556 123,291
Cash and Cash Equivalents, June 30 $ 21,183 $ 119,906 $ 7,163 $ 23,977 $ 817 $ 173,046