Comprehensive Annual Financial Report Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2000 GENERAL PURPOSE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS -

State of Connecticut

Combining Balance Sheet
Component Units
June 30, 2000
(Expressed in Thousands)
Connecticut Connecticut
Higher Education

Health &
Capital City
Connecticut Finance Resources Supplemental Educational Connecticut Economic
Development Authority Recovery Loan Facilities Innovations, Development
Authority (12-31-99) Authority Authority Authority Incorporated Authority Total
Cash and Cash Equivalents $ 51,004 $ 171,973 $ 57,140 $ 4,651 $ 8,570 $ 56,305 $ 2,309 $ 351,952
Other 14,167 383,365 - 15,868 6,472 114,631 - 534,503
Accounts, Net of Allowances - - 13,808 - 245 833 897 15,783
Loans, Net of Allowances 125,392 2,879,990 - 80,382 - - - 3,085,764
Interest 1,171 25,828 15,990 888 105 - - 43,982
Notes Receivable - - - - 792 - - 792
Due From Primary Government 18,796 - - - - 8 - 18,804
Inventories and Prepaid Items 1,266 - - - 29 - - 1,295
Restricted Assets 50,872 296,668 75,936 10,799 425,964 - - 860,239
Property, Plant & Equipment 19,988 2,734 202,501 - 137 176 34 225,570
Other Assets 4,052 29,662 13,312 1,464 - - - 48,490
Total Assets $ 286,708 $ 3,790,220 $ 378,687 $ 114,052 $ 442,314 $ 171,953 $ 3,240 $ 5,187,174
Liabilities and Equity:
Accounts Payable and Accrued Liabilities $ 8,356 $ 28,830 $ 23,946 $ 1,327 $ 2,610 $ 8,715 $ 2,595 $ 76,379
Due To Primary Government - - - - 44,915 - - 44,915
Deferred Revenue 3,041 - - 2,825 - - - 5,866
Escrow Deposits - 117,018 - - - - - 117,018
Revenue Bonds 106,111 3,128,399 263,760 107,690 7,105 - - 3,613,065
Liability for Landfill Closure Costs - - 24,992 - - - - 24,992
Amount Held for Institutions - - - - 371,499 - - 371,499
Total Liabilities 117,508 3,274,247 312,698 111,842 426,129 8,715 2,595 4,253,734
Contributed Capital 162,840 - 1,713 - - 85,569 - 250,122
Retained Earnings:
Reserved for Housing Financing - 514,693 - - - - - 514,693
Reserved for Resources Recovery - - 19,263 - - - - 19,263
Unreserved 6,360 1,280 45,013 2,210 16,185 77,669 645 149,362
Total Retained Earnings 6,360 515,973 64,276 2,210 16,185 77,669 645 683,318
Total Equity 169,200 515,973 65,989 2,210 16,185 163,238 645 933,440
Total Liabilities and Equity. $ 286,708 $ 3,790,220 $ 378,687 $ 114,052 $ 442,314 $ 171,953 $ 3,240 $ 5,187,174