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Minutes of the September 9, 2014 Meeting
TRUSTEES PRESENT: Michael Carey, Charles Casella, Robert Coffey, Laila Mandour
OTHERS PRESENT: Brenda Halpin, Director - Retirement Services Division, Kishore Solanki, Assistant Division Director, Kim McAdam, Retirement Systems Coordinator, Jean Reid, Accounting Specialist, Amy Schwarzkopf, Retirement Services Division, Tom Woron, Retirement and Benefits Officer, Michael Quintiliano
The meeting began at approximately 2:35 p.m.
Requests for Waiver of Overpayments
Edward Creaturo (SERS) - member - Overpayment due to receipt of Social
Security Disability
Action: Mr. Carey moved, Ms. Mandour seconded to recommend denial of the waiver. All voted in favor. Unanimous decision.
Christopher Dingwell - (SERS) - member - Overpayment due to administrative error
Action: Mr. Carey moved, Ms. Mandour seconded to recommend tabling of the item until the next meeting to determine the status of the Workers' Compensation settlement. All voted in favor. Unanimous decision.
Rutledge Etheridge - (SERS) - member - Overpayment due to receipt of Social Security
Action: Ms. Mandour moved, Mr. Coffey seconded to recommend denial of the waiver. All voted in favor. Unanimous decision.
Brian Labbie - (SERS) - member - Overpayment due to receipt of Social Security
Action: Mr. Carey moved, Ms. Mandour seconded to recommend denial of the waiver. All voted in favor. Unanimous decision.
Charisse Lewis-Williams - (SERS) - member - Overpayment due to receipt of Social Security Disability
Action: Mr. Carey moved, Mr. Coeffey seconded to recommend denial of the waiver. All voted in favor. Unanimous decision.
Nancy Oquendo - (CMERS) - member - Failure to report her return to work for the same municipality
Action: Ms. Mandour moved, Mr. Coffey seconded to recommend denial of the waiver. All voted in favor. Unanimous decision.
Craig Pawloski - (SERS) - member - Overpayment due to receipt of Social Security Disability
Action: Ms. Mandour moved, Mr. Casella seconded to recommend denial of the waiver. All voted in favor. Unanimous decision.
Miguel Pena - (SERS) - member - Overpayment due to administrative error
Action: Ms. Mandour moved, Mr. Carey seconded to recommend denial of the
waiver. A friendly amendment was made by Mr. Casella to request a 60 month
payment plan the same number of payments as the number of years the
administrative error occurred.
All voted in favor. Unanimous decision.
Michael Quintiliano - (CMERS) - member - Request for reconsideration returned to the Subcommittee from the full Commission at the July 17, 2014 meeting for additional information.
Action: Mr. Carey moved, Mr. Coffey seconded to recommend denial of the waiver and that the minutes of the December 4, 2013 Regulations and Overpayment Subcommittee be amended to reflect that the request was denied. All voted in favor. Unanimous decision.
Accounts Receivable Report - CMERS - for discussion only.
Accounts Receivable Report - SERS - for discussion only.
Old Business - none
The meeting adjourned at approximately 5:55 p.m.
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