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November 3, 2010
Robert Baus
Charles Casella
Claude Poulin
Richard Cosgrove
Jeanne Kopek, Acting Director,
Retirement Services Division
Tom Cavanaugh, Cavanaugh Macdonald Consulting, LLC
Ed Koebel, Cavanaugh Macdonald Consulting, LLC
The meeting began at about 2:15 p.m. Tom Cavanaugh and Ed Koebel appeared to
present the draft results of the June 30, 2010 State Employees Retirement System
(SERS) and Judges, Family Support Magistrates and Compensation Commissioners
Retirement System (JFSMCCRS) actuarial valuations.
Ed began by discussing the transition of SERS processing from the Commission's
former actuarial firm, Milliman USA. Cavanaugh Macdonald Consulting, LLC (CavMac)
found Milliman's methods for the 2008 actuarial valuation to be very reasonable.
CavMac results reflected a slightly lower unfunded actuarial accrued liability
and normal cost. Slight differences can be attributed to differences in
computer systems and processing methods. CavMac did however find that
Milliman appeared to have a high liability for death and disability for Tier IIA
actives possibly in connection with the $100,000 death benefit. Some
discussion of the funding for this benefit occurred. In connection with
the transition for JFSMCCRS, CavMac results reflected slightly higher annual
payroll and actuarial accrued liability and a lower total contribution rate.
Ed went over the SERS census results for 2010. As expected due to the 2009
RIP, active membership is down and the number of retired members is up.
Active payroll numbers are down about 65; average pay increased by .1 percent
while annual benefit amounts went way up. The actuarial accrued liability
went down for actives but was up for retired, beneficiaries and deferred vested
members and the resulting total was close to that projected by Milliman.
The employer normal cost and rate went down. The market value of
assets reflected an estimated rate of return of 11.56%. The actuarial
value of assets was arrived at by making adjustments back to 2005 to reflect the
change in the method of developing the actuarial value of assets approved for
use in connection with SERS and JFSMCCRS at the May meeting during the review of
the Probate Judges and Employees Retirement System (PJERS) actuarial valuation
results. Discussion of the effect of the Longley decision on the valuation
was discussed and it was determined that the report does reflect the retroactive
application of Longley to the extent that the benefits for some retirees prior
to Longley have been adjusted. The annual required contribution results
reflect the SEBAC agreements; the system funding policy is a decreasing
amortization since 1991 set thru negotiations.
The JFSMCCRS valuation reflects a drop in the number of active members and
increase in retirees. Annual payroll numbers decreased while annual
benefit amounts rose. And the actuarial accrued liability decreased
for actives and rose for retired, beneficiaries and deferred active members.
The estimated rate of return on market value of assets was 13.42%. The
actuarial value of assets for JFSMCCRS was also arrived at using the revised
method used for SERS and PJERS.
At the subcommittee's request, Tom addressed the Governmental Accounting
Standards Board (GASB) Preliminary Views on major issues related to Pension
Accounting and Financial Reporting by Employers (PV). GASB's schedule is
to produce a draft statement in June 2011 and a final statement in June 2012.
Tom expects that the effective date of the final statement could be even farther
out. The PV will require businesses to put the UAL versus the MVA on their
balance sheet; any change in retirement liability would be recognized
immediately with no amortization; actuarial liability would be reflected over
the average working lifetime; market return on assets would be outside 15%
corridor and any amount above 15% would be expensed immediately. Tom
advised that he was not sure how it would be determined when pensions would run
out if money. Tom explained that the PV addresses how an employer accounts
for pension costs and is not intended for funding. New methods will be
more difficult for multi-employer plans such as MERS.
The recent SEBAC ARP Grievance Award was discussed. Ms. Yelmini requested
that Tom advise the Division of CavMac's availability to meet to discuss the
charts created for the calculation of the full actuarial cost for ARP members to
purchase credit in SERS for past service. Ms. Yelmini explained that one
of their concerns was the ability to refund contributions made by ARP members
should such member become deceased before reaching eligibility for receipt of a
SERS pension. The procedures currently used for purchases of service and
refunds in SERS were discussed. Tom will advise the Acting Director of
CavMac's availability.
Mr. Baus moved, seconded by Mr. Poulin that CavMac prepare the final reports for
the actuarial valuation of SERS and JFSMCCRS as adjusted for presentation at the
November 18, 2010 meeting of the Retirement Commission. All members were
in favor of the motion.
The meeting adjourned at about 4:15 p.m.
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