Kevin Lembo
State Comptroller |
06106-1775 |
Martha Carlson
Deputy Comptroller |
June 26, 2012
To: |
The Honorable Reuben F. Bradford, Commissioner |
Department of Emergency Services and Public Protection |
1111 Country Club Road |
Middletown, Connecticut 06457 |
Subject: |
Connecticut State Employees Association (NP-9) Contract January 1, 2012
through June 30, 2016 |
- Collective bargaining agreement between the Connecticut State Employees
Association and the State of Connecticut effective January 1, 2012 through
June 30, 2016
II. HOURS OF WORK (Article 14)
- Bargaining unit members will work a five day on, two day off, four day on, three day off schedule with the work days generally falling on Monday through Friday on the day shift.
- The regular work day will be nine hours or nine and one-one-quarter hours with one-half hour at the beginning of the day and the end of the day for travel to and from work. Bargaining unit employees will average forty hours a week of work over an eight week period.
- Bargaining unit members will not be entitled to any overtime pay and may only earn Compensatory Time as provided for in a separate Article under this agreement.
- All bargaining unit members will be deemed to be exempt from overtime payments. See contract for details.
- Effective first day of pay period following January 1, 2012:
Step |
Class |
Years in Grade |
Total Annual |
1 |
Lieutenant |
0-3 as Lieutenant |
$113,600 |
2 |
Lieutenant |
3-5 as Lieutenant |
$117,600 |
3 |
Lieutenant |
5+ as Lieutenant |
$121,600 |
1 |
Captain |
0-3 as Captain |
$128,000 |
2 |
Captain |
3-5 as Captain |
$132,000 |
3 |
Captain |
5+ as Captain |
$136,000 |
- Movement to the next step which is based on years in grade or rank will take place the first day of the pay period following the date the individual officer reaches the time in grade based
on his or her own date of appointment anniversary as either a Lieutenant or Captain.
- Effective with the first pay period after July 1, 2014:
a. 3% General Wage Increase
b. 2% Lump sum to Lieutenants and Captains calculated on the annual salary.
- Effective with the first pay period after July 1, 2015:
a. 3% General Wage Increase
b. 2% Lump sum to Lieutenants and Captains calculated on the annual salary.
- Tuition reimbursement is for up to nine credits per semester. The reimbursement rate will be
100% for tuition and lab fees for credits at a community college and up to 85% of the per credit rate at the University of Connecticut for any undergraduate and/or graduate credits.
- The State will allocate for tuition reimbursement the following:
$5,000 |
2012-2013 |
2013-2014 |
$5,000 |
2014-2015 |
$5,000 |
2015-2016 |
$5,000 |
- If funds in any year are not sufficient, distribution to eligible employees will be on an equal pro rata basis. Funds will carry over from contract year to contract year but the funds will expire upon the termination of the contract.
- A full time permanent employee who is a member of the armed forces of the State or any reserve component of the armed forces of the United States will be entitled to military leave with pay for required field training, provided such leave does not exceed two (2) calendar weeks in a year. Additionally, any such employee who is ordered to active duty as a result of an unscheduled emergency (natural disaster or civil disorder) will be entitled to military leave with pay not to exceed thirty (30) calendar days in a calendar year. During such leave the employee's position will be held, and the employee will be credited with such time for seniority purposes.
- The vacation leave accrual schedule will be as follows:
0-10 years of state service |
15 days |
11 years |
16 days |
12 years |
17 days |
13 years |
18 days |
14 years |
19 days |
15+ years |
20 days |
- Vacation leave beyond 15 days is awarded each January 1st for the coming year. This means the employee is entitled to one additional vacation day beginning with January 1
of the year following the time she/he obtains 11 years of creditable service for the purpose of vacation accrual. The maximum accrual will be 120 days.
- Employees promoted into the bargaining unit after January 1, 2012, the following vacation leave will apply:
0-5 years |
1 day per month |
over 5 years and under 20 |
1-1/4 days per month |
over 20 |
1-2/3 days per month |
- The maximum accrual will be 60 days for such employees.
VIII. LONGEVITY (Article 33)
- The uncapped longevity methodology in SEBAC 2011 will apply. Service levels frozen for the
same period as other uncapped bargaining units (rip van winkle) as well as other eligibility
provisions. Payments are to be made semiannually in April and October. No employee hired
after July 1, 2011 will be eligible for a longevity payment in this bargaining unit. See contract
for details.
- For employees in the bargaining unit who were lieutenants and captains as of January 1, 2012,
the maximum accumulation of vacation leave will be 120 days. For any employee entering the
bargaining unit after January 1, 2012, the maximum accrual will be 60 days.
- In addition to annual vacation, each full-time employee who has completed six months of
continuous service will be granted 3 days of personal leave with pay in each calendar year.
Personal leave will be for the purpose of conducting private affairs, including the observation
of religious holidays, and will not be deducted from vacation time, sick leave credits or any
other leave time. Personal leave not taken in a calendar year will not be accumulated.
X. HOLIDAYS (Article 36)
- Holidays are as follows:
New Year's Day |
Good Friday |
Columbus Day |
Martin Luther King, Jr. Day |
Memorial Day |
Veteran's Day |
Lincoln's Birthday |
Independence Day |
Thanksgiving Day |
Washington's Birthday |
Labor Day |
Christmas Day |
- The holidays will be celebrated on days as determined annually by the Department of
Administrative Services. Each employee whose job does not require him to work on a
holiday will ordinarily receive the holiday off and will receive his regular week's pay for
the week in which the holiday falls. When such employee is scheduled or called in to work on
a holiday, he will receive compensatory time for the hours worked on the holiday in
addition to the holiday pay for the days.
XI. SICK LEAVE (Article 37)
- Each full-time eligible employee will accrue one and one-quarter (1 1/4) days sick leave per
completed calendar month of continuous service in accordance with existing practice.
Eligible employees will have unlimited year-to-year accrual of sick leave.
- There will be an emergency sick leave bank to be used by full-time permanent employees.
See contract for details.
- The fund has been established through contributions of hours from both the State and
employees. Effective on the first day of the payroll period following legislative approval of
this contract, each full-time employee employed for two (2) or more years will contribute
nine (9) hours toward the sick leave bank. Said contribution will be deducted from their
individual sick leave balance on such date. Effective that same date, the Employer will
contribute an additional 300 hours to the fund. Nine (9) hours will be deducted from the sick
leave balance of any full time employee who has not made the above contribution when they
become a member of this bargaining unit.
- Payments will be separately identified and subject to mandatory deductions only; i.e.,
federal withholding tax and state income tax annualized, social security tax, retirement
contributions, and garnishments (if applicable).
Effective Date |
Period Covered |
Check Date |
January 13, 2012 |
01/13/2012 - 05/17/2012 |
06/01/2012 |
A. General Wage Increase
Effective Date |
Pay Period |
Check Date |
July 11, 2014 |
07/11/2014 - 07/24/2014 |
08/08/2014 |
July 10, 2015 |
07/10/2015 - 07/23/2015 |
08/07/2015 |
B. Lump Sum Payments
- Lump sum payments will be entered centrally at the proper time as follows:
Effective Date |
Pay Period |
Check Date |
July 11, 2014 |
07/11/2014 - 07/24/2014 |
08/08/2014 |
July 10, 2015 |
07/10/2015 - 07/23/2015 |
08/07/2015 |
- Implementation of General Wage Increases
New pay plans will be implemented centrally with the new hourly rate and bi-weekly
salary effective with the pay period, at the proper time.
- Payment of Lump Sum(s)
On the Timesheet Page: Amount; Time Reporting Code XMISA
On the Additional Pay Page: Amount; Earnings Code MIS
- These lump sum payments are subject to mandatory deductions; i.e., federal withholding and
state income tax annualized, social security tax, retirement contributions, and garnishments
(if applicable).
- Questions may be directed as follows:
- Contract Interpretation: Agency Human Resources Officers;
- Memorandum Interpretation: Office of the State Comptroller, Budget and Financial
Analysis Division, (860) 702-3440;
- Payroll Procedures: Office of the State Comptroller, Payroll Services Division,
(860) 702-3447;
- Tuition Reimbursement: Office of the State Comptroller, Management Services
Division, (860) 702-3334.
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